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The Snow Arena


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*sypron commits suicide in the current space time continueum, suddenly reappearing in the 82nd and 17/136th dimension. here everyones face has been printed on a punching bag and nothing is what it seems. sypron pulls out some boxing gloves and starts to work on anihilating sogenda's grotch, while dancing on the roof with a duck with joysticks for arms.*

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Liking the change over to monty python style Chaos pulls out the holy hand grenade and gospel of Monty Python and reads from the anchient text.


"And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."




Chaos pulls out the pin and counts.


"one... two... five...... i mean three."


and loobs the grenade threw a demensional time warp to sypron. He goes to sleep and enjoys the fireworks from the 82nd and 17/136th dimensions.

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ahh, my folish friend, the continuem portal has already collapesed, thus making it inter demiensional gate way, to itself! while your gazing a the fireworks, supposably coming from the time rift, the granade spat itself back out, and landed at your feet. you have three seconds too reapond until it implodes.














oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, i say to sound effects that you can make, not I.

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Chaosmakers body parts are spread all across the artic world.


With his heart stoped the "Clonomatic 3000 Mark II Version 3.754.8 Model T" (Patent Pending) spits out a new and improved chaosmaker.


"Hello guy's I'm Back..."

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Malchik clone 88b beta version improved, patent pending, appears with cocktails and offers them to everyone present, past and future in whatever physical state of completion, separation, composition or decomposition they are.


"These will do you good. Three parts gin, three parts methylated spirits, two parts lighter fuel and one part liquid shoe polish. Guaranteed to make the world a brighter place."


Leaving the tray of cocktails on what appears to be a piece of ground the clone vanishes into Oblivion (not yet released).

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beyond the walls of the igloo, in a cave far, far to the north that you are no longer thaveling north, but insted traveling to the south. in this cave the argonian war lord Ral'Maager awaits the arival of his master sypronicus. spyronicus enters the room and ask ral'maager of a simple quest - hunt down and capture the frost queen. Ral'maager listens to the detail then leaves the cave and heads south, whilst realy heading north. on arival at the igloo he hires a room and waits for information, or noble hunters wanting a challenge. (this means i'll take people to help me hunt the frost queen)


I'm just trying to get something to happen aroud this. FREE PAN GALACTIC GARGLE BLASTERS TO THOSE WHO HELP ME!

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