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The Snow Arena


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Sighing in annoyance at the foolish mortal who dares defile his sacred realm, Peregrine re-forms in the mortal world. Ahh, perfect... he thinks as he shoulders the SR-4550 railgun and locks in a fresh round. Over ten miles away, his target is completely unaware of the crosshairs settling on his head. With one last thought of annoyance, Peregrine pulls the trigger.



The 20mm ice slug rips into Oblivion234's head at a full third of lightspeed, instantly reducing it to a spray of vaporized bone and tissue. Within a fraction of a second, the rest of his body joins the head as the shockwave slams into it. But now the slug has fragmented, losing very little of its kinetic energy in the process, but transforming into a shotgun spread of deadly hail. Oblivion234's body has barely begun to explode when the shards reach the ice-pig army. The dense ranks of animal-soldiers do just as little to slow the ice shards, but make an impressive display of bloody explosions. Driven with unbelievable force, bone fragments from one ice-pig smash into the adjacent beasts, giving them a slightly slower (though no less fatal) death. But none survive long enough to feel the pain of their wounds, as the shock wave reaches them too, vaporising the field of bodies.



All of this of course happens faster than any mortal mind can percieve. To a nearby observer, there would be only a sudden blinding bolt of lighting, and a deafening crash. And then nothing, only a shattered landscape and a quickly fading memory.



Satisfied with the execution, Peregrine departs the mortal world again.

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Malchik Clone whatever evaporates into the ether leaving only a bottle of vodka behind.


Malchik clone 76trombones appears and gives Adras his snowball back with a polite smile and offer him a free ticket to the land of Nod.


Ah, Nod. A land where there is no crime, no violence, no lawyers just millions of happy people. They are all asleep of course.

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Adras acceps the snowball, but politely declines the ticket to the land of Nod. He does however pull out his bottle of wine and offers some to Malchik. Along with the wine, Adras pulled out some snack crackers and started munching happily on them.
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  • 1 month later...
Adras acceps the snowball, but politely declines the ticket to the land of Nod. He does however pull out his bottle of wine and offers some to Malchik. Along with the wine, Adras pulled out some snack crackers and started munching happily on them.

Fitzey steals the crackers and flys away

He also rains cheese on non-believers




Mhuhahahahaha he shouts

As he sleeps in his ice tower unknowing he left the heater on

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  • 4 months later...

Out of the mist arrives SUPER FLY he observes the fallen warriors and smilies and giggles to himself then dies. But in his death comes thousands of replicas of the fallen fly.


Who dares appose the army of the FLY!!!!!

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The snowball falls far short, as Abramul isn't actually in the Snow Arena. SkoomaCat, formerly PsychoKitten ("for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?"), waking up after years of hibernation, notices that there's someone on the surface 10 feet above him. He casts a low-yield fireball, melting the snow. As olohuvoP sinks, he swims to the surface. He barely gets out before the meltwater freezes again, temporarily trapping olohuvoP in a giant ice-cube.
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