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The Snow Arena


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... but Ninja's rant was cut off as the puck, from a slap shot by Marcus, lodged in his gob. Staggering, clutching his face, fighting for breath, Ninja staggered towards his imminent demise: the Portable Hole , DDD gauge.


The Old One fought to keep from wetting himself as the mirth consumed him. Nothing worse than wet mukluks when the temperature is below freezing. Unless, of course, it is disappearing down a Portable Hole, DDD gauge, in mid rant....

OOC: Yeah...um...do you know what narration is? I was narrating. The character, Ninja, is safe in his fortress. Also, it wasn't Ninja who broke you, that was the Great Old One, Himself, Cthulhu. You chose a bad name; no one can take Cthulhu's name.



IC: Unfortunately for chesto, his hallucinations are just that: hallucinations.

While Ninja is distracted scolding Chesto, Jojo_man manages to get close enough to slam a rusty bear-trap shut on his leg. Reeling from pain, Ninja turns and solidly cuffs Jojo across the jaw. But Jojo is far from beaten, recovering from the staggering blow, he manages to unleash a torrent of throwing knives at the black-garbed warrior, hoping that he can keep him off balance long enough to let the blood-loss take its deadly toll...

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While Ninja is distracted scolding Chesto, Jojo_man manages to get close enough to slam a rusty bear-trap shut on his leg. Reeling from pain, Ninja turns and solidly cuffs Jojo across the jaw. But Jojo is far from beaten, recovering from the staggering blow, he manages to unleash a torrent of throwing knives at the black-garbed warrior, hoping that he can keep him off balance long enough to let the blood-loss take its deadly toll...


While jojo man is throwing knives at Ninja Lord, he knows that becasue of Ninjas super fast reflexes, jojo man is certain to be destroyed. He knocks jojo man out of the way just as a giant slush ball comes his way, saving his life in the process.

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Ninja watches everyone fight phantoms of their imagination from his throne in the Ice Fortress. "What's with all these crazies, lately?" he wonders aloud. Ninja then pushes a few more buttons on his Ninja Control Panel.


Suddenly, the snow near jojo man begins rising, forming a hill, small at first but steadily growing. When the hill is fully six times his height, the top bursts open like a volcano and millions of rabid snow bunnies pour out and attack everything in sight.

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Ninjas plan is cunning, but he fails to realize that Jojo lives in Kentucky!!! Using his Hillbilly-Hunting skills Jojo is more than a match for any mere beast!!
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Falling back before the onslaught Ninjas ferocious rabbit allies, Jojo dives in a lake and swims to his remote island stronghold. Waiting, and planning for the right moment to strike...
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The bunnies charge after jojo and jump into the water. However, the lake is filled with rabid snow bunny eating turtles of chocolaty goodness.


Back in his Fortress of Doom and Cookies but Mostly Doom, Ninja decides a new tactic. He sends his rabid snow bunny eating turtles of chocolaty goodness eating doom snakes of high cholesterol to invade the lake and eat all the rabid snow bunny eating turtles of chocolaty goodness. Ninja then leaves, assuming everything goes as planned, to inspect the construction of his Giant Death Laser of Mass Destruction.

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Little does Ninja suspect that jojo had a carefully laid trap in his retreat that didn't work exactly as intended, yet still managed to foil his sinister turtle consuming plot. Upon seeing the release of the turtle eating snakes, jojo electrified the lake and boiled them all on the spot! But Jojo must return to his coniving schemes, for this trap had been intended for the Ninja himself...
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... regarding the frantic expenditure of energy and verbiage whirling around his Shaman head, the Old One finally surrenders in his battle with his mirth. And lo, his mukluks were truly wetted. And froze solid, verily.


'This is a situation I am not unfamiliar with ', he reminds himself. 'Ahhh, the continuity of mirthful incontinence'.


The Old One, content within himself as to the humility of his honourable title, waits... for his mukluks to thaw themselves and regain their purpose of stealthy mobility. And pulls yet another Portable Hole, DDD gauge, out of his camouflaged parka...

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...only to have it kicked out of his hands by Marcus Wolfe.


The mighty Canuck had tunneled stealthily beneath the snow and burst up with a powerful kick.


The Old One trembled before the tall, long haired man wearing rough jeans, Dock Martins, a huge wolfy belt buckle and a lumberjacket.

(for those of you who don't know, that's a lumberjack's jacket)

(Yes, that is what I actually wear/look like. Minus the lumberjacket)


Then he spoke: "For the last time, it's 'Eh' not 'Ey' and you only use it where an American would use 'Huh'! Learn your dialects, n00b!"


Flexing his giant muscles, he picked up the tiny old man and threw him like a javelin at the moon


<For next 5 posts, The Old One shall be figuring out how to get off the moon>


Then he pulled out his hatchet and looked for the next fool who would fight him.

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