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The Snow Arena


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Looking down on all the carnage, the Old One could only shake his head...which was already shaking, naturally.


All of that anger. All of that grief. All those flaming ( a dire Shaman naughty word ) people!


The Old One basked in his new found contentment with his Moon of Papery Substance. Though the damp patches, which appeared as if by magic, puckering the fragile surface, were a small, but growing, cause for concern.


He knew that he must strive mightyley...mightally...mighto... oh who would correct his spelling now that the SpellMeister was no more?...with more might to fight for control of the mirth which always threatened to consume him... and any adjacent article of clothing he might be wearing.


The Old One tore off a small strip of Moon, tore the strip in two, balled the strips up into tight little balls, was overcome with exhaustion, had a nap, then woke up, brewed some Shaman Tea, drank the Shaman Tea, had some Visions which were completely irrelevent to the task at hand, but diverting nonetheless, pulled his parka up over his legs and his leggings over his head and shoulders, his socks over his hands , picked up the two paper balls and inserted them into his still ringing ears. With difficulty.


'Ahhhhh... that's better'.


The Old One gave a start.


'What the hey ( another vile Shaman naughty word ) am I doing up HERE!?'.

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I don't have any personal dislike of anyone on this forum. And I don't hate Ninja, but I had enough disrespect from him! I can't stand his attacks against me anymore! I didn't feel safe with him after his PM, because I know he will attack me at any time I make a post! It's considered for me a threat from Ninja. Who are you to say spamming/flaming/trolling is not an option to ban someone? The mods and admins keep this forum safe. THAT's why it must be an option for mods and admins to take measures. I know it's painful to see him go, but I can't stand his behavior towards me, and anyone who tries to take anger on me, I'll get more than serious. Now back off!


Marcus Wolfe, if you think you can obviously defend Ninja_Lord666, you can't. He got banned, because I asked him a long time ago to stop arguing and trolling me, but he chose to continue, so I had to report him. I've taken his post seriously. He takes a personal dislike against me, and I will not have people flaming me because of it! I do not deserve crap from anybody just because Ninja has problems with me! I know what he said, and I know what me meant! He tried to push me off the arena, then I already killed him in the arena, he got resurrected, and summoned the ice fortress. Then at a newbie thread, he was trying to spoil my fun. You try to argue with me outside this thread, and you will be reported, Wolfe. I'm not playing around. I reported him for attacking me, Buddah dealt with him, end of story....


Slyther gets pissed off, and flys up to Wolfe's Bombardier with ultimate vengeance, rips the plane's engines apart, then the plane crash landed, then Slyther flew to the wreckage. Little does Wolfe understand he is messing with a Godly character, Slyther uses psonic pull to drag him towards him, then Slyther grabbed Wolfe and threw him hard down on the ground with a deep impact. Wolfe is fatally wounded. Slyther goes berserk and punches Wolfe over and over on the ground, messing Wolfe up good, then uses the chainsaw gun from Gears of War to rip Wolfe in half. Wolfe is now dead. Then Slyther went back to Earth, as I try to provide another character for this arena due to my main character's will to never die, never be banished, never be destroyed.....

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The mighty Canuck, relieved that he had disabled whatever trap the old man had set up for him, happily swung his chainsaw over his shoulder and looked around, deciding what he should do next.


Attack Ninja?


No, he was far too devious.


The old man?


No, not even Marcus could jump to the moon.




Yes, he was busy planning against ninja and would not see him coming.....


But first things first: He had to set up his own fort.

So then...the devious Mr. Wolfe would attack me eh? Muttered Jojo to himself. Little did Marcus realize however that Ninjas recent ban had given jojo the opportunity direct his attention to other places and so he was aware of Wolfes ill concieved attack. Deciding to thwart the fiend before his plans could come to fruition, jojo armed the nuclear warhead delivery systems on the orbital satelite that he had purchased from Lord Slyther. "So he believes himself safe in his newly constructed fortress?" said jojo, a cruel smile playing across his lips. "I think I'll give him a 60 megaton knock on the door!!!!" He cried triumphantly(sp?) as he watched the fortress being atomized.

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So then...the devious Mr. Wolfe would attack me eh? Muttered Jojo to himself. Little did Marcus realize however that Ninjas recent ban had given jojo the opportunity direct his attention to other places and so he was aware of Wolfes ill concieved attack. Deciding to thwart the fiend before his plans could come to fruition, jojo armed the nuclear warhead delivery systems on the orbital satelite that he had purchased from Lord Slyther. "So he believes himself safe in his newly constructed fortress?" said jojo, a cruel smile playing across his lips. "I think I'll give him a 60 megaton knock on the door!!!!" He cried triumphantly(sp?) as he watched the fortress being atomized.


"I already splattered him with the chainsaw gun. So you're pretty much gonna kill all his guards in his fortress. That's all there is in his fort, really." Slyther communicated with Jojo Man on radio...

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"I already splattered him with the chainsaw gun. So you're pretty much gonna kill all his guards in his fortress. That's all there is in his fort, really." Slyther communicated with Jojo Man on radio...

"#*%$!&" said jojo. "You stole my kill!!! :P "

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"I already splattered him with the chainsaw gun. So you're pretty much gonna kill all his guards in his fortress. That's all there is in his fort, really." Slyther communicated with Jojo Man on radio...

"#*%$!&" said jojo. "You stole my kill!!! :P "


"Well he asked for it. And I unleashed my wrath and fury upon him, so I'll resurrect him right now, and I'll let you beat him all you want. ;) " said Slyther in the radio.

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"I already splattered him with the chainsaw gun. So you're pretty much gonna kill all his guards in his fortress. That's all there is in his fort, really." Slyther communicated with Jojo Man on radio...

"#*%$!&" said jojo. "You stole my kill!!! :P "


"Well he asked for it. And I unleashed my wrath and fury upon him, so I'll resurrect him right now, and I'll let you beat him all you want. ;) " said Slyther in the radio.

"Thanks for that!" Jojo said. Now that Marcus was back Jojo decided to have his vengance at last. "There's no kill like over kill!!!" he exclaimed as he fired another missle.

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"Thanks for that!" Jojo said. Now that Marcus was back Jojo decided to have his vengance at last. "There's no kill like over kill!!!" he exclaimed as he fired another missle.


U.S.F. marines were sent in from the Longsword carrier in the sky and began to ally with Jojo Man and started marching to Marcus Wolfe's fortress.....


"Bridge to Jojo Man, we have a visual sight on the fortress. Target acquired. We're ready to open fire." said the shipmaster from the Longsword of Judgment as the ship began flying over the fortress, and began firing it's 50mm plasma cannons at the fortress....

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Marcus lay on his back, staring up at the sky.


What could save him now?


His plane had been shredded to many small pieces. His fortress was completely destroyed.


What could save him now?


His sad attempt at avenging Ninja had failed miserably, and now both Slyther and Jojo were out to get him.


What could save him now?


And then he figured it out.


"Activate clan ability: Ancestral Army!"


Every Scottish warrior that was considered to be in the ancient family of Marcus suddenly had their spirits brought back to the realm of the living. Claymores in hand, they let out a ferocious battle cry.


Marcus stood up, recovering from the massive injuries he had sustained thanks to mystic energy radiating from his ancestors. He picked up his own claymore and raised it above his head, shouting to his opponents "We are Scottish, and you are our enemies. We are crazy, and you are going to die!"


The spectral army threw their claymores caber-style, and soon the Longsword of Judgment was flakked by claymores. The warriors charged forward, unafraid of the bullets from the guns of the U.S.F. marines, because the dead could not be injured or killed. (well, also because they didn't understand what guns did, but mostly because of them not being able to get injured or die) They beat down the marines with their bare hands, picked up their swords, and charged to Jojo's fortress.


They trampled the walls and killed anyone they saw. Jojo was very surprised and unprepared, so it was an easy victory.


Carrying on, the spectral army repeated the process on Slyther's fortress. Although it was significantly more prepared, the result was the same, and soon all that stood between Marcus and Slyther was 200 marines.

(to quote Shakespeare's Macbeth, Act I Scene ii)

"Like valour's minion carved out his passage

Till he faced the slave;

Which ne'er shook hands, nor bade farewell to him,

Till he unseam'd him from the nave to the chaps,

And fix'd his head upon our battlements."


Marcus laughed. "God my ass."


Even if Slyther really had been a god, he would undoubtedly be condemned to the afterlife for at least 2 posts.


As the ghost warriors faded away, a sense of tranquility came over Marcus. He had won, and would do no more. His rage was calmed. Never again would he fight Slyther, unless of course he attacked first.


He cracked his neckbones. This whole clan ability wasn't easy to use, in fact it had a ten post recharge time.


Marcus began to think again. On his next post, Chesto would figure out how to get off the moon. Now the old man was his problem. Climbing into a Bombardier (the big snowmobile with treads, not the plane) he pondered what he should do next. This old man was about as devious as Ninja, and he may get help from others.


Marcus began driving home, to Canada, so he could ponder this on his native land.

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Little had Marcus realized however, that Jojo's Fortress was really a clever trap! After allowing the invading scottish-Undead hordes to penetrate into it's depths, Jojo detonated the plastic explosives he had so carefully planted in his own stronghold. The resulting cave-in resulted in significant enemy casualties, but also left Jojo without a home. :( ;D However Jojo would not take this lying down!!! So he cautiously rigged an explosive device under Wolfes car-seat to detonate if he ever took his weight off the chair!! So with Marcus thus preoccupied, Jojo could render assistance to his Arms-dealing-Ally and turn his attention to other enemies....
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