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The Snow Arena


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'I could get to like this Nosisab chap.', whined the Old One, who never liked the idea of liking anybody. This Nosisab reminded him of his uncle, Oldone'soldone'sbrother. You knew he made sense... it was just that you didn't know who it was that he made sense to.


Just as he was thinking about this, and remembering that the last time he had been to a party like the one The Goddess was throwing was in the company of a young girl named Alice ( he shuddered as he recalled how that one had turned out .), and wondering whether Wolfie Canuck got all his neat toys out of the Sears Roebuck Catalogue or the Whole Earth one, the Old One was overcome with a vague recollection, hundreds of years old, of his dearest mummy.


Though they had parted company on less than affectionate terms - his mummy simply detested his fastidious ways: his neatly combed ears and the sparkling clean state of his claws - he was now consumed with nostalgia as the wonderful remembrance of the last time he had caught her delicate scent - wet bear on fire - filled the nostrils of his mind.


'Tsk, tsk...', he sighed. Then clapped his hands over his mouth, too late, as the whole of the remaining square meter of paper moon was covered in a host of golden daffodils. The Old One shook his head. He hated daffys.


'So many hundreds of years of spells and curses. Such a small old brain to recollect them all.', the wizened holy midget whispered to the tune of 'Men of Harlech'.

You can be closest to the truth you imagine about that of uncle. To some I could be even the granddad or even more, where age is the factor :) But for now I'll keep low profile so "to not"¹ prejudice the slaughter I foresee to certain wolfie guy when the goddess hate goes beyond her mercy kept him whole.


¹ not letting split infinitive vanish completly

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Battling the illusions of the spam goddess and the nonsensicalness of nosisab, Marcus began to fire machine gun rounds in all directions.

Ohhh, my gosh, these machine guns are damnglush unreliable, come on cursed thing, THIS IS NOT THE HOUR TO JAM!!!!! (said wolfie nearing collapse)

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You are annoying.


Activate self destruct.


(Entire solar system is destroyed by explosion)

Teleport IV far distance on Marcus, entire solar system is destroyed by explosion.


Nosisab wonders if life existed in that solar system before, and isn't happy with this tragicomic final.


Remember, Ultimate weapons aren't meant to be used, they are far 'better' as menace.


Now the fate of Marcus Wolfe lies at the hands of the Snow Arena Goddess. Pray her mercy being in forgiving too.

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The echoes of a long forgotten memory tingle Nosisab's mind as a memento. A recall of the dreams and hopes of those that were the first. So many plans in the young minds, so many things that were and so many that would be.


Well, thinks the old mage no human can trace the origin, much was accomplished, empires came and vanished without traces they once were. Even the olds are young. And they yet dreams.


One image persists and refuses to get away. A young girl, beautiful in the pride of her lineage. A exceptionally bright child in her white-blue aura. Making little snowballs and trowing at her peers, laughing as the pure joy laughs. And the mage knew those, now just child toys, snowballs would be feared by all, but not so as the intelligence that illuminated her forehead.


He can sense others of those intelligences for so long missed. They are not the same for sure, as he could sense much of the childhood was gone forever. Somewhat sad he thought this is one of the things that are unavoidable. They shaped the world and the world shaped then.


The mage try and put away those thoughts. The waves are a mix of relief and a shallow trace of sadness. The eyes and thoughts are on the goddess. He try hard not to mingle with these waves, but for the most the concern is if the party will be shadowed and will do what they can to it not being.

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Activate Universal self destruct.


Everything in the universe suddenly self destructed.


And nosisab shut up before I reported him for multiple double postings.

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Activate Universal self destruct.


Everything in the universe suddenly self destructed.


And nosisab shut up before I reported him for multiple double postings.


Feel free to do it with my bless. At least something good emerged here, I don't need to be, slightly, saddened for some other digging his own grave anymore.


Edit: Yet you need to explain what of your molecule activated this thingling selfego destroyer.


Marcus, count with the goddess mercy. this is a RPG I think, not a FPS.

The good about RPG is that the character grows as he gains experience.

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Emerging from a frozen sleep that started many many posts ago, Newt and Bob break free of whatever bonds they where under. However, being asleep so many posts, both are unsure what to do. Bob gets an idea, and starts to play a bagpipe. Until something interesting happens.
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Well, everything in the universe has been destroyed, so.....


I'm really hoping you have a time machine or a time reverse spell or a universal reset button or a restore the universe spell because if you don't we are royally


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Oh S***. Well, Bob may be able to use what powers he has over the realm of the dead to get all the combatants to rise again.


(((Done. And they also rebuilt the world. Yay for pie!)))


There you have it. Oh, and did I mention there under Bob's control? You might want to run.

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