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The Snow Arena


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While happily crunching her snow cone...The Goddess picked up Marcus and all his toys..once again..and shoved him in the magic snowball and threw his several universes over.


She then smiles happily and Spyro and blew Halororor a kiss.


The Goddess next build a huge magic ice shield and covered her entire castle and compound sot hat she and her friends could prepare for the next battle in peace.

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Spyro comes out of his altar room into the fort's front yard,followed by the "Endless".


"Guys introducing the "Endless".They are the long extinct inhabitants of Avalar.Of course Avalar still has a great population,but these ones are extinct.What you see is something similar to their ghosts.They now posses great power and they can help us win this thing once and for all.They are also called endless because of the fact they they never ever die once summoned.The only way to get rid of them would be doing the ritual backwards but i doubt anyone here can read dragon runes."

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Gersilla looks in, realizes she'd get her arse kicked right off, makes a hasty retreat, leaving all this to the heavy weights. Decides to get more involved with something more to her liking...Tamriel Sports.
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The Goddess wondered as she stared into the magik snow globe...how Marcus saw anything from several universes over. Then realized to her delight that he had landed in a parallel universe and was seeing the Spyro in that one. Fine by her as it wasn't HER Spyro.


She went to find her new friends to let them know the news. She realized the pain would be back soon enough to fight for real and they needed to make all preparations they could. She wondered if she should find that anti-stupid spell.....

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Spyro was reliefed to learn that the actual ritual wasn't videotaped.As he stood with the endless behind him he asked Lisnpuppy:


"Lisnpuppy since Macus isn't here (thank heavens for that) who will we fight?Not tham many people survived to this day of the Arena,even the all mighty Dark0ne,creator and emperor of "The Nexus" realm and the Arena itself.Heh that kinda reminds me of Gaiden Shinji,wouln'd you say"

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Ignoring the fools trying to turn the Snow Arena into their own lubby dubby non-violence send-the-other-guy-an-alternate-universe wasteland of boringness, Marcus stuck the tape into the old vcr. He dragged a chimp into the room, and played the tape backwards. As he expected, the chimp performed the ritual backwards, sending the Endless back into the oblivion of non existence.


"Hahahahahaha!" Marcus then whipped out 2 rocket propelled chainsaws, and fired them both. The first one decapitated the extremely annoying purple midget dragon, and the second the equally annoying goddess of spam. Marcus then grabbed the winged man by the cuff and plopped him down on a couch and put a big bowl of popcorn in his lap. "Now, we watch the double decapitation...on HDTV.....in slow motion!"

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