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The Snow Arena


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Ignoring the fools trying to turn the Snow Arena into their own lubby dubby non-violence send-the-other-guy-an-alternate-universe wasteland of boringness, Marcus stuck the tape into the old vcr. He dragged a chimp into the room, and played the tape backwards. As he expected, the chimp performed the ritual backwards, sending the Endless back into the oblivion of non existence.


"Hahahahahaha!" Marcus then whipped out 2 rocket propelled chainsaws, and fired them both. The first one decapitated the extremely annoying purple midget dragon, and the second the equally annoying goddess of spam. Marcus then grabbed the winged man by the cuff and plopped him down on a couch and put a big bowl of popcorn in his lap. "Now, we watch the double decapitation...on HDTV.....in slow motion!"



O.T.-Marcus..we arent trying to turn it into no violence..I like violence..we are trying to turn in into creative violence and NOT YOUR one shot, one kill boring, unimaginative brand of violence..but I am SO happy you noticed.

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Ignoring the fools trying to turn the Snow Arena into their own lubby dubby non-violence send-the-other-guy-an-alternate-universe wasteland of boringness, Marcus stuck the tape into the old vcr. He dragged a chimp into the room, and played the tape backwards. As he expected, the chimp performed the ritual backwards, sending the Endless back into the oblivion of non existence.


"Hahahahahaha!" Marcus then whipped out 2 rocket propelled chainsaws, and fired them both. The first one decapitated the extremely annoying purple midget dragon, and the second the equally annoying goddess of spam. Marcus then grabbed the winged man by the cuff and plopped him down on a couch and put a big bowl of popcorn in his lap. "Now, we watch the double decapitation...on HDTV.....in slow motion!"



O.T.-Marcus..we arent trying to turn it into no violence..I like violence..we are trying to turn in into creative violence and NOT YOUR one shot, one kill boring, unimaginative brand of violence..but I am SO happy you noticed.


OT: i second that.Now if Halororor would agree too...

P.S. Guys i made my own Rp topic if any of would like to join leave a comment,even marcus,but no one shot-one kill/destroy stuff. :thanks: oh and here's a link http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=66901


by the way i was checking some Rp topic rules and look what i found,i suggest you read it marcus:

3. Cheesewhizzing


Cheesewhizzing is when a character assumes godlike or far superior powers compared to the characters he/she is roleplaying with. This unbalances the story and makes most everyone involved very upset. If it takes other fairly powerful and experienced players a few lengthy posts to finish off some bandits, don't come into the story and think you can cut Vivec's head off with one blow.

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Dude, this is a post where if one person cheesewhizzes, everybody cheesewhizzes.....and I wasn't the first one to cheesewhizz.


Now leave me be, I'm having fun watching your decapitations over and over again.

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OT: I second that Spyro.


Halororor spread his wings and was trying to fly after the necromancer to greet him, but realised that his wings were frozen fast and were now only useful as decoration. He wouldn't be able to use them again unless he got a way of unfreezing him first(the 2% eagle part of him wasn't a snow eagle). He decided to go looking for a better way to imprison Marcus.

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Necromancer G comes in and resurrects the goddess and the dragon. Then disappears into the shadows watching..waiting for his time to come.


See, now that's the right way of doing it.


Marcus scratched himself on the back of the head, when he suddenly realized he was in a giant bird cage. "WTF?!!? The bird boy put me in a bird cage? Oh......the irony..........."

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The Goddess looks around sensing a presence...but alas its gone.


She focus her eyes on Marcus Wolfe in the magik snow globe...


"You want cheese wiz you little punk..I'll give you cheese wiz"


And she fills the immediate area around Marcus in cold, almost frozen cheeze wiz. It filled the rooms all around him too the top. He was in fact, drowning in it. And she hope he would have to eat his way out and be constipated for weeks to come.

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Dark pops his head out of the snow for a few seconds before delving back from whence he came.



The Goddess shot a string of half-frozen cheese wiz at the Dark One's behind hoping to catch him and drag him back into the arena.

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