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The Snow Arena


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but suddenly my snow monkey, that can talk, enters TCL and flys around dropping napalm, then resurrect katshy with the juice of snow. then katshy wakes up andflys on his snowspeeder, entering a giant bubble that nothing can destroy to spectate the match... until he gets bored, which will be later on, then he'll come and attack again.
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I have killed many people in my life but i havent seen anything like it.

I AM MAD!!! THIS MEANS 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000





000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 nukes

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Thor also yawns as the nukes are launched. Thor then grabs a hole bunch of snow and throws it at the nukes, and they explode in front of antonkr and kills him in the process, instantly.



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Katshy decides to come out of his bubble, enters TGM, setscale 2 and additem 000000a 10000. Now he has 10000 lockpics and uses all of them to open the box of secret snow-doom. With this he creates a portal to go back in time. He goes back to Thors mother, before he was born, and kills her. He then kills his would-be father.


He comes back to the normal time, and calliton runs at him. Katshy just pushes him away and slaps him in the face. Calliton runs away to his mum until she kisses it better, then he comes back. Katshy proposes an alliance between himself and calliton and while waiting for callitons reply, makes a statue of snow, that looks like a Liger (napoleon dinomite anyone?).

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