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The Snow Arena


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Omeletter sends a killer rabbit that slaughtered all Cyrodiil. The rabbit is immune to anything! There's no way you can kill him!!! The rabbit slaughters Thor, he shields, then Rabbit slaughter him again, Thor knocks unconsious, wake up, slaughtered, unconsious...
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Aha! I was ready for you Maya! And other maya!


*Gives the signal, 50 mounted AA cannons spring up from the snow*




*50 AA cannons spray hot death into the sky, annhiliating Maya's strike force*




ALright now I just need someone to drop me off at the snow infirmory again. Mayas airstrike has left me quiet wounded.

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Maya folded her arms "you are evil.... those planes were only two days from ................. annihilation!!"

Othermaya however had snuk behind the rabbit and started to give it a hot foot, before running silently away. the matches eventually caught fire to the bunny's fur and rendered him BALD!!! INDECENCY!!!

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anton decides to kill killer rabit by dropping all his bombs on it. rabbit doesn't die. He make a monuver and shoots it with his minigun, but fails and crashes. Luckily the rabbit died and anton ejected. Unluckyaly he ejected after the crash so the only thing it ejected is a burned body. After he lands on the ground he lies and blinks.
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