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The Snow Arena


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<<Ves, That's not an ACR. And why is there a random RPG-7? :tongue: >>


I call damage control and get the ships engine restarted, then bring up a Flak Barrier and fly straight into you, leaving you immobilised.

Then I send a boarding party on, taking you room by room, until I, myself, come up to you in the CIC, and put a single 5.56 into your face. Time for the afterlife for you!

I then set the ship to self destruct and everyone leaves.


I fly off in my more epic than yours spaceship and hide in a new galaxy!


No hints or tips here. Too bad for you.



To anyone thinking to follow me, a blockade of these around your small planet and a few at random locations should change that.




That is basically a carrier, which launches about a billion (Really) of these




And a few of these as well.






Edited by CommanderCrazy
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The spirit of the New Year smites everything around, covering everything in 2000 feet deep snow and ice. Thankfully, everyone were alive and well on the surface, but all were teleported to the Earth.


Oh and HellsMaster, what game is that in your picture?

Edited by Omeletter
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The sky is filled with my fighters and carriers, and an immense 400,000 robots are dropped down in heavy fighters.

They all get to work immediately pushing back every other 'contestant' into an ice fortress and the siege begins...


(Epic battle scene with robots, spaceships, random lasers, snow cannons, explosions, guns and rockets)


It is then cut short when the infighting among the fortress begins over who should command, and one of my carriers launches a nuke straight at the fort.

The heat of the explosion melts the fort and all are swept away in different directions in what resembles a tidal wave.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Thanks HellsMaster I would check that game out.


I'm sending a Sova Carrier after his remains. You never know how many robots are left. Sova carrier can deploy fighters his robots would never take out.



Oh and here is some transport for your snowy hunter. Ideal size for a small investigation party to be hidden from view and safe under all conditions.



They just look too awesome not to be posted.

Edited by Omeletter
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Sova carrier?




This. Dominant over all space vehicles.



And seriously?




You really think these fighters couldn't take your ships? You got another thing coming. :cool:



But you are correct. You don't know how many robots there are.

I lost count at 300,000.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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But you are correct. You don't know how many robots there are.

I lost count at 300,000.

300,001 I guess. There is one in your siggy.


Ah wait!!!


Your robots need energy! They need more in these freezing conditions! Your batteries have run out.


Random Robot: "General, we need more energy to...." They all fell to the floor.

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