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The Snow Arena


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That ship looks like it doesn't have one ship to ship battery, let alone an anti missile system. Also, size aint everything.

And also, it looks to have standard turbine engines, meaning that it is sloooooooooooooooooow. Yep, no guns, no defenses, not even strong armor by the looks of it!

Face it. Your fleet is made of slugs.



My fleet is made of 35 ultra heavy raider style ships of the Pegasus class (see below) combined with a backup force of 3,000,000 Alert Fighters (see below), with a further 20,000,000 AF in carriers(see below again). they fly in fast and launch 15 BATCH - 6 13 kiloton nukes (each) at key points, these nukes go so fast no Anti Missile system can stop them effectively. (Not that it matters. You don't have AM systems! :laugh: )

Then after the enemy is immobilised a super large particle cannon battery is used to knock it down completely.

FTL systems are then used to leave before the enemy even had time to launch alert fighters or get a firing solution. (Not that you have guns or Alert Fighters! I think I win!)


Also, my robots do not use batteries. They have internal alternator charged drive packs. Meaning they recharge every time they move, minimalising energy loss, and therefore need charging only once every 12 months.


But, I digress, and pull most of my forces out of the planet, and only leave guerrilla forces who do sporadic ambushes.

Have fun being ambushed all the time! :cool:



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Edited by CommanderCrazy
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The SSD has a hyperdrive system, it can deploy thousands of Tie fighters from lauding bays. It has two massive shield generators that can resist fire from hundred of destoryers.

This is from wiki:

On a surface that big, the SSD is considered the bane of the galaxy as it can actually reduce a planet into molten remains,it has thousand of turbo lasers battery and what they cant shoot, the Tie fighters/bombers/defenders will blast to peices.


Nope you cant defeat a SSD. and you sure as hell cant defeat a sovereign class super star destoryer, which is bigger then the usual SSD and have an array of death dealing weapon, like the laser beam on its nose. it can fire a laser that shatters planet.


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Planet, sure. But not an Ultra Heavy Raider, Pegasus class.

That battle fleet of 35 (45 counting the SuperCarriers, with heavy weaponry of their own, 15 batteries of BATCH - 3 10 Kiloton radiological Ship to Ship missiles, backed up with 15 standard Flak 7 batteries, even further backed up with the fighters) will reduce an SSD to, not molten remains, but, quite simply, nothing.

Then you got the group of SuperCarrier Mk.5's, with more than 23,000,000 Alert Fighters total, and you screwed. Very screwed.


And a big surface is a slow surface. The Pegasus UHR can utilise a FTL system. As for the Sovereign, it has a nose locked laser. Not much use if your enemy comes from the side is it?

The Pegasus Raid Fleet is a serious enemy to consider. It would take a Sovereign with minimal losses (2 SuperCarriers, 2.5 millon alert fighters, not one Pegasus UHR. They are that powerful), and would take an SSD with no losses.

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*throws an old-fashioned snowball at commander*


- Damn you!! you turned the "snow arena", into "the intergalactic, not so snowy arena" :dry:

- I've lost all faith in mankind. snow fights are dead to me now. :( *cry*

- <Dramatic stuff here>. <emotional attachment here>.

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