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The Snow Arena


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Malchik, at some effort to himself, manages to teleport the Stargate regenerater to Pack Rat.


"Here, man pull yourself together - lieterally."


He notices that the snow is still falling and Hell is buried under a Cold Mountain.


A creature in strange clothes accosts him. "Hi, I'm Nicole."


"Who are you trying to kid, man?"


He sends it to minister to ohGr who is more urgently in need of live actresses for company to wean him away from magazines and kahlua.


Malchik works fiendishly to complete the flubber. He shouts to the multiverse, "Has anybody got a rubber?" (For those in the Untidy Statues of Emerica that is an ERASER)


He had been cruising until he realise he'd had the Last Sambuca.


Malchik causes snowdrops to burst into bloom in an effort to brighten up the landscape. Unfortunately, no one can see them against the snow.


He gets back to the flubber.

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Pack Rat stands in front of the military topmen

"How is our status?"

"More and more refugees from the war are joining up, we even have deserters from Armiena and Slaiv."

"I expected this... It are mostly the lowest of the ranks that know how the war will turn out... Our troops?"

"The Novosibirsk and the St Peterburg are producing lots of Titans. Prague itself has already produced 500 Crusaders and about 600 Raiders. We will soon have the fleet that we will need to overrun Armiena and Slaiv..."

"Slaiv is arrogant, he'll ignore us untill our carriers have dropped of the infantry right in front of his doorstep... But at that time, it's over for Slaiv..."

"How about Armiena?"

"Armiena is the weakest... She wont even have the numbers to bring us a proper fight... She relies on Peregrine too much on has faith that she is safe... Let the foolish have their dreams... If Peregrine doesnt kill her... we will.... Nobody insults the Red Nation and nobody defenitly betrays it..."

"Our spy's report that she has gotten some powers.. godly powers..."

"Dont worry, it arent her powers... Peregrine uses her... It's quiete obvious that he is preparing his Second Era... If we are lucky we wont even have to worry about to those two fools and traitors to mankind anymore..."

"Wont Peregrine try to reach us here?"

"Not untill he established his Era. He knows we are too far away and Prague is too strong to move against us and he knows Prague cant be destroyed... He will wait for us to come to him..."

"Arent you afraid to lose?"

"Believe me.. When they realise we are there, Slaivs and Armiena will wake up and see our troops marching in front of their windows..."

"There are rumors that Slaiv has a "magical" fleet..."

"Slaiv appearantly forgot that the Red Nation still has his 20 godships... His little fleet will be crushed... The war is turning... On Mars we wasted to much time on trying to have peace... "

"But, My Lord, with those godships we can easily win the war..."

"Yes but there is no honor in that... And I want Slaiv, the arrogant one, to crawl for our "mortal" ships... His fear of death and his cowardly behaviour will be nothing compared to the fury and hatred Peregrine has brought into our hearts... Armiena knows how we fight... She knows she will be overrun and that her ships will be shot of like ducks in a shooting stand on the carnaval... Slaiv on the other hand is too arrogant.. He finds himself "untouchable" witch has become his weakness..."


After that Pack Rat sends word to ohGr.


"If you are willing to fight and want revenge for what has done, the alliance still stands. We need every man and woman that can fight we can get... The war has reached it's turning point... No longer will we hide in our lands and fear the war... The Red Nation will march and everyone in it's path better has a clean record..."

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Command Ship, Aurvandil Theta Fleet, Stasis Field, 1800 hours:


"Sir! How do you know we are safe here?"


"No one can find this stasis field unless they have the coordinates, or happen to radnomly stumblye apon it. It is completely undetectable by radar. If someone somehow manages to get here, they cannot enter the stasis field unless Peregrine wishes them to. Otherwise, it is impenetrable by weapons and ships alike."


"What about traitors and defectors?"


"Peregrine knows these heathens. He will not allow them to enter the field. He knows their very thoughts...."


10 Minutes Later


Slaiv's Farewell


"You know what? This really sucks. I'm going to get rid of this alliance and go hang with Ancalagon and Malchik. I hereby remove myself from all bonds or alliances with any man or organization from this time forward (or until I decide to join a side again). We declare neutrality. We will not participate in this war. We will not fight for either side. Move all ships to this location, where my stasis field is located. I will command you in my death telepathically..."


Slaiv goes through a series of airlocks, and jumps out into space. Within seconds, he is dead from lack of oxygen.


"Ok, now I'm in some strange world, filled with all sorts of things.... Now to make it to Ancalagon's place..."


An hour later, Slaiv finally finds it and greets Ancalagon.....

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Two sleek, unmarked crafts glide into place, one each outside Peregrine's and Armiena's spatial perimeters. An identical grey tube is dropped out of each. Thses metallic tubes are very unordinary, except for a air-seal on the top of each. The first tube glides to Peregrine's flagship, and a message slides out of it. It bears the words,


"Forces have attacked the outer perimeter ships of our armada, my lord. Our barriers are now nearly undefended. The ships were of foreign make, and largely unrecognized, but bore the insignia of Armenia. She has attacked us, sir. Requesting permission to organise an attack on her forces."


The message-tube to Armiena tells of a great defeat on her already weakened forces, by ships bearing Peregrine's insignia.


The catalysts of war in place, Cmac's ships silently slip away.


There had been no attacks, of course. The letters had been planted, to concentrate the two high power's concentration on each other, rather than on a lesser-known, unreckoned force. Cmac had returned.

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ON earth Frosty's army has finished building 5 massive ships of war and a throne ship, where Rudy currently resides. The ship is moving at a fierce speed and is making its way to Pluto, where Rudy will order his stronghold constructed.


*Frosty the Snowman walks into the great hall aboard the throne ship holding schematics. he rolls them out on the dining table in front of Rudy.

"These are the plans for Project Pluto-"

*Rudy spits the food from his mouth

"That covers the entire planet!" he says

Frosty smiles with acceptence

"And these chambers and tunnels run all the way through the planet.

*Rudy gazes with the plans with delight.

The above ground part of the stronghold was 3 floors high (with the exception of towers) and stretched all the way around the planet. Snow guns and intersteller snow missle platforms were common. The subterranian part basically made a grid inside the planet with all sorts of bomb shelters snow radiation shielding and where the core of the planet would be was the main complex-the keep.

"This stronghold is built on, around and in to the planet so much that the structure is more common than the planets crust, mantle and...well the core is entirely replaced by the complex...I Like it" said Rudy.


"Captain, our fleet is aproaching the atmoshere," said one of the pilots

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the lady at the counter turns to ohGr and says

here is a message from packrat


ohGr reads it, and is happy the alliance is on, ohGr goes over to a copying machine and copies the blueprints, he then give them to the lady and says

give these to packrat, their defenses, their indestructable, and tell him im going back to my planet, im going to convince the tribals to fight with us, and with them, i am going to rebuild the base, and send over some more advanced blueprints


the lady replies

will do


ohGr walks out, and finds a teleporter, before he leaves, he looks around for sarah, the room he used to be in, was ruined, someone had come in and assassinated sarah in the most disgusting way one could imagine, fotunantly, her hand was the only part left, so ohGr walks back to the teleporter trying to contain himself from swearing, and teleports back to his planet with the blueprints, and weapons.

when ohGr feels the cold like a punch in the face he shouts

**** its cold!!!!


ohGr sees the cathedral where he woke up, he walks in, and finds that the robed people are not surprised, azgorth walks up to ohGr and replies

i know what is going on, lets begin the reconstruction, under one condidtion...you wear this black robe, and scythe with you


ohGr smirks and replies

gee, i feel like death in this


azgorth nods and replies

you wouldnt know what death is like


they both begin, laying out the areas

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Armiena watches Slaiv jettison himself out of his command ship.

"Ah well... he wasn't exactly intelligent anyway... attacking Mars II like that."


She receives the tube containing news of the attack of the Hailey Comet.


"Bah hah ha!!! PEREGRINE!? Attack me! Nonsense..." She calculates the current position of the Hailey Comet base, and sees that it's far from Peregrine's space. Rather, it's close to the ruins of Mars II.


She puts a small amount of anti-snow in the canister, and fires it towards a random piece of space debris.


It blows up spectacularly, and "oohs" and "ahs" are heard throughout her ship and the crewmen give their approval.

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To placate any confusion, the intention of my previous post was to get the two "superpowers" to attack each other, thinking the other did it, so other characters could take advantage of the situation and manuever where they could not have if the two forces had not been so busy attacking one another.

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The throne ship is aproaching pluto, and the 5 escort ships fan out in a strategic pattern to surround the planet. The reason for this is that Pluto seemed to be previously occupied.

*An icy ray of plasma frost is emmited from the underside of one of the fleet ships, in answer Pluto is engulfed in a huge cloud of frozen particles. In seconds all the previous inhabbitants of the frozen planet are frozen and vaporized.


"Prepare for landing" the piolot says as the throne ship angles down towards the surface of the planet.




Project Pluto is well underway, drilling has begun and the massive snow-men work force has nearly finished the surface structure.




The stronghold is complete and Rudy is launching his first campain, for the solar sytem.

Rudy is sitting in the great hall, before him the super-frozen ice tops of the stronghold stretch out beyond the curvature of the planet. He turns away from the window and strolls cassually to the elevator.

a second later he is in the command post, 70 floors above the outer complex.

"I claim all terretory from the orbit of pluto to the sun as my own!"

*chears are heard within the control center as hundreds of random plasma-frost rays are blasted towards the sun. After a champaine toast to the long life of Rudy the orders are issued for the 200 newly built assasin ships to be sent forth and hunt down any remaing forces within the solar system.




A high entensity frost radio wave is sent out in all directions and is recieved all around the universe, but will there be an answer. the message reads:


The army has risen, Frosty the SnowMan has been ressurected. The commander of his armys is Rudy and he is the Ruler of the Earthen Solar System. Soon his divine Kingdom will stretch out as far as the galaxies limits and far far beyond. All shall bow before him-Rudy demands a reply stating whether you are friend or foe. Foe, or no reply will be delt with as one. Reply ASAP or be destroyed!

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<ooc: I'm finally home! Now the real fun begins....>


The Book of Returns, Chapter I


The dawn of a new world has come. The last prophecies have been fullfiled. Our faith will be rewarded. The Return of Peregreine has begun.



Antares Rift: Time = 0


Cloaked in the rift's energy, the tiny probe had escaped notice for countless years. While the fleet waited in stasis, the probe had observed patiently. Now, the carefully considered conditions had finally been reached. The universe was finally ready to accept Peregrine's rule. Ancient engines came to life, and the probe moved into position. A simple signal was sent into the field.


Inside the field, centuries passed in mere seconds. But the time stop was not perfect.... the probe's signal reached the stasis ship. The field faded, and time resumed. To the crew of the ships, the whole time in stasis had passed within a thought.


On the bridge of his flagship, Peregrine watched the sun's first light appear through the energy clouds. An appropriate dawn for the beginning of his new Age... But now, plans must be made. On his order, scout ships departed for all corners of the universe, a last intelligence effort before the war would begin. But Peregrine's trust in his predictions was not absolute... the stasis ship was held ready, ordered to reactivate the field at the first sign of attack.



Pluto, MDRud216's Stronghold: Two Days Later


As the first morning light on the horizon, a confused look appeared on the guard's face. That shouldn't be possible, he thought. The sunrise had come much too early. As he stared at the quickly brightening sky, he realized the significance of what he was watching. Screaming in terror, he quickly turned and ran for the fortress door. But it was too late.


A massive wave of anti-snow slammed into the fortress. Everything outside disappered in seconds, and the fortress itself took heavy damage. As the anti-snow chain reaction consumed the planet, the pair of battlecruisers in orbit dropped ecm and ran for the hyper limit. With their entire missile loads already used in the attack, staying to clean up would be suicide, as proven by the system's defense fleet now turning to follow. But the battlecruisers' speed advantage held long enough for them to get out without a fight. Their escape secured, they paused for a moment to broadcast a simple reply to MDRud216's invitation.


"Go to hell."


The battlecruisers entered hyperspace.

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