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The Snow Arena


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OOC> rudy, seriously this isnt the character this is the sensible person behind it. The Earthen solar system was destroyed ages ago and all planets at the same time, there is no way you can stop it, nothing exists in that solar system except Emour.

And if you join now, join forces with somebody so you dont get as badly bruised as you are now. There is always another way to kill someone.


Sir, rudy has reappeared,

"Nah, geez and just when i thought i could be finished for the morning, send malchik's fleas... looks like they have a use afterall"


*The fleas land on Pluto and devour the Whole planet, including Rudy, but b4 he died he got a message.

greetings, you made us mad so prepare to die, goodbye

all that is left of pluto is it's frozen core, much too cold.

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<ooc: post corrected>


Antares Rift: Return +3:15 Days


As the scout ship's weapons vaporize an ecm decoy, Peregrine once again wonders at the sanity of the people in this universe. "All that effort just to blow up a single ecm drone?" With a laugh, Peregrine watches as his flagship launches a replacement. Then as the drone brings up its ecm systems, an new ship appears in the hole in his formatoin.


As the scout's explosion fades away, Peregrine returns to his planning. The minelayers finish the defensive shell around his fleet. Between that and his battlecruisers' sensors, no attack can get into range before the stasis field can reactivate. Though it might delay him a few centuries, sometimes a god has to work on a massive time scale....

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fair enough... When I made the Project pluto posts i didn't know how far to go back in the history to see what had happened and what still existed and plus... it says in the rules that if you die or something you can make up an elaborate story that brings you back, I could do that with a planet also. but i will start over anyway, sorry.


*Somewhere in the vast expanse of space between galaxies Rudy is reborn-he opens his eyes to 10 snowmen standing in front of him.


"Pluto was destroyed, as were you."

*Rudy looks at him curiously as one directs him to a pod in the tiny chamber*

"You are a clone of our leader, your memories, up to your death will now be implanted into your mind."

"After stepping into the cylinder-like pod a probe is inserted painfully into his cranium. Rudy blacks out.

When he wakes memories flood his mind-his last memory is most desturbing.

Rudy says: "Where are we?"

"We are all that is left of ArmyFrost, this is the lone escape pod that made it out."

Rudy asks: "What of frosty the Snowman?"

"He is dead"

"You have failed me you frozen piece of crap!" before the snowman can reply Rudy grabs a nearby hair dryer. (dont ask y thats there) and points it at the snowmen.

Their last words were No, you dont have to do th-


"I will have my revenge"


ooc: Perigrine the scout ship blew itself up, it was a kamakazi. read the post again I modified it to make it clearer.

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the silence lasted for but a muinet because on the planet gimgeldimkesdfigmesenexeis an assault is maunting a final assault



every ship within radio range was brought in as back up

every ship was armed


the leader Ash, a homosexual with a strange love of animals wished to inspire his troops so he showed old star trek episodes until he formulated a plan....


he would dive deep into the evil and break it from within...........


at that exact moment warning alarms started to go off>>>>>>>>>>>>>

it was too late the evil sarcasmatron was upon them ............


he opened a radio chanel and said do u guys want some cookies


ash replied with a stern but homosexual tone yes


and they ate cookies

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^ ^ ^ ^

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ooc> :spam: BLATANT SPAMMER :spam:


Nahh....just kidding.. :D :D ..But 26 posts in one day, and on the day you registered.....




NOOOO! Ater commiting suicide, all I get is booted out of the afterlife! That blows. I should leave and become some roaming invincible death fleet. (Since I'm dead, I cant be killed) :halloween: :halloween: :halloween: MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Okay. Now, normally I would be offended and go off into oblivion and become a roaving band of deadly and heartless, not to mention insane killing machines, obliterating all in my path. But.......


This time im gonna follow what Ancalagon said...




Slaiv heads to Emour, to aid Shin and Malchik......


"Shin, you wanted something to fight with, and word from your allies? Here I am, complete with undead, cruel, and soul-less apparition accessories! :D "

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*Shin is disturbed once again "I told u to P1$) off until word of allies arrive


"Sir, allies did arrive"

"Really?!, wel let's go see"


*Shin decends to where slaiv has landed... Oh, it's just Slaiv.

"So you say Ancalagon sent you here... sounds like something he'd do, he called you a fool now..."


*Shin turns around and shouts to Ancalagon "Well who was the fool who sent him to me, he ran away from his old commander and blew the Flaiv out of him. and then you send him with powerful shiops to come and see ME! well now who is the fool... P.S party at your place still right?


*Shin turns back around, "So Slaiv what makes you leave Peregrine and join me, you took your fleet to purgatory, expecting to be let in, and now you come here, hoping to join me, well unless you can comeup with a good reason as to why i should trust you..."


"You have five mins to think up an Answer"

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A drifting planet floats through space, it was knocked from its orbit by a massive explosion hundreds of years ago.


Inside the escape boat:


*Rudy watches as the lone planet (now a ball of ice) comes closer and closer, soon the pod enters the atmoshere. frozen chunks hit the outer shell noisely.

The pod emerges from the thick atmoshere and plumits through the cold air. It is engulfed in a ball of steam, from the rapidly heating shell.

*Rudy steps back from the window, the ground is getting closer at an alarming rate.

The impact of the pod was enough to shatter the brittle frozen ground. The pod has broken through into somekind of cave.

Rudy was knocked unconcious.


When he awoke he was lying on an icy surface, he tried to lean forward but quickly stopped, his skin on his back was ripping, it was frozen to the surface.

There was a hissing sound and the ice melted from the what now seemed to be an operating table. A door slid open and a fog came forth from it. There was also something else, they looked like zombies, they were skinny and there ribs looked as though they would tear the skin of their chests. icicles hung from their chins and arms. :sick: They formed a circle around him. They wer all reaching inward, mumbling something...ru-ul-le...ca-ame f-ro-ro-m the hea-eavens. We -sererve th-e mess-en-enger fro-om the go-od-ssss.

*Rudy comes up with a plan and smiles devilishly.


By the next day the entire population of these creatures are reiforcing their tunnels and caves, and insalating them.

The plan was set in motion.

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BCG Longbow:


Two stars glowed brightly on the battlecruiser's main map display. The scouts had done their job, and returned with reports of his enemies' locations. As more and more reports came in, his plan began to come together. While he couldn't take both targets at once.... the time to resume the offensive had come. Finally, he reached out a with a wing and touched one of the points of light.


On the map, Prague darkened and faded away.



Prague, Outer System:


The scouts watching the system recieved their new orders. Though the risk of detection (and the inevitable death that would follow) was high, their God needed them. Four scouts moved in close to the planet, recording every detail of the system's defenses. Behind them, far away and undetectable under cloak, the rest of the squadron relayed the data to Peregrine's flagship.

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Rudy lines up the creatures in front of the pod, he implants his own knoledge and memorys into their minds and lets them pass.

His army is now intelligent and naive of ignorent of their inslavement, as Rudy had added other false memories to the database i.e. the heavens and the gods of those people. He also deleted some memorys, any that showed his true origin.


*shortly after a magnetic shield generator is turned on and the atmoshere is suddenly shielded by an invisible barrier.


All defences are ready and the universe is ready for his rule.


*Rudy presses a small red button on the new control console for the planet and a new annonomous message is sent forth:


The rebirth has taken place, a new force has risen, the time of the gods is over


Rudy hits a switch and turns on the radar for the first time. His apointed general walks into the control center.

Rudy says: begin drilling the constuction chambers

"Yes Sir" English langauge had been uploaded into their brains also

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"So slaiv, you are apparently slow of mind, alright you have 24 hours from now, if your men must sleep, let them sleep in the stables, i only treat allies well, and until you come up with an answer you will remain my enemy."


"Thge enemy of my enemy is still my enemy as Shin walked away"

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