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The Snow Arena


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As Rudy gets wind of the recent battle he despairs. Emour, the one planet that could have offered an alliance seemed doomed in front of Peregrines unstopable power.


But then all thoughts of despair float away, unlimited alchohol and dancing- YEEE PIIIIIIIIIIIII


Then despair hits him once again, Oh drat i am a minor.


Then despair is lifted, no one is around to care if a 12 year old has a swig....


*Rudy chugs a pint of vodka....


5 seconds later.....


Man that stuff tastes like rubbing alchohol.....


*Puking everywhere


Oh well the other stuff is good.

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Emour: Last hope...


As 20 Godships and the last of what once was the Red Navy fled to emour, they knew it... It was over... Pack Rat was dead... Alexei, Eric and Jun'Ko were the three last leaders of the Red Nation. But there was no Red Nation left... Nor a Red Navy. Peregrine finally succeeded in defeating Prague and the last stand of what was a free world. Not more than 400 ships survived the battle... Peregrine couldnt have more than something around the same numbers.


The once proud banner with hammer and sickle that hang on the doors of the councilchambers was now the doormat for Peregrine.


Jun'Ko's live was forfeit in her eyes. It ment nothing without her "father". Eric was outragous and collapsed in the hallway.

Alexei stood in front of the window on the bridge on the "Hydra"... Now everything was lost... The Red Nation had tried one last attempt to defeat Peregrine but for all who dreamed of peace... Those dreams were crushed as Pack Rat died on board of Peregrines flagship... Not knowing he had killed an imposter... He gave mercy to Peregrine all tough this man was not Peregrine...


The red flags they once proudly wore now hang deadly on their sticks.

Jun'Ko enters the bridge. tears hang on her young, soft cheecks.

"Now what can we do? Everything is gone! Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, Saturn and Prague... All gone... We have no army left, they have no leader left. He's dead, Alexei... Eric is sick. His death was too big for him. The doctors say he'll never be the same."

Alexei keeps staring into the dark space... Hoping that a ship would arrive who would bring their leader back and with him the Red Nation would return. But he knew it couldn't be. Pack Rat was burried... He escaped death three times but the fourth...

Jun'Ko's face enlightens...

"There is still something of the Red Nation left! The Novosibirsk! The St-Petersburg... They have men! They have ships! We can still fight!"

Alexei turned himself around and spoke with fury

"Over 15.5 milliard people died! Havent enough people lost their lives? Hasnt their been enough death? It's over, Jun'Ko! He's gone and with him the last resistance is gone too! I cant fight anymore..."

Jun'Ko bursted in tears and ran out of the bridge. Alexei stood alone on the bridge again.

He sighs and closes his eyes

"So this is how it feels to stand alone..."

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Slaiv loads the crates of Shinjoium onto the back of a cruiser....


"Wait a second- wtf am I doing this for? I'm undead! I can do anything...."


Realising his stupidity, Slaiv piles all of the crates on top of each other and balances them on his index finger....


10 minutes later:


"Hey, Malchik...here's your Shinjoium. THUD!


Uhgh..........Slaiv is hungry.


"Hey Malchik, you got any cavewiches? I'm bloody hungry....And when can I stop this delivery boy nonsense? I need to get back to the karaoke bar...."



Edited by Slaiv
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Armiena wakes in her pod in a daze...

I've lost everything... again... Armiena tries to ignite her pod's engines.

Not everything


She pulls out her comlink, and miraculously, it still works despite Scylla's destruction.

"Hailey Comet. Come in, please."

She hears static for a few minutes, but Hailey Comet base finally responds.

"We read you Armiena. How goes the war?"

They don't even know....

"Horribly. I NEED reinforcements NOW. Send the Comet to the outskirts of Prague. Build as many ships as you can on the way."


With those words, massive engines pull the Comet out of its ordinary orbit. The change in gravity causes a huge asteroid to decimate life on a nearby planet.


They will pay...


A few hours later, the Comet arrives at Prague, concealed from sight and scanners in a massive storm in a nearby gas giant. A corvette arrives to rescue Armiena.


When Armiena finally arrives at the Comet, she sees that her fleet has been nearly replenished.Just enough.


"That's right men. We abandon the Comet, set anti-snow charges inside it, and destroy it. We'll drop out crates of snow to feed the explosion. The blast should be more than enough to simultaneously the two stations they have nearby, if we time it well. The rest of the fleet will cover the Comet, and pull out before it detonates."


Her advisors stare at her, dumbfounded. They can't believe Armiena would do something this crazy.... but it might work.

"We'll get moving tomorrow."

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*Shin after days on end of not trying at all, Shin finally makes a flavour of Cavewich other than snow.... Banana. joy\0/


*Then a message comes and Shin receives it

"Sir, there is a ship, a few lightyears away belonging to the red nation"


"Has packrat finally come back to regain our alliance, he's not as lazy as i thought he was...."

"Actually sir, they're just drifting"


"They have engine power?"

"yes, sir"


"Fine, they dont want our help, they wont have it"

"send an escort ship sir?"


"No, send a flagship, we must have a little chat....."

"Yes, sir!"

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ohGr gets dressed for his nuclear test, the usual black robe and scythe so he can smash things once more, as he walks out of his quarters, he remembers about pack rat, and the rest, he figures he better send a message to him, ohGr trys to, but it seems that such a place no longer exists, it seems that almost everyone is dead, ohGr remembers that malchik might still be alive, so he sends a message asking the million dollar question

what the hell is going on


ohGr walks away from his quarters, and continues onwards to the nuclear test silo, once in, he is greeted by a man that looks similar to albert einstien, he says

ahh, welcome, we just developed some new nukes for your testing, their over 80trillion megatonnes, so make sure you target a uninhabited planet, now, ive done some research, and it seems one planet just north of here on the radar has no life of anything at all, its just a red hot, uninhabitable planet with no oxygenwhatsoever


ohGr looks at the radar, he then says



the nuke goes off in a load roar, as he sees it go towards the planet, he cannot wait due to all the excitement of something blowing up apart from beer cans



the planet explodes with a big blue wave coming from where the nuke used to be, the planet was literally disintergrated, ohGr turns to the scientist and says

once again you have outdone yourself, keep up the great work


as ohGr walks back to his post, he sees kate working as normal, when he walks in the room, she is clearly oblivious of his existence, ohGr sneaks up behind her and shouts



kate jumps up from her seat laughing from getting scared, ohGr walks over to the coffee machine and gets himself a cup, and a donut, he is finished with it in less than a minute, with his normal skulling, kate looks at him in disbelief and says

i dont know how you do that


ohGr replies


ohGr unleashes a huge burp that could be heard through soundproof glass...which doesnt make any sence once again.

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The charges placed and the stream of snow crates placed, the Comet ignites it's engines. Armiena will direct the battle via one of the drone cruisers.

"Remember, protect the Comet at all costs. Once it is ready to self-destruct, jump into hyperspace."


7 hours later, Armiena's last gamble reaches the St. Petersburg. A surprisingly small fleet awaits them. Running, Pack Rat? But... where??

"Launch all fighters. Disable Pack Rat's weapons. Forget everything else."


Hundreds, probably thousands of manned fighters and smaller suicide drones swarm out of the hangars. The fighters fail to do much damage, but the drones manage to disable many of the turrets of the cruisers and the station.


Distracted by the fighters, a volley of torpedos slips in unnoticed, at least until it's too late. Pack Rat's ships try to evade, but the torpedos deliver their payload of anti-snow. Most of the ships vanish in a hydrogen bomb-sized explosion.


I'm surprised... these crews fought like they were green. Where IS Pack Rat?


"Let's pull out. Hailey Comet, commence final countdown. Get yourselves out quick."


A few minutes later, several shuttles burst out of the Comet's empty hangars and flee for hyperspace with the rest of Armiena's fleet.


The Comet self-destructs in a world-consuming blast. St. Petersburg vanishes instantly. The rest of the explosion follows a string of snow crates (with smaller anti-snow charges inside) towards Novosibirsk. Although the explosion has weakened somewhat, it destroys Novosibirsk's fleet.


2 hours later, Armiena sends shuttles in towards Novosibirsk. After a fierce fight, her marines capture the station and take prisoners.


"Well, I should probably try to find Peregrine and report in."


Happy 200th post!!

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BCG Longbow, Prague Orbit:


From the bridge of his flagship, Peregrine watched the conquest of his new world. Battlecruiser strikes had already eliminated the surface defenses, and now the boxy shapes of the heavy troop transports could be seen descending into the atmosphere. Soon, the population would have no choice but to surrender or die. And the Peregrinist priests on the transports would produce an entire world of believers for him. Soon he would arrive on the planet (once it was safe), with the full glory of a returning god.


But now Peregrine turned his attention to Emour, and his next battle. How amusing, he thought, that the fate of the universe would be decided at such an insignificant place....


Hellwatch Station, Near the Acheron Gate:


As boring as it was, station duty did have its advantages, the patrol captain thought as he contemplated his excellent poker hand. But as he started to place his bet, a sensor tech ran up to him.

"Sir, we've spotted an energy surge in the gate region. Its like nothing we've ever seen before."

The captain managed to contain his laughter, but barely. These newbies always get so excited about this stuff... "Its nothing... years of surveys and we still don't know much about the thing. Now excuse me, I've got a game to win."

He turned back to the table. "Five thousand," he announced, sliding a stack of chips across the table.


The sound of the proximity alarm shattered the boredom, and cards fell to the floor unnoticed as everyone in the control room turned to look at the main screen. There, impossibly huge, and just outside the window, floated massive gray shape, blocking out the rest of the universe.. The station crew had just barely enough time for a few suprised noises before a full broadside from its energy weapons erased the station from the universe.


On the bridge of the battlecruiser Stormwind, Captain Parke's satisfaction grew with every bit of incoming news. The station had been destroyed before they had even thought to transmit a warning. Nobody had even the slightest idea they were in this universe. No witnesses remained to watch the line of ships following Stormwind through the gate.

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Andromeda sytem; The Novosibirsk


Altough Pack Rat was killed in the war, the crew at the Novosibirsk was looking for a good opportunity to find revenge. Most of the former Red Nation troops redrew to Emour but the Novosibirsk admiral decided that something to be done first.

Armiena made another mistake by moving in the Adromeda system.


The Haley-comet was a very easy to spot traget. The Novosbirsk contained a massive canon where they could easily do much damage to little moons and battleships.

Prague itself is too big but a comet like the haley-comet could be destroyed by the canon. Altough most of the ships were beginning evactuation, the admiral gave order to destroy the haley-comet.

Most of the stationspower was used to prepare the cannon.

The haley-comet moved away of the St-Petersburg but came more than close enough to being hit by the cannon.


Altough the Red Nation was destroyed and totally defeated the spirit was not gone.

The admiral wanted revenge and would get it. After wards he would seprate the Novosibirsk of the rest of the fortress and destroy what left behind. The Novosibirsk itself was a massive battleship. From the up it looked like a huge triangle. It was a massive ship witch could easily take a fleet of 200 Titans. And since the battle at Prague Peregrine did not have the needed troops to stop the Novosibirsk. Armiena might have but in a few minutes also she wont have the necessary troops left. The Novosibirsk would leave then together with 300 Titans to Emour where they would try to unite the Red Navy.

The Haley-comet now was in range.

Admiral Nickolai gave the order to fire.

The comet took a full hit and was about to explode. Altough the comet barely survived the attack of the Pegasusfleet it couldnt survive this hit.

The blast destroyed several deck of the base inside the comet. Only Armiena and a small group could only reach a small group of her ships. Most of the docks were destroyed along with several decks.

As Armiena and her small group of ships left the comet the comet exploded behind her. The comet was completly destroyed this time and Armiena took a second direct hit in this war. First she lost her entire fleet to the Pegasus-fleet and now she lost her base and her fleet.


On Prague, a rebellion was uprising. Peregrine was realising this and he was becoming scared. He and his men would never succeed in silecing a rebellion. He needed to make an example. Something that would finally crush their will to fight. But this brought several other problems along. First of all the problems was that the people on Prague were refusing to build any ships. Not even killing a few of the rebels dint affect them. Second problem was that his fleet now was limited due the battle at Prague. Armiena had docks and shipyards on the comet but the comet was destroyed. Armiena herself only got away with a small group... He would have to face Emour with everything he had left.


He decided it would be wise to leave Prague for now, get rid of Emour first and return then...


After destroying the Haley-comet, the Novisbirsk seperated itself from the fortress and went to lightspeed straight to Emour where the last Red Navy soldiers were. Admiral Nickolai was hoping he would be able to unite the Red Navy and give them a new leader. Alexei... But he knew Alexei feared Peregrine now. Alexei was a strong man as long as Pack rat was alive. It would be difficult convincing him...


2 Hours later the Novosibirsk landed on Emour.

Admiral Nickolai insited that he would be brought immediatly to Alexei. There was something urgent that he had to discuss.

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OOC>f%( me dead Peregrine seriously, overkill you and Pack Rat planned this, im sure.


*Shin stared out of his window..... "any word from that Red Nation ship floating around out there?"


"negative, sir"

"Well fine then, we will not help Pack Rat. I pulled out of this war becuase that lazy fetcher, never gave me the time of day, never took me seriously. You know what lead to his downfall, Volkov?"


"that's a negative sir,"

"He lost Volkov... because he kept retreating, he retreated to his way to his last stand on prague, it was then that he got screwed, now with nowhere to go, he tries no more. Now with no-one left to stand up to him, Peregrtine shall take the universe and all its people.


*another man enters

spoon obelisk is ready and shields are at maximum


"Sir why then raise shielding around this planet when it is alreadyt shielded against any attack"

"because Volkov, with Pack Rat now destroyed, Peregrine believes we are the last stand against him, but we left the war long ago, Pack Rat is not responding to our hails...... so we wont fight


"Then we will die!"

"yes, Volkov it was obvious we were going to die long ago, when Mars II was crushed, that's why i left the alliance, Even OhGr has not returned yet..... However i do know some who will fight... Slaiv, and Mojlnir(wherever he is) they will fight Peregrine, i must be alone now to ponder whether or not we should approach Pergrine as allies or enemies.


OOC>Good one Pack Rat, i clicked on reply just as you finished so i didnt see what you wrote.


*Sir, we have reports of a Red nation ship landing on the planet

"Pack Rat is not on it, if he thinks he can send an alliance team that doesn't have the leader of the whole army, he is dead wrong. I will not join this war to die, i need proof that Peregrine can be beaten, that Pack Rat wil not turn on me during battle.... prepare to open fire on my mark.. first we'l see what he wants."


OOC> i mean it if this is a pre-determined fight it's unfair to the rest of us who dont know that there wil be a massive power post to crush us all.

Edited by ShinJiOh
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