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Shinjioh's fleet


As shinjioh kept raging in his fury a message was received. It was send by Admiral Nickolai, commander of the Novosibirsk.


I believe you were waiting for Pack Rat. You may stop... Pack Rat is dead so dont blame him on not coming. If you are willing to save whats left of this free world go to Emour, the last stand of the free world. Alexei, Pack Rat's son, will need you... I will need you. Help me to convince Alexei to take up his fathers sword and lead the last free soldiers to victory...

He needs men who still have faith in what we are fighting for. We have to show him it is not over yet...

Emour is where I shall meet you... Emour is where I hope I will meet you...


Nickolai entered the romm where Alexei sat in a chair.

Is this the son of the warrior I served? Look, at you for god sake!


As long as we will fight Pack Rat will be not dead. He will be remembered as our example...

Nickolai... I cant fight anymore... It is hopeless!

No! My men just made sure that Armiena wouldnt be able to send reinforcements to Peregrine. Your father took out most of his fleet during the battle at Prague. Our numbers arent quiete what we were hoping for but it will have to do... But they are in need of a leader, Alexei....

Unite the Red Navy again... And they will fight and live as Pack Rat thought them... Do not wheap for his death. His time had come, now it is your time. You must do what your father couldnt. Your father opened the way, you have to walk it and see the end of it. Do not despair, I have faith that victory will come... But the men need you Alexei;

By these words Eric and Jun'Ko enter the room.

We all need you


Alexei walks towards the stand where the last Red Navy flag hangs. By taking this flag up the soldiers would see him as their leader again.They would follow him to whatever end.

Alexei grabs the pole and takes the flag up and takes it outside. He walks with it trough Emour, making a colone of loyal soldiers who are willing to follow him and are ready to fight! The Red Navy had a new commander and was preparing to wether see their doom or the victory they fought so long for...


ooc> We dont plan anything, we just write our own moves... I dont have a clue how this story is about to end. All I know the final battle is about to begin. When this scenario has finished we will introduce a new one where you guys will be able to participate in. Thats what we do... But we dont plan how the story will turn out to be... That's each seperate writer his task

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OOC> woah umm Pack Rat, i hope you know that Emour belongs to me my civilisation is on it, it is my home planet and well you just said you walked through emour well that WAS my massive city.

so if you wouldnt mind editing to a part where i walk out with many armed guards and just meet with you.k thx


*Shin checks his messages..... "Pack Rat is dead?, i knew this as i could not sense him, meh i'll just meet him at Ancalagon's place w00t party"


*Shin walks outside with many armed guards and says, what do you want?"

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Shin, I will not let the universe pass to peregrine and do nothing. If you will not accept my help defending Emour, I will fight on for the last stronghold of the universe against Peregrine without you. You cannot force me to watch your destruction.


The encrypted message is beamed to Shin without being intercepted


"Organize our fleet" Rudy says.


"but sir, all of our forces are on defensive patrols."


"Call them back, prepare to bring the fleet to Emour"


"Yes Sir!"


*The legions of Rudy load into hundreds of dropships

*The offensive fleet is readied for battle.


On Emour the battle would take place, SnowMan and the ice Zombies, fighting as one with the forces of Shin against Peregrine


Prepare for our arrival ASAP, We are wasting no time in coming to your aid. Send news before our arrival if you wish to let us fight for you openly.


Rudy Out-

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OOC> why does everyone wanna pick on my Emour it's just a peaceful planet *sob*


*"Fine!" says Shin "we'll have a last stand on Emour with the combined forces of ShinJiOh, Mojlnir, Slaiv, Rudy and the red nation now that pidgeon will die, but first a cavewich..."

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the dropships arrive on Emours surface, the legions file out by the thousands.


The combat fleet comes down and waits on the surface.


Rudy's command ship lands in a hidden area :shifty: to direct the defence for his forces.


The surface to space snow nuke launchers are positioned all over the ground, aimed up.


The surface craft are manned and position defensively around the city.


Snipers are positioned in the hills around the city, in the event that the battle is moved to the surface, each one has 30 95 mm ice bullets at their dispsiol.


hundreds of fighters are readied and their shields are charged.


And one last preperation is taken, A fleet of remote ships are loaded with tons of nucleur material, their engines are highly explosive and can thrust the ship as a kamakazi at superspeeds into an enemy.


Everything on Rudys part is ready.



ooc: when you make a move in this cool battle dont make the victory one post. make each move one post. that will make it funner and more...better

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*Shin checks his messages..... "Pack Rat is dead?, i knew this as i could not sense him, meh i'll just meet him at Ancalagon's place w00t party"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Must......redeem.....self.......gain.....entrance.....to......party....."


Slaiv messages Shin:


"Uh......if I fight for you and help to defeat Peregrine can I be 'redeemed', or at least promoted? Man, I'm sick of delivery-boy status......."


ooc>here comes the part where I laugh maniacally because me and my forces are invincible....we are undead just like the people in A RECENT MOVIE........

Edited by Slaiv
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"Whatever Slaiv, fight, you will get promoted, by me instead of Malchik, but i shall still see if you're worthy to join the eternal party. In fact you're promoted now, but i have one last request, go see if Malchik has created the Shinjioium flubber, it will be quite useful, and see if hell wants to fight.
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OOC: Um... Pack Rat, did you read my ENTIRE post? St Petersburg is space dust. Novosibirsk is a hollowed out hull (for the sake of fairness, the prisoners I took had no valuable information). My fleet is searching Andromeda for Peregrine's fleet. But yes, the Comet is dust too.


Frustrated with the lack of information from the Novosibirsk's prisoners, Armiena takes her anger out on a simulated fencing partner in the holodeck on one of her manned ships.

A messenger enters the room, getting Armiena's attention for just a second. The simulant takes advantage of her divided attention and thrusts its broadsword into her chest. Armiena curses at herself for losing concentration. She deactivates the simulant, and glares at the messenger.



"Sir, we've found Peregrine. Her ship is in orbit around Prague."

"Good, set a course for her fleet. Meanwhile, send our construction drones to build a new base in this system's asteroid belt."


Armiena sighs as he leaves. This really wasn't a bad day... 2 enemy stations dead, new base to be built


Armiena reactivates the simulant.

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