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The Snow Arena


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Everybody wants a piece of me big boy.


Peregrine = poser.

ooc>I predict that you will soon see the letters "b","d","n","e","n", and "a" put together into a very harsh word in the future........


Slaiv messages his massive fleet:


"Alright, slackers- move to Emour and set up a defensive perimeter around the planet. Double construction speed on all ships and weapons. Place the newly acquired technology on every last ship. And bring any mercenaries you have found...."


"Yes, Sir. We have gathered soldiers from the planets of Rhiaal, Rhiaahr and Rhegaal from the Anisetiol Star System, Sir."




"Alrighty then, Shin...."


Slaiv travels to Hell


"Hey, Malchik- Shin wants to know if you've made the Shinjoium flubber yet. Oh, and he wants to know if you and Hell will fight to protect Emour."

Edited by Slaiv
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*Alright, now there is no more fun and games, it ends here, i want all ships ready for launch, set them up in sector three beta and 9-alpha.

The ships already on the move sir,


"Bring planetary shields to maximum"




Men manning the fighters, women and children in the shelters






Up and running



chilled and ready


"Looks like meat's back on the menu boys"


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<ooc: I was about to say this myself, but I agree. No one post battles here... lets make this as good as a final battle deserves to be!>



BCG Longbow, Prague Orbit:


The troubles on the planet were a minor annoyance to Peregrine. The shipyards were of no concern, his own could easily out produce a single world. And in the time left before his next attack, no shipyard in existence could produce even a single capital ship. But the planet itself was an entirely different subject... this refusal to worship him could not be tolerated. But hopefully the answer was simple.. before moving on to strategic planning, he sent a simple message to the battlecruisers in charge of the occupation.


The resistance is unacceptable. Make an example of them if they will not submit. Defiance or failure to properly worship Peregrine is to be punished harshly. If they resist, you are to begin orbital bombardment of the city where the resistance happens. They must learn the price of defiance.


Now, he turned his attention to his fleet. The Prague attack had cost him heavily, but he still had enough strength to hit Emour. He had been forced to cut the strength of his defensive fleets elsewhere, but now a solid spearhead of battlecruisers floated in formation outside his window. And his carrier groups, barely even used in this war, were almost untouched. And his light units were just as intact... in their haste to get his battlecruisers, none of his enemies had really bothered attacking the small escort cruisers and gunships. If things went well, he should have enough to break through Emour's defenses....


"Unidentified ships coming in from sector I-371!"

The sensor officer's report interrupted his thoughts. As his fleet went to full alert, the sensor contacts began updating.

"That's odd... none of their heavy units have left Emour." The sensor officer began pointing to several of the points of light that represented enemy capital ships. "And I've never seen any of these here..."


On the tactical map, the light points began changing to the green icons of friendly units.




The announcement instantly cleared the depressing mood that had been dominating Peregrine's thoughts earlier. Armiena's seemingly impossible escape (and with a fleet even!) could shift the balance in the battle for Emour. He turned to his comm officer. "Send the following message to Armiena."


Armiena, I am glad to see you alive in this world. I eagerly await the story of your return to power. But for now, business demands our attention. The last opposition to our Second Age is gathering at Emour for a final defiant stand. We will destroy them there.

You will have the honor of leading the second wave into Emour. But timing is critical here. You must attack exactly on my signal, or my plans may fall apart. We will not fail, but the cost may be much higher. Now study the battle plans attached, and prepare your fleet.






BGC Stormwind, Near the Acheron Gate:


Captain Parke watched his full fleet assembling in formation behind his flagship. As the last freighters moved their missile pod chains into position behind the battlecruisers, he hit the switch to address his entire fleet.


"You have fought hard to get here. Every one of you deserves the glory that waits for you in the coming battle. The Second Age is your well earned destiny. I promise you, you will have your vengeance on the heretics. Now all crews prepare for hyperspace. We've got an appointment to keep at Emour!"


At the last part, the sounds of cheering echoed through his flagship's corridors. When the celebration finally quieted a bit, he leaned over towards his nav officer and gave the order to jump to hyperspace. As the universe disolved into brilliant light, his thoughts turned to the battle waiting for him at the other end of the jump. His entire plan revolved around precise timing, but his fleet would not reach its destination for days. Sure, the last probe data had showed everything as expected, but things could change fast in war....

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*Shin thinks deeply, where is Mojlnir?, no matter.... Ancalagons Dragons will surely be of use to us though they protect the one known as Mojlnir.


*A soldier walks in

"Volkov are you ready?"



Our last sensorsweeps show that Peregrine has not left Prague, we will need this time, for it will take days to reach us, what of Rudy? Volkov?

Rudy's tactical units report to be in position


"And what of the contingency plan?"

ready, no-one will see this coming


"good, Slaiv's ships?"

In a perimetre around Emour


Sir should we lose... what would happen

"Purgatory son, where we will have a great party at Ancalagon's place... If Peregrine wins, he does not get to come, i sense that is a problem weighed apon Peregrine and Armenia's shoulders.


You know who's going to win dont you?, i mean word is that you've seen the future

true, i have i know who was going to win, however things have changed, that side may still win or i have made too many changes and that side will lose.


Then if it is going to change sir, may i know who was going to win?

No, for if it were us you would be overconfident and would lose, if it were they, you would be down in morale and may lose or win if you get angry.


The outcome is as yet undecided, we will see when the time comes, you don't know.... we may all die :rip:

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ohGr is sitting back in his seat, and he begins to remember about Mars II, and the destruction that conviently occoured to such a planet, ohGr says to kate

kate, assemble some fighters, and 2 transport ships, it may seem risky, but there are some things i need to get off my mind


hours later the ships are ready and ohGr enters the strongest one as usual, he was still afraid of dying, and didnt want to moment to happen so soon, the ships take off, and head towards the remains of Mars II, since the technology was so much more advanced on these ships, they were there in minutes, in his curious state, ohGr calls out

what did we do, go into ludacris speed


the ship lands violently, since there was so much debris around the area, eventually the door opens, and ohGr sees what used to be Mars II.

holy ****, how did these people breathe


a soldier hands ohGr a mask, so he can breathe in these harsh conditions, ohGr takes the mask, and puts it on, seconds later, he is used to the mask, and wanders around the old office of war, before it was torn apart, ohGr realises that if he dies, he wont be worthy of living again, unless the black god azgorth, ohGrs companion, agrees to it, and since they were close friends, death was the last thing on ohGrs mind, ohGr finds one of his own guns, and his old message he was to send to pack rat when everyone was still alive, ohGr sighs, and walks back into the ship and says to azgorth

anything on the radar


azgorth stares outside and says

some people are still dying, it seems the oxygen is not as bad as it seems, also some spirits, but we can communicate with them, i might be able to do so with some, but its a long shot, since i was a desendant from hell


ohGr smirks and replies

i find that hard to believe, coming from hell, theres no such thing...right?


azgorth hums for a bit, and then begins chanting, in the blink of an eye, the remains of the office of war, were no more, azgorth then laughs in his evil way and says

then explain that


ohGr smiles then replies

ok, you win, so is there any reason why we should be here?


azgorth thinks for a while then replies

no...nothing is left of this place, its just to turn into an abyss...but i shall leave it, destroying it is a waste, besides, memorys are to be left alone, not to be killed


as ohGr thinks for a while, he remembers about sarah, probably his closest friend back then, and now shes gone, and ohGr never had anytime to take it seriously, now, more depressed than ever, he ships take off, and ohGr is on the verge of suicide, which azgorth says to him

dont do it...its a waste, dying for one who is no more would convince me how weak you are, not to mention how stupid that decision is, shes better off now, she would have died anyway, although, the lines of my journal state there is a way to revive one, its clearly a matter of finding the corpse, capturing the soul and summoning my father, lucifer, to revive her, although, there is a 30% chance of the soul not liking the situation, so it could drive the corpse insane, and create...a zombie, so, if we were to find her corpse and soul, i can get you to talk her soul into the idea...either way, theres a 40% chance of amnesia, so once shes back, there will be alot of explaining to do...well...we're back at the base, you should sleep on this if you still can, the mind is a terrible thing to waste, and its already been 3 days since you last slept, ill meet you tomorrow, at your advanced communications center


ohGr looks down, ready to kill himself, and realises that theres a more important issue to worry about before reviving her, ohGr realises that he must wait for a reply from malchik, and send re-inforcements up to his base, the one known as peregrine might act on ohGr soon, and ohGr didnt want to find out the consequence of turning his back for a minute, so, trustworthy of azgorth's powers, ohGr sleeps for the night.

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*Shin sits pondering if any more help could arrive, when on sensors a new ship arrives on the pieces of Mars II


*"Good flaiven... it's OhGr!"


Shin sends a message to OhGr


Yo, OhGr turn your head 72 degrees to the right, yes, that's it now see that rather large planet next to you, that's where i am... and that's where the final resistance is... ummm as a previous ally, wanna help us whip some bird butt?
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Emour: Last sail of the Navy


As Alexei had finally token up his fathers sword and with that his task and duty.

What once was the Red Navy had been united under the red flag once again.

The Red Navy had made sure that assembeled everything they had left.

20 Godships, 400 Crusaders, 300 Titans and the Novosibirsk. It's numbers were reduced to their minimum but they didnt minded it.

Pack Rat had been overwhelmed from the beginning and he kept fighting. Today they would do the same. The Red Navy would do the same untill the last ship was destroyed and with that the entire Red Nation and Red Navy would be vanished, only to be remembered in history.


Alexei stood in front of what was left of the once mighty Red Navy. They came a far way. They began their struggle on Earth, later on Mars and eventually to be defeated at Prague. But they would do anything to get Prague back. That moon did not deserve to be under the rule of a madman...

The Red Flag would wave above the Prague sky once more, but first their had to be foughten.


Warriors of the Red Nation. I have failed you... I ran when you needed me the most. I fled like the true coward I was. But no longer!

Today I will take my ship and go to meet my destiny. Today I ask you.. What will you do?

Are we going to sit here and look how Prague is destroyed? Will we let Armiena alive for the treachery she commited?

Not I! Not this time... Pack Rat made us the way, now it is our turn to walk it and see the end of it!

But I want to know... Who will walk the road with me?


For a few seconds it remained silent.

But behind Alexei Jun'Ko, Eric and Admiral Nickolai rose their arms. Soon everywhere arms of Red Navy soldiers rose in the arm. Cheering began to fill the air and by the end all former red Navy soldiers had rosen an arm and cheered for their new leader.

They were destinated. From the beginning of the war till the end Peregrine wanted them gone.

Did he fear them? Did he knew something they didnt? From the beginning Peregrine wanted to destroy them. He never offered them any alliance. He betrayed them after they showed their power. He murdered their women, their sons and daughters. But now they wanted revenge... Pack Rat may have died but his will will exist as long as the Red Navy exists.

The Red Navy saluted his new friends and thanked them to stand here today along side with them. All those time the Red Nation had stand alone in this conflict and now everybody chose the side of Alexei and his brethren.

Their numbers were low but vast. Peregrine had become arrogant and thought he wouldnt have any problems with destroying Emour.

The Red Navy soldiers and marines were about to show that his arrogance would pay him costly.

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ohGr wakes up, still confused, and still depressed, he checks his computer for any messages..

hmm, shin is still alive, i thought he passed away with the rest...a resistance planet!...ahh crap, i should have taken my computer with me, then i would have been able to see it


ohGr storms out of his quarters, and goes straight to azgorth's temple, azgorth says before ohGr has a chance to say anything

we shall go at the sight of the stars, which is not too far, tell kate to spread the word, we may be moving, it all depends, but we must stop off at mars II again, to see if we can salvage anything, we may find something, my father tells me of a weapon there, although, it may be useless, its worth looking


ohGr is aware that azgorth doesnt like being replied to without a good reason, so ohGr walks off and walks into the communications center, in there he sees kate sleeping on the job, as ohGr walks in, he slams the door, waking her up, and scaring her, ohGr says

dont worry, its me, i need you to get everyone to prepare 12 fighter ships, and 4 destroyers, plus 6 transport ships and 18 commandos, we might be moving out


minutes later everything is set up, since no one really sleeps during the night except the people who actually work, ohGr boards the ship, and awaits azgorth, ohGr feels a hand on his shoulder, he freaks out and sharply turns around, azgorth says

nevermind that, remember, im not human


as the ship takes off, ohGr begins waiting for the moment, to finally find out whats going on, to finally find out whos the real enemy, to finally die when its over.

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*Shin is making further preparations for the war coming, so he calls a meeting together with all of the leaders to dicuss what their gonna do "i mean we cant just go and charge at him when he has his pointed sticks pointed at us... what we need is an idea.... any ideas?
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