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The Snow Arena


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<ooc: sorry to disappoint you, but Armiena got inside the field through the simple strategy of not turning it on until she was inside! The shielding ones we used didn't completely stop time so the off signal could get through. You could attack through one of those, if you're willing to wait a few billion years for a result! But the one around the Pegasus ships is perfect stasis, no way in, no way out.>


Deep Space:


Pack Rat's scouts had no trouble locating the old stasis field. Exactly where the coordinates had said, a cloud of debris drifted randomly. On the bridge of the scout leader, the squadron commander made his report to Pack Rat.

"As you can see, nothing out here. There used to be a freighter," he pointed to a few sections of debris that were still recognizable, "but the self destruct charges destroyed anything of interest. Nothing even worth a salvage trip. We're on our way home."

As soon as his comm officer reported the message had been sent, the scout fleet began the long run out to the hyperspace point.


Prague, The Underground:


"Sergei! Sergei!"

All heads turned towards the door as an exhausted looking sentry entered the room. The business they had been discussing was forgotten in an instant as the sentry began to speak.

"They're gone! All of them! They're turning and running! They've abandoned the whole city!"

A new hope grew in Sergei's mind. Could freedom really be coming this soon? He turned to address the gathered leaders.

"Today we win our freedom! Begin the revolution!"


Prague, Captial City:


Exactly as the sentry had reported, not a single Peregrinist patrol could be seen. As the rebels walked through the streets, weapons slung carelessly over their shoulders, cheering crowds gathered around them, and shouts of celebration could be heard coming out many of the windows.


The first attack came without warning. A brilliant blue-white beam stabbed down through the clouds, shattering the government buildings. As the crowds screamed in terror, more beams slammed into the city. 10cm broadside lasers that could rip open a battleship reduced unarmored city buildings to dust. The city became hell as more and more shots vaporized buildings and whoever was inside them. The initial demonstration completed, the two battlecruisers in orbit began firing full broadsides into the city. The shock of the bombardment could even be felt deep underground, and many of the caves that had hidden the rebels in that city collapsed. By the time the laser bombardment stopped, few survivors remained to witness the final destruction of the city. As they carefully looked out from their shelter, a new sun formed in the center of the city. The blinding light was the last thing they saw before the anti-snow detonation erased the entire city from existence.


When the last melted rock had finally cooled, only a glass-lined crater remained of Prague's former capital. Over 5 million people died in the attack, and around the planet, millions more witnessed the live broadcast. As the demonstration finally ended, it was replaced by a simple statement.

"This is the price of defiance."



BCG Longbow:


Peregrine and one of his intelligence officers watched his vengeance from his private quarters. The intelligence officer sill wore the "uniform" of the rebels, but his expression was one of satisfaction as the rebels died. When the last remains of the city had been destroyed, he turned to speak to the officer.

"My congratulations on your work. I hadn't thought it would be possible to infiltrate them like that. You have saved me a lot of work hunting down their leaders. Maybe now the rebellion will collapse without any more effort from us. But as for you, a well deserved reward has been placed in your bank account. Along with an equally well deserved break. Now go, enjoy your time off."

As the officer walked out the door, Peregrine found new hope in the world. If all his minions could be as loyal and productive as that man, he just might win this whole war....

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Andromeda system; Prague; The underground.


The Revolution


Two rebels carried him back inside. Sergei only had some bruises. One of his captains gave him a cup of water.

"We just lost a whole bunch of men out there..."

"I know... Peregrine really fears us. Not a single time he dared to face us man to man. See men? The one who wants to rule the universe even fears a fleet-less group of warriors. Anyway... I guess we will have to work a bit sooner... You know what to do..."


From the darkness all of a sudden the sound of selfmade drums began to fill the Underground. Out of holes soldiers began to fill the upper-levels. Millions of them.

Lightly armored but they were ready for it. They had been training themselves for this from the beginning they were driven into the underground.

Women and children were prepared. Sergei stood in front of his men.

"Now we wait..."


Prague orbit; Armienas mini-bases.


A soldier enters Armienas room.

"My Lady, I have a message for you."

"What is it?"

"Shall I read it?

"Yes, go ahead"

"Very well. Who do you think you are. You think you can make us serve a tiran without even asking our opinion. We have heared of Prague... We can no longer carry on with this. My Lady, you are dismissed. Signed by the entire crew."


Armiena stared at the soldier in disbelief. Her eyes and mouth were wide open and showed her disbelief.

"What's this? You think you can betray me?

"Why not? You have betrayed the Red Nation who once treated us well too..."

When he finished the sentence he grabbed his pistol.

"Goodbye, My Lady... You will do no more harm and most off all, you want betray anyone anymore..."

The sound of a shot filled the room.. In front of the soldier Armiena collapses and a puddle of blood began to form. He could still hear her breath but decided he would let her suffer. He holstered the gun and left the room. Outside the room Armienas top-officers were waiting.

"Is it done?"

"Yes, sir..."

"Very well, proceed with the plan..."

The other bases were contacted and began to carry out their orders. All of Armienas men boarded the massive fleet she had prepared to assist Peregrine. Explosives were placed all over the bases. All ships were launched from the docks and they set course for Prague. From the moment they were out of range, they detonated the explosives. Now they just had to move towards Prague. To pick up a cargo... A soldiers noticed something..

"Wont Peregrine notice this?"

"We already took care of that.."


30 minutes earlier; BCG Longbow.


The entire ship was surprised by an explosion. Soon the alarm sounded. Several detachements of fire-fighters moved to the position of the explosion.

Peregrine wanted an up-date.

"What is going on?"

"Sabotage Sir. They blew up our radar and communication. We are flying totally blind now."

"How soon can you have it fixed?"

"I dont know sir, it seems to be fully destroyed. They sure used a whole bunch of explosives. It would at least take 4 days to fully replace it."

"Dammit. Stop the ship! Do what you have to... You have four days."

Behind Peregrine several of his officers were silently laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"It seems that they dont fear you anymore... You make their hatred bigger by the day."

"Get out..."

Peregrine sits down in his chair. The officer was right. They wont fear him untill he defeats them in battle.



Andromeda system; Prague.


Soon the fleet landed on Prague. The location was pre-determined. They openened their cargo-bays and waited for their cargo.

One of the captains spoke:

"Allright give the signal..."On his radio Sergei received word.

"Allright move out like we planned, let's go!"

All the soldiers first transported the women and children into the great numbers of ships. When every women and children was loaded up the soldiers boarded.

Sergei meeted the captain of the former Armiena-fleet. He shaked his hand.

"Thank you..."

"No problem, it's the least we can do after what your people has been trough. They wont fool us anymore. We dont serve a tiran... Nor a traitor, she betrayed us by betraying the Red Nation. We fought along side of you and then she forced us to destroy you. "

"Get us to these coordinates and you'll get a warm welcome."




"Alexei, we are receiving a message from a certain Sergei..."

"Send it trough... Yes?

"Alexei? It's Sergei... Good news! We got of Prague and are bringing you a new army. We have obtained a whole fleet!"

"Nice work Sergei... Appearantly Armienas men werent so happy to serve Peregrine as she was..."

"No, commander! At least these men are loyal to their true cause. Armiena betrayed herself by betraying us."


2 Hours later the entire fleet landed on Emour. The Red Navy's fleet was increased by enormous numbers. By the ships who were to assist Peregrine. Quiete ironic since these ships will now be used to destroy him... Armienas bases were totally destroyed. Nobody knows if she survived or not. It would take 4 days before Peregrine would find out what happend.

The entire population that was left on Prague and all it;s fighting forces were transported to Emour. Along with the fleet Armiena contructed for Peregrine.

Once more The Red Nation people had outsmarted Peregrine. Peregrine was beginning to run out of options.

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<ooc: single post kills includes stealing the other person's entire fleet!>


BCG Longbow, Prague Orbit:


"For your betrayal of your nation, I sentence you to death. May you burn in every hell ever imagined."

The series of of gunshots was suprisingly loud in the flagship's hangar bay. When they stopped, the traitors in Peregrine's crew (including the laughing officers) all lay dead on the deck, bullets holes in their heads.


Six hours later, Peregrine's engineering officer made a revised report. A new engineering officer this time. The old one had been executed for helping the traitors plant the bomb. But all the traitors had met the same fate, and now his crew was entirely loyal officers who would follow him to the death, and beyond, if needed.


"We've replaced most of the damaged components in the sensor system. Idiots got the bomb placed wrong, mostly just cut the data cables. Hardware's mostly intact, so we should be done with repairs in another hour or so."

But Peregrine barely heard this, his attention was focused on the map display being relayed to him by one of his escort ships. There, the loyal remains of Armiena's fleet waited under the guns of his battlecruisers. Onboard, the same purge of traitors was happening.


"Arrogant fool," he said quietly to himself. "Did he really think I'd keep my entire fleet in one place?" While a large percentage of Armiena's fleet had been stolen by the traitors, many of its ships remained behind. Whether by Pack Rat's ignorance, or by bloody defeat of the traitors, over 60% of the fleet had remained under his control. But unfortunately not Armiena herself. He turned a worried thought to her. Hopefully she still lived....




Armiena's Flagship, Emour:


"She's still alive!"

The commando squad that now occupied the bridge rushed over to look. Exactly as the soldier had said, Armiena was still alive, though wounded badly. As the medic began working to save her from death, the rest of the squad dumped the bodies of Pack Rat's traitor crew from their stations and began preparing the ship for battle. Through the entire trip to Emour, they had hidden their true loyalty. But with most of the ship's crew off celebrating or newly reunited with their families, their opportunity had come. The skeleton crew that had stayed behind was dead, and they had uncontested control of the ship. But they would have to move quickly....


A wall of fire exploded out from Armiena's flagship. The battlecruisers's full energy batteries ripped into the parked ships. At point blank range and with shields down, nothing could survive. The ships surrounding the flagship were reduced to burning wreckage. Then the flagship rocked slightly as a full salvo of missiles blanketed the area with anti-snow fire. This time, the transports and the victory celebration around them was the target. Unarmored transports and completely defensless citizens disappeared in a bright flash. The detonation in atmosphere produced a shockwave no space battle could match, and many of the people who had survived the initial detonation were crushed by the force, or burried in the rubble as building after building crumbled.


But the destruction would not be complete. Time and numbers would decide that, and the fact that only a tiny part of Pack Rat's fleet was even in range. Without waiting to fire a second shot, the flagship's crew fed full power to the shields and engines. As the defense crews scambled to get bring their systems online, Armiena's flagship climbed away from the surface. At full power, nothing could catch the escaping ship. Behind it, a few gunners tried desperate shots, but the shields held long enough to jump to hyperspace.

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ooc>power posting sucks, pack rat......... :huh: :huh: :huh: and i dont really think peregrine fears you, but......


"Sir! With some information from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, we have completed the cloning machine requested, Sir! We need only the item that is to be cloned, Sir!"


"Excellent. Have you finished installing the torpedoes onto the ships yet?"


"No, Sir, but we should be done shortly."


"Has research come up with anything yet?"


"Yes- well, somewhat, Sir. If we can get some of the Shinjoium flubber, research has figured out how to put it into a metal, giving the metal the same properties. This new armour could be installed quickly, and would effectively act as flubber. And they have finished the asteroids, Sir."


"Great. Have research double work on new weapons."


"Done, Sir."


Corporal Quilheem leaves the bridge, and Slaiv returns to his quarters.


Slaiv messages the bridge:


"Deploy the asteroids into space. Move them into the set formation. Begin pilot training for asteroidal combat. Set up the planetary shields at the specified locations and turn them on."


Slaiv messages Research:


"Begin researching new weapons right away. Load the Anti-Matter cannons into every single ship."


"Sir- we have already developed a new weapon; it has been in research fro years now. Taking inspiration from a book, Ender's Game, which was written thousands of years ago in an entirely different universe, we have created a weapon whose explosive effects feed off of matter. In other words Sir, the projectile fired from this weapon explodes. The explosion fuels itself through matter. So, basically, the explosion does not stop until there is too little matter to fuel it."


"Great. Load this onto every ship also."


"Yes, Sir."


Slaiv messages Shin:


"Uhh......I need some Shinjoium flubber. Did Malchik send it to you? I have a cloning machine......"

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<occ hahaha good thought slaiv, using a book! :lol: >


ohGr walks out into the remains of the Mars II again, searching for anything of use, as he expected, nothing was worthwhile, ohGr walks back into the ship and says to azgorth

72 degrees from here, is the planet, lets go before we're caught out


the ship starts up, and takes off towards the planet with the remaining leaders, minutes later the ship lands and ohGr walks out with azgorth, they look around for a main hideout, and see a particulary large building, they both head towards it, which the commando's investigate the area, and take cover incase of an emergency.

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*Shin walks down the tower to meet OhGr, thinking shin was an enemy OhGr's guards shoot at him shin simply deflects everybullet strewn apon him.....

"Greetings OhGR, we have been expecting you fore quite some time, you going to help us?" "actually , now is not the time for that have a cavewich, we are having a meetings upstairs and Slaiv and Pack Rat look like they have news to report"


*Up at the meeting table, Slaiv decides to start blubbering on.... "okok here is the shinjioium flubber go boy go!"


*Alexei stands up... yes, Alexei, what would you like to say?"



OOC> w0000000000t 40 pages celebrate good times c'mon, take that Acrid, yes tha target is 44 but it was doubted we would reach this far PARTY!

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<occ, yay, were at 40 pages.....what about 100 :shifty: >


ohGr sits down at the table with all the leaders, and begins to feel embarassed about his guards shooting at shin, ohGr says

excuse me for a second


ohGr walks out and his guards shoot at him

**** you people are stupid, cant you idiots recignoise <occ, spelling?> a leader from a ****ing zombie!, get it right dammit!


ohGr walks back in the office, sits down, and listens to the leaders.

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Slaiv sends the flubber to Research:


"Ok. Put this through the cloning machine, and then proceed to make the armour for our ships. Install when finished. Have the Anti-Snow cannons and the Anti-Matter devices been installed yet?"


"Yes, Sir. Finished."




Slaiv returns to the meeting:


"Well, I just got finished talking with my Research......seems that the Anti-Snow and Anti-Matter cannons have been installed. If we can get a clean shot at Peregrine's troops with the AM cannon, we can take them all out at once......but that would be pretty hard. If they're too close, the explosion will come in contact with one of our ships, and then that ship would explode, and everything that explosion touched would cause another one......effectivelt screwing us. It seems that I can only come up with last-resort weapons....... Can anyone spare any heavy-weapons/artillery that I can place on my ships? If I use the ones I have now, we're [we being the entire universe] screwed........"


Slaiv finishes off another Heineken, and downs another cavewich.

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ohGr says to slaiv

well, heres some blueprints azgorth; my companion gave me; i believe they are similar in terms of destructive ways, but it hasnt got this chain reaction thing going on, of course, you can tone down the radius a bit, we tested it on a nuke, bombed a planet trillions of miles away...we nearly got hit


ohGr hands the plans over to slaiv, ohGr then says

dont worry, ive got more than one copy of each


ohGr sits back, and listens to the leaders once more.


<occ, christ!, now that im not at my base, ive got *censored* all to type up :whistling: >

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*well members, i think that thanks to slaiv Malchik and hell will be joining us on the final battle yet another ally to us, congratulations Slaiv, i promote you to my 7th hand man(5th and up gets to the party)....


and now my fellow freedom fighters there is much more to discuss after a 5 min recess.... make that a 5 hour grog night

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