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OOC>, you mean to say you're not posting anymore or that your char. is dead


*Halfway through the recess... Shin thinks, hey where the heck is Malchik... or Mojlnir for that matter?


OOC> i've seen mojlnir post around but i think when he left ancalagon, he meant he wasnt coming back

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Malchik is sorting out the legions of the dead. "Hi Shin, I can't just send you any old body and there's a hell of a lot to sort out."


There are three judges. The first Ahrimanes Potter, generally called 'Arry for short, splits them between out-laws and in-laws. The in-laws are well known for being the more terrifying of the two.


Then comes Good Old Darren - mostly known by his acronym - who sorts out the sheep from the goats. And as it was always better to be hanged for a sheep, he selects those who are well hanged. (Not the same as well hung it should be observed).


Finally Pluto, bit of cartoonish sort of chap, divides them into three eliminating anyone who wears clothes to make a statement (too much yesterday's fad) and anyone who does not drink alcohol.


From there the selected few go a number of sites to prepare for battle. Most just camp, some go to camp two and some are just two camp.


Malchik watches a little impatiently until Pluto mutters to one of his doggy companions - 'Beam them up, Scottie'.


He gets himself a bottle of Sheep Dip Whisky (no longer manufactured except in Hell) and drinks the fire water to give him the necessary stamina to make the hyperspace jump to Emour.


He appears unexpectedly in the middle of the party.


"Er - Hi!"

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"WTF? malchik? ahhh ummm errr welcome to Emour *hic* where we're gonna kick some @55!"


"YEAS!" shouts all the other drunken people


"MAlchik, umm i had the cold stuff somewhere around *hic* as i know it must be hellishly hot in errr hell"


The next morning a robotic doctor came in to each of the commander's rooms and administered an anti hangover injection....


*Three hours later all commanders are sitting once again in the briefing room...

"so..., when is peregrine coming?"

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"Uhh....no idea when Peregrine is coming."


Slaiv stands up, walks to the right, and places the blueprints in a slot in the side of a machine. The blueprints appear on a computer screen next to Slaiv. Slaiv begins a message to his crew, and adds the blueprints to the message:


"Alright. Begin building these, then place them on the ships. Place advanced shields on the ships too, after the Shinjoium Armour has been installed."


Slaiv returns to his seat, after grabbing a Heineken and a cavewich:


"Shin- where'd you get these cavewiches? They're refreshingly addictive!"


Slaiv downs the Heineken, and proceeds with the cavewich:


"Oh, right.....back to the meeting. Well, I estimate that Peregrine will be here sometime in the next billion years."


All stare at Slaiv yet again, wondering how anything so stupid could have survived this long.


"What? It's probably true...."


Slaiv finishes off the cavewich:


"Oh! I forgot to spike my Heineken! Oh well....I'll just drink the ingredients."


Slaiv chugs a bottle of children's cough syrup.


All continue to stare, open-mouthed at Slaiv...


One of the attendants in the room whispers something to the door guard....


2 minutes later a doctor comes in with two pills in hand and a glass of water.


"Take these."




"Excuse me for one moment...."


The doctor pulls out a hypodermic needle labeled "CAUTION: SEDATIVE."


He sticks it in Slaiv's neck when Slaiv turns around to get another Heineken...


"Now take these pills with water."




Slaiv swallows the pills with the water and mellows down....


"Uhhhh....ermmmmm.......right. Where were we?"


The doctor exits.


"Apparently cavewiches and Heineken do not mix....."


Slaiv leans over and talks into a radio:


""Hey, Reasearch...."


"Yes, Sir?"


"See if you can find what makes the bad combination between cavewiches and Heineken...."


"Done, Sir."


"That fast? Oh, well, what is it?"


"The chemicals do not mix. We can place another chemical in the Heineken that will not effect the drink, but it will neutralize the bad effects..."


"Excellent. Have a 2000-gallon tank of it ii my quarters when I return. And keep a near-limitless supply on our ship...."


"Yes, Sir."


Slaiv ends the conversation, and returns to his normal position.


"Oh, and on another topic.... Shin, can you send a masive supply of cavewiches to my command ship? I don't want to run out during the long battle ahead... And is there anything I can do to be promoted before the battle? If we end up getting screwed, I want to be able to party like it's on sale for $14.95...."


ooc>Peregrine, if you could sorta give us a general time when you believe you will come, please do so....

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<ooc: this answer your question?>


BCG Longbow:




The very junior officer standing next to Peregrine's nest had a look of half terror, half celebration as he made the announcement. The annoyance of the interruption of his sleep vanished in an instant as he realized just what the officer had said.

"How? Are you sure?"


"Civil war it seems. Senior officers shot on the bridge of their own ships. Between the internal fighting and Emour's defenses, they're all gone. Only a few lived, and they're all running as fast as they can."


"Give the attack order! All ships, prepare to enter hyperspace in fifteen minuites!"


Fifteen minuites later, the fleet did exactly that. Peregrine watched from the bridge as the universe disappeared, then began reviewing his attack plan. With Pack Rat gone, maybe he could exploit the gap in the defense.... He quickly gave the new orders, and the fleet shifted formation.

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Command Ship, Rudy Fleet


One of Rudys commanding officers steps onto the bridge,


"Sir, our scanners show that the drifting planet will be coming within range of emour,"


Rudy looks at him questionally.




"The drifting planet is highly fortified, and is about a fifth the size of emour, We could pull it into Emour's orbit."


Rudy understood. The planet was small enough to be pulled into Emours orbit, however to large to be pulled into the planet itself, however it would take some extra operations to get this just right.


Space, Near Emour


A special task ship circled in around the drifting planet. At its current path it would bypass emour by about double its own width.


the ship waited until the precise moment, then a missle was fired to the far left of the drifting planet, on detenation the drifting planet was pushed with effort closer to Emour.


"Damn!" the gunner yelled and smashed his fist on the table.


the drifting planet went past emour, not affected by its gravity, but then it happened. Slowely but surely the drifting planet curved around Emour. It was in the orbit.


Immediatly the remaining forces on the drifting planet began on a second full force attack fleet, including 12 command ships, 35 destroyers, 50 scout ships, 80 carriers with a large regiment of small fighters each, farries, and numerous squadrans of Anti space gaurd ships.


The forces of Emour had gained one more stronghold.

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*Suddenly the air raid horn goes off... all hands.. batlestations battlestations peregrine ships are being sighted at 6.00


"$h1t this is much too soon.... get all the ships and rally them to the position of peregrine's... no wait rally half of the ships to peregrine's ship's location, if this is a trick, im not gonna get f***ed over it"


In position sir,

"Destroy that bl***dy flag ship! if they dont have a central command it will slow their attacks"


*The sky on Emour light up as the missles penetrated the hull blowing up the flagship

Objective complete sir,

"Return to base, and wait for our allies and their ships, the we will begin"


Then why destroy the flagship?

"To buy us time.... Malchik, Slaiv, OhGR, Mojlnir, Rudy it's time to kick some a**!"

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I do your will my lord Shin, my warriors will fight to the death!


The small dog fight ships are manned and fly out to battle along with the main attack fleet.


Emour, Orbit...


The huge fleet files out into one continuos line of battleships, waiting for the first move. soon it will be reinforced by the allies fleets. This is the last stand.

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