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The Snow Arena


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Emour, Outer System:


From Longbow's bridge, Peregrine watched the inital wave of decoy drones vanish under heavy fire. But the trick had lasted longer than expected, and now the defenders were out of position to defend against the real threat. His fleet's nav officers checked their coordinates one last time, then entered hyperspace again. The microjump would take them straight into the fight, before anyone could possibly react to their movement.



Emour, Battleground:


A wall of energy ripped through space just out of firing range of the defending fleet. Peregrine's main assault fleet dove through the hole in reality, then launched their full pod loads into their preassigned targets. A solid wave of red appeared on their sensor displays, and the defending ships scrambled to bring their defenses online against this new threat. But no ammount of haste could save all of them. Each of Peregrine's 120 heavy battlecruisers could tow thirty pods of ten missiles. Their initial salvo sent over 36,000 missiles into the defending formation. Ship after ship disappeared under a weight of fire no point defense could even dream of stopping, and a massive hole opened in the defending formation.


Pods empty, Peregrine's fleet turned sharply away, using their speed advantage over the slower battleships to devastating advantage. Though their internal launchers could only put a "mere" 8,600 missiles into the defenders with each salvo, their inability to fire back would be fatal as long as Peregrine's ammo supply lasted. Peregrine would gladly accept their light return fire, trusting his superior ecm and point defense to win the missile duel.


As the lighter defending units abandoned the slow battleships to counterattack, Peregrine's escort screen moved into position to intercept.

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The comet is destroyed by the Novosibirsk.

Peregrine has to do with what his own ships can produce witch isnt much. Armiena herself has to do with what she has left witch is also reduced to a minimal.

Admiral Nickolai is trying to find more ships for the Red Navy but he doesnt promis anything.

OOC: The comet never even attacked Novosibirsk, it was at St Petersburg. It commited suicide to take out St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk's fleet! Stop controlling my character.


Armiena is hosting a party in the bridge.

"To the Tangler, our first EMP cruiser!" She uncorks a bottle of non-alcoholic champagne. The cork bursts off, strikes a glass and shatters it.

"OW!!!" Her medical officer clutches a cut-up hand, then heals it instantly with a hand-held medical device.

The party continues uneventfully.


"Sir! Peregrine is hailing us!" A light flashes on the communication's officer's console.


"All ships, prepare to enter hyperspace in fifteen minuites!"


"Excellent..." Armiena grins, eager to end the war. "Put your drinks up! We've got some work to do..." She chugs the rest of the glass.

15 minutes later, her fleet enters hyperspace.


It comes out nearly on top of Peregrine's fleet.

"Orders, Peregrine?"


While waiting, she orders her techs to begin moving asteroids in the asteroid belt towards Emour, somewhat like a meteor shower.


"Charge up the EMP. Let's see what this gun can do...."

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As the defensive fleet turned to towards Emour and retreated thousands of snow nuke missles fired from the ground based launchers. They quickly reached the hit and run attack wave, the explosian that followed was the combined strength of every missle. When it faded all but the strongest ships remained, they were swamped by the shockwave but recovered later on in their flee.


The defensive fleet turned once more and returned to defensive formation. Behind them the few downed ships fell through the atmospere, hundreds of escape pods were visible emerging in all directions.

A message was relayed back to Shin,


Where are you, Peregrines launched a hit and run. We took out most of that squadron though. We need backup, All availible forces, join the defensive line in Emours orbit. We can hold, but not for long without additional force. We have lost 3 destroyers already.

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OOC> so do i dr.corbet so do i.. they say this ends soon


*Shin responds to the plea from Rudy, "today is a good day to die"


*Coming from the planet many ships commonly seen in the star trek series and many other crazy movies/series come flying out from everywhere to join Rudy on the frontline all ships attack the bigger ships, if they lose thier main attack, the rest will be demoralised and easy to destroy. The squadrons im pointing out.. remain behind.


*Then an attack comes from the darkness that Shin forgot all about,

Sir, the rest of Armenia's fleet have shown up behind Peregrine


"Oh cr@p, Slaiv, Malchik... now is good..."

Sir Armenia's ships joining the battle


"No.. too soon... we must stop them... we need time for the rest of our allies"


'All A units uncloak and do not let them join this battle, stop them'

*All of a sudden thousands of Naboo starfighters uncloak in the asteroid belt around Emour behind Armenia's and Peregrine's fleet catching them before they can turn around and stopping them from fleeing, if they wanted to.


Many ships front and back were assalted and destroyed, but the ships wont win this fight alone

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Well, Malchik mutters. I have the ultimate deterrent. If Peregrine hits any of our ships the sound reverberation will shatter his brain. My fleas have been infesting his ship for some time and Armenia's. So basically if we go, he goes. Let him make the choice. I'm ready to retire and whether I'm alive or dead I can still party, as can you all. But I'll tell you what guys. When Peregrine's dead, we won't let him join in!
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well malchik... that helps... seeing that the eternal party is going down at ancalagon's place... hell is going to be rather quiet with just you in it..... but then some people's vision of hell is silence


Fine Malchik, if you will not fight.. then why leave hell? Take my grog, dont fight

the dead should aid the living... not hinder them, the first rule of dying.


Slaiv.. surely you can be of more use than Malchik

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"FIRE VOLLEY 1!!!!!!"


"Roger, Sir, firing."


Thousands of AS [Anti-Snow] Missiles ram the hulls of Peregrine's ships......


"WHAT!!!!! What's happening?!?!?!?"


"The hulls are too strong, Sir."


"Were the HAAS Missiles installed on the ships?"


"Most ships, sir..."




"Roger, Sir. Relaying message."


Emour Space


"We have our orders. Fire the HAAS Missiles."


Thousonds of tons of Heavy Armour-Piercing Anti-Snow Missiles scream towards Peregrine's ships...


Slaiv's massive fleet watches as the missile delve deep through the armour into the centre of Peregrine's battle ships......


And explode.


Cheers of victory rise throughout al of Slaiv's forces....when all of a sudden a load of explosives are dumped into the back of Slaiv's fleet. The first wave disappears instanly in a cloud of flame....




"Sneak attack by Armiena, Sir!!!!!"


"Where is she?"


"Not here, Sir."


"How far away?"


"We estimate 300,000 lightyears, Sir."


"Far enough away for the Devices to hit, without danger to us...."


"Yes, Sir."


"Theta Fleet! Fire three Devices directly at these targeting coordinates."


"Roger, Sir."


Armiena's fleet, 270,000 lightyears away.....


"Three targets, coming up on screen, Captain."


"Which are.....?"


"They look like missiles."


"Take them down....."


Three Interceptor missiles are fired directly at the Devices......


"Captain! The explosions are abnormally large, and coming right at us..."




But it is too late......as Armiena recognizes from the bridge of her ship. The first ship is ripped into shreds.....


The blast continues to blow the fleet to pieces. Ship after ship is rocked by the blast. Luckily, Armiena is not as stupid as Slaiv hoped... The remaining able ships put up their intense shields, and manage to block the blast, since the shields are not matter, technically....Armiena shouts in anger and frustration as the damage reports come in....


"I'd say 2/3 losses, Major. Half of the remaining third has been damaged, and half of those are immobil until repairs are done."


"Is the EMP ship ok?"


"Completely obliterated, Major......"


Emour Space


"Research-what the f*ck did Armiena hit us with?"


"Our long range satellites say an EMP ship, Sir....unheard of. It was obliterated in the blast, however, caused by the devices...."


"So they work. They will provide useful......"

Edited by Slaiv
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