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The Snow Arena


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A dark and sinister voice breaks over the communications..........


"Whilst all of you have been worried about your ships my force has secured a large portion of meteor to use as a base, we hope to set up an an intergalactic snow laser which will be used against the slaiv, but ubtil such a time my snow-machines armada shall hold you back.


The armada is armed with a large array of weapons and defenses the pride of which is a microwave beam(discovered late one night by me when i jammed a microwave dooor open) designed to reduces you ships to a little puddle of metal/snow. Good day.


P.S i wish for the services of the necrowizard if u accept meet me on my meteor. whic i call............................ the unamed something something.


edit: don't post long ...... strings like that, it kills the page formatting


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BGC Longbow:


As Peregrine watched his point defense guns destroy the last of the defending fighters, his victory seemed inevitable. Exactly as planned, the defending fleet's most powerful units had been unable to match his battlecruisers' speed. The rain of missiles from outside their range had done every bit as much damage as he could have hoped. With barely 20% of his magazines emptied, over a third of the defending ships had been destroyed, and many others had suffered heavy damage. Compared to that, his own losses had been acceptable. The fighter attack had cost him a few escort cruisers, but his main firepower remained mostly intact. And now that the enemy fighters had been lured out to their death, it was time to launch the third wave of his attack....



Emour, Planetary Defense Control:


In the chaos of battle, nobody noticed the cluster of lights descending across the sky. The deafening noise of the ground based missile batteries covered up any noise they might have made, and few eyes could divert their attention from their duties. So when the fighters turned and started their run, not a single defense system was readied against them. After all, the battle was out in space, safely far away....


A new dawn lit the night sky as a full squadron of bombers launched their anti-snow warheads. The control center became a massive fireball behind them as they pulled out of the atmosphere at maximum velocity, returning to their carriers to rearm. Across the planet, every ground-based missile battery met a similar fate. Within minuites, the planet's offensive firepower had been silenced.


Emour, Battleground:


The assault carriers' stealth approach into Emour had taken over a week, but it had been worth every bit of time. Now, on Peregrine's orders, they launched their fighters against the defending fleet, and vanished back into the near total defense of their stealthing ecm.


As the wave of fighters lined up for their attack runs, panicked defense commanders tried desperately to realign their formation against the new threat. But it was far too late... the lighter escort units, the only ships fast enough to catch Perergrine's battlecruisers, had broken off from the battleships, and were far out of range. Now, the massive battleships were little more than target practice, their heavy guns useless against a target as fast as a fighter. As the fighters started their attack, MDRud216 whispered a prayer. Divine intervention would now be his fleet's only real hope of survival, the only thing that would limit his losses would be the limited ammunition of the fighters.


But that divine intervention did not come. A swarm of fighters slashed into the defense line, unloading anti-snow bombs into their targets, then breaking formation for individual strafing runs. Over 20% of the fleet died in the first pass, and many of the survivors took heavy damage. And died soon after, as the fighter's guns found their reactors or ammunition storage.


The fleet's flagship was among the first to die, a full squadron's firepower cutting deep into its hull. The battered ship spun out of formation, few systems remaining, and most of its crew dead. With the flagship gone, fleet control broke down. Without the flagship's coordination, defensive fire lost much of its effectiveness, and more and more ships took damage and died.


As his fleet died in orbit, MDRud216 he once again contemplated the anti-snow pistol on his belt. Maybe Peregrine would spare his soldiers in exchange for his own death....

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"GOD DA**!!!!" Armiena glances as the Tangler goes up in flames.


Calm down, you haven't lost this... we still have more cards to play..

"Signal our engineering ships. Begin the asteroid shower... now."


"And signal our man in Slaiv's fleet. Order him to set the charges on the reactors off. And if possible, kill Slaiv."


In Emour's asteroid belt, hundreds of tugs push asteroids of all sizes towards Emour, creating a kind of meteor shower. In Slaiv's fleet, a sudden fusion explosion and the failing of several ships' reactors distracts his crews, and they fail to notice the incoming "meteors".


Armiena watches in satisfaction as Slaiv's largest battleships are split in two from the collisions. Other ships lose their shields.


"All right... hit them with everything we have now. Send in the drones."

Her suicide drones weave a haphazard path through enemy fire. THey manage to slip into several ships' reactors, and deliver their payload.


Armiena grins as some of Slaiv's ships go dark.

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OOC> excuse me everybody, but this is complete BS Peregrine we said NO power posting, coming on to my planet and saying "no-one saw them, and they blew up all the planeary defense stations" what kind o/ 5h1t is that Destroying all my defense fighters. and obsidian knight, "she watched as all of slaiv's largest Battleships are destroyed. Oh gee some great final battle we have on our hands.



*reports were flying in... sir, the enemy is somehow winning and somehow they got past our defenses and were able to get to the asteroid belt.


"What! how did they get to the asteroid belt?"

we dont know they just slipt past our defense and are now using the asteroids as projectiles, we've destroyued most of them, but not before they fired


*Another report sir all the planetary guns and defences have been destroyed


"WHAT how is any of this possible i thought we had a Planetary shield made of malchik's flubber, the asteroids should do no harm as they become meteors.


*yet another report* Sir Slaiv's fleet is under heavy attack!

"Worry not, for he carries shinjoium flubber with him and he will fight well"


Then an officer asked a question "what if we lose and the battle comes down here"

"then peregrine will find a way to win,"

"if so, what would you do in his position sir?"

"Mysteriously win., then trap me in a room hold a gun to my head and beg for forgiveness...."

"and if he does that sir?"

"Out of the question... he will not win"


get B squadron out

*moments later more ships uncloak from the asteroid field and begin destroying Armenia's fleett from behind.

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Command Ship, Hidden somewhere on the planet Emour....


Rudy watched the ground base missle launchers explode. and laughed.

"Peregrine is quite stupid."


The many fighters that Peregrine presumed to be out in space dove down through the atmosphere in pursuite of the bombers. As the bombers circled around the defensive line the fighter pilots took the chance. Snow missles were launched from the fighters. They exploded to the right of the bombers the pilots turned, a huge mistake, they crossed in front of thedefensive line and were promptly incinerated.


Rudy says: "It is time, activate the trap."


From the drifting planet a full offensive fleet flew forth in full strength against Peregrines fleet.


As the first anti-snow launchers fired a hidden force uncloaked and charged at Peregrines fleet from behind.


The foreward assult of Rudys ships was being destroyed but still did not fire.


"Captain we are at half strength,"


"I dont care hold fire."


"Yes sir."


A barrage of immensly powerful snow missles was launched from behind. The crew of the opposing fleet was quick to react but it was to late.


At that moment the remaining forward attack force also let loose.


Those ships not destroyed scattered, the force remaining to be in formation was targeted.


Boarding ships locked on to the hulls violently.


Sudenly the corridors of the godships were filled with snowmen and the ice zombies. The unexpected attack was succesful. The troops fought their way to the bridge.


four godships were captured and returned to Emour with prisoners before positioning far ahead of the defensive line.


Peregrines attacking fleet was crippled, only a mere 30 ships were left and those were badly damaged. The offensive fleet that one that performed the ambush was non existent. But the crews partied long in death.


Rudy leaned back in his chair... This is far from over. I wonder what the next wave of Peregrines attack will bring.

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*too late as Peregrine would not get another chance to attack as, hiding on one of the moons of Emour 20 cruisers and 100 unpiloted fighters scream into action as they throw everything they have at the remaining first wave destroying 3 major ships. now a few of peregrines ships began a retreat.
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BGC Longbow:


Longbow's shields failed and a few shots slammed into bare hull. Gravity flickered off for a few seconds, and the ship rolled under the assault, tossing crew to the deck. As the last echoes of overstressed hull frames died away, Peregrine lunged for his comm system.




Outside his window, another battlecruiser died under heavy fire. And Peregrine could do nothing but hope that the reinforcements arrived in time. "Only a few more seconds.... please hold on that long....." the tone of prayer in his voice was unusal for a god. The floor shifted agian as his gunners replied with a full broadside, cutting deep into one of the enemy cruisers. One of his battlecruisers, flame and debris streaming from it's shattered gun decks, pulled out of formation and straight into another wave of fire aimed at the flagship. The defender's guns instantly destroyed what little remained intact, but it's momentum could not be diverted. 850 meters of wreckage slammed into the lead cruiser, and both ships dissappeared in a massive fireball as the battlecruiser's remaining anti-snow warheads detonated.


But their sacrifice had bought time for Longbow, and Peregrine's engineering crew managed to patch the burned out circuts just in time. Longbow's shields came back up, and the next salvo did minimal internal damage. But elsewhere Peregrine's luck failed. A magazine hit ripped apart another battlecruiser, and as Peregrine watched through the smoke now filling the bridge, he finally knew hell.


Suddenly reality shattered around his flagship, as Peregrine's third wave dropped out of hyperspace. Over a hundred new battlecruisers followed a core of thirty dreadnaughts into the battle. The new dreadnaughts opened fire, and many of the surviving light cruisers disappeared under heavy fire that could break open a planet. Now free of attack, Longbow shifted into formation. Of the first wave, only Peregrine's flagship and a pair of escorts remained. But their crews still had their vengeance, and as the third wave held their fire, Peregrine's gunners reduced the survivors of the counterattack to dust.


A solid, undamaged, wall of ships slowly moved across the system towards the defenders. This is it, Peregrine thought. It's win or die.... The first wave's death had cost him almost half his fleet, and if this assault failed.....



<ooc: I wouldn't complain too much, Slaiv... you did destroy 2/3 of Armiena's fleet with one post... as a % of total, mine have actually been smaller!>

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I agree with Shin......For example:


Slaiv's secret spy that has never been mentioned before and somehow suddenly appears in the enemy fleet plants a heavy nuclear anti-snow missile inside the ship, destroying the entire fleet and all of Peregrine's forces, and the huge war is done in one sentence.


That would suck, right? Exactly.



"Fire a single Device into Dark Wraith's army...."


"Yes, Sir."


A single Device is propelled out of Slaiv's command ship, hurtling through the vastness of space, straight into Wraith's flagship. We all know what happens next.......


"There won't be anything left, right? His ships are too close together for the Device not to work....?"


"Affirmative, Sir."




Slaiv returns to the task at hand....


"Sir, we've ben sneak attacked by Armiena's forces again...Apparently it was done by spies."


"Kill them."


"We have Elites on the task right now, Sir. They will soon be dead, if they survived."




Meanwhile, thousands of shots bounce off of Slaiv's ships as they hit the Shinjoium flubber. Slaiv begins to set up strategic attack formations:


"Forces from Ugelm: Move around to the left of Peregrine's forces. Try to deflect the shots coming from the right.


Forces from Halgim: Move around to the right. Deflect Shots coming from the left.


Mercenary forces: Cloak and sneak around back. On my word, dump a load of HAAS Missiles right up Peregrine's a**.


My forces will attack directly from the front, since we are the strongest. All ships, prepare but DO NOT ARM the Suncrusher torpedoes. They are only to be used on my signal. All forces prepare to moves to coordinates on my mark."


Slaiv's Command Ship Bridge






"What will happen if we fail? What if Peregrine wins, and we are forced to use the torpedoes?"


"We won't."



"All forces, MARK!"



Does this mean i can finally get into Ancalagon's purgatory? Screw my men, they don't care anyway :lol:! [by this, I mean the post where Malchik says

I'm ready to retire and whether I'm alive or dead I can still party, as can you all. But I'll tell you what guys. When Peregrine's dead, we won't let him join in!


Oh, and sorry if I seem unfriendly Dark Wraith. I don't try to be. If you want to enter, please just wait till this story is over. It will be very, very soon. [Although if we lose, im sure the party at ancalagons will last for a while ^_^ )This is the final battle. Thank you for your patience.'


Oh, and we will party at ancalagon;s afterwards, right? we'll find someway of doing it without dying [or dying, then coming back to life] after the party we can introduce the new scenario as the world rebuilds itself

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OOC> Slaiv no that's just Malchik's party not Ancalagon i say if you go there or not.


"Good work Master Slaiv, ur now my 6th hand man(5th and up = party) i really didn't want him around.."


*Shin sends a message to Rudy "Rudy, stop sending missles from the planet, it means we must shut our shield down, and that is a weakness, fire from outside our planet."


*Shin sends a message to the hidden planet of Camino, contingency plan,

"Now is good"


*All of a sudden 30 sovereign class federation(star-trek) suddenly appear out of hyperspace and begin firing from behind Peregrine's new fleet of battleships quickly destroying 6 of them by suprise and inducing heavy damage on another 10.


"all is working as planned, but i'd count on him having an ace up his sleeve so remain ready men."

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