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The Snow Arena


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Staggering and winded, Mojlnir stumbles through the forest in a daze. His leg still aches from tripping over a fallen log and tumbling into a crevace, where he lay unconcious and dead to the world for quite a long time.


Mojlnir, still intending to return to the mortal realm, has the gut feeling that much may have changed while he was knocked out and decides to return to Ancalagon's castle to study the mortal plane and plan his return.


That and he could use a warm drink and a sandwich.

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DN-S Divine Wrath:



As Peregrine watched the disaster outside his windows he knew he had found hell. The confusion that had taken his ships had faded, and now a few ships smaller, his fleet once again focused its fire on the real target. And the defensive line was once again marked by the flares of dying ships. But victory wasn't coming without price... the Ice Death Star's shot had destroyed another one of his dreadnaughts, catching a blast meant for him on the edge of its shields. And the defense line wasn't dying alone, many of his ships lie shattered behind the fleet. But he was winning... the momentum of the battle was finally beginning to swing in his favor. Emour and its defenders would die, but at what price?


Suddenly Peregrine's bridge exploded with cheers. Shocked out of his thoughts, Peregrine looked up at the main sensor display. New hope grew in his mind as he saw the massive battlecruiser squadron exiting hyperspace in the outer system. He almost couldn't believe his own eyes, but there they were, the power to finally destroy Emour was now in his hands.


But all cheering cut off as a message began playing on the comm systems of every ship in both fleets. Both the man's blue and gray Peregrinist uniform and the battlecruiser's bridge in the background were familiar enough, but his words were a complete suprise. An icy dagger of terror stabbed deep into Peregrine's heart as he spoke.


"This is Captain Jonathan Parke of the Alliance battlecruiser Stormwind. Death comes for the traitor today. All ships, open fire! And NO QUARTER!"


Peregrine sat frozen in shock as the man finished speaking. That was impossible! That man was dead! NO!


On the sensor display a solid red wave spread out from the new ships as they fired their towed missile pods.


"Orders sir?" Overwhelmed by terror, Peregrine didn't hear his captain's question. He was dead!


The wave of red was almost halfway to Peregrine's fleet.


"Sir? What are your orders?" the officer asked, a bit louder. But still Peregrine sat frozen, eyes locked on the main screen. It just wasn't possible. How could he do that?


The wave of red had almost reached Peregrine's fleet.


The Divine Wrath's captain turned away from Peregrine to address his bridge crew. "Helm, hard to port! Get us out of he-"


The universe exploded in brilliant white light. The Mad Bird God and his flagship died instantly as over 10,000 anti-snow missiles scored direct hits on the helpless dreadnaught. Peregrine had just enough time for a last thought of disbelief before his soul was erased from existence forever.


All over Peregrine's fleet, ships died under heavy missile fire. The deadly anti-snow hell that had consumed so many of Peregrine's enemies proved just as effective against his own ships. All of the surviving dreadnaughts and half the battlecruisers died in that first massive salvo. But still the new ships fired, and salvo after salvo ripped into the survivors even as they turned and scattered in a desperate effort to survive. But oddly, not a single shot was targeted on Armiena or the defenders. The new squadron's deadly fury was entirely focused on the remains of Peregrine.

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<ooc: of course it did. I'd planned this almost a month ago, so that's plenty of time to work on it! Major style points to whoever can figure out exactly what I did... As for what's next... there's still some last things to resolve here...>
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Massive, widespread cheering emerges from all ships in Slaiv's fleet, as they receive the news of Peregrine's death.


"Sir Slaiv! The mighty Peregrine has fallen!! His fleet is being rippede apart as of this moment!"


"WHAT?!?!? How did this happen?"


"Unmarked ships out of nowhere, Sir. We have no idea who they are."




"What about Armiena's fleet? Where are they?"


"I do not know. But I DO know that we have enough forces to defeat her if she returns. We cannot let her pose a threat to us. Send out seven squadrons of scout ships in all directions. Have them report at 15 minute intervals. Record the responses. Tell them to report any irregular thing they see; all is not what it seems."


"Sir, despite the victory, we have suffered heavy losses..."


"How many?"


"We 62 battleships, 47 cruisers, 271 squadrons of fighters, and countless others....We estimate 17 million dead on our own ships alone."


"The price that had to be paid....We shall hold a ceremony in their honor in precisely one month. Send a message to the attacking fleet. Tell them to hold their attacks off. Meanwhile, gather all of Peregrine's remaining ships that you can. Send 10 battallions of ground troops into each ship to capture enemy troops. DO NOT KILL THEM. After the ships have been cleaned out, send in research teams to gather all information possible... and call all of the fleet back in. Count the losses exactly."


Slaiv's Message to Shin:


"Is there anything you require of me that will be worthy of a promotion?"


Meanwhile, Slaiv wears his Ring of Complete Indolence, and is surrounded by beautiful women while sitting around the pool in his ship.


ooc>is there any easy travel between existances..?

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OOC> shutup Pack Rat patience is a virtue


OOC> Peregrine when you first spoke of those ships ages ago, i thought you were going to usse them to destroy us


*Shin sends to Slaiv, "I will think on this, it could be a trick, Dont go too far after Armenia, though they have shown no hostility to us as yet, the enemy of my enemy is still my enemy, until discovered as an ally"


*the 5 remaining Sovereign class battleships(OOC> c'mon Peregrine they're the best in the fleet) returned to the front defences


*Combat unit 3 decloaked and began to attack Armenia,


"Point the Death star at whoever shot at Peregrine, main ship but dont charge, i want to see their next move first."


"Contingency plan 4 everybody, our last one, get the tactical fusion cube out" *Out of the darkness comes a massive almost indestructable ship awe struck all


Sir how long have you known?

"As long as i've known about the death star... All my life, just because nobody knows it exists doesnt meanit doesnt."


Shin sends a message to the new face in this battle "Unidentified starship, state your name and your purpose"


*Slaiv i'll think about that promotion

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"Never mind- All ships, maintain positions. Repeat- maintain positions until further notice. Arm your weapons. Aim directly for new opponent but DO NOT FIRE. REPEAT- DO NOT FIRE. Do this only because all individuals are opponents until proven otherwise."


Slaiv contacts Research:


"How many ships have you brought in from the battlefield?"


"All ships worth salvaging, Sir."


"Continue as planned......."


Slaiv waits for Shin to contact the new force and respond with orders....

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<ooc: best in the pathetic (out of all scifi universes) star trek fleet maybe.... oh, and the style points thing: I'm offering massive style points and an alliance for anyone who can tell me the full story of that new fleet.... it's in there, and it all makes sense.>


Emour, Battleground:


The new ships completely ignored all the other forces in the system, focusing on the destruction of the last remains of Peregrine's forces. A solid spearhead of battlecruisers stabbed through Peregrine's scattered formation. Even when every single ship had been destroyed, they continued to blast the wreckage into dust. When they finally stopped firing, nothing remained to suggest that Peregrine's fleet had ever existed. Captain Parke's "no quarter" order had been followed exactly, and not a single Peregrinist escaped death.

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