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ooc: Peregrine it may have been a one post kill but other posts lead up to it. What I posted was the end result, plus it left me dead also. I had it planned when my command ship went down. Unfortunatly you tried to destroy the planet- Which I had not planned.
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oops sorry, the guest post was mine, I guess I was not logged in. Anyway what can I do, because I sacrificed my character to kill Peregrine, it did not work but it definatly started his downfall. Ps. I figured you had a plan Peregrine cause I thought you would want to end in a climactic way.


What should me and Peregrine do? Make new characters?

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<ooc: why would I make a new character? I've already got that part planned! And it was a one post kill... in one post I went from a 99% unharmed fleet to nothing. But enough off topic arguing...>
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Slaiv awaits word from either Research or Shin....


ooc>btw people i posted a possible next scenario in the important topics part of the snow arena, so check it out.......


And, yet again: IS there any way to travel between realms such as the living realm and Ancalagon's without killing yourself? I mean, I am undead/half-dead, as shin put it....

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"Sir." A pale, nervous looking lieutenant enters Armiena's chambers.


"Peregrine..... is dead."


Armiena scoffs at this suggestion. "You CAN'T KILL a god. I expect we'll be seeing him again quite soon, just in another form. There are others who believe in Peregrinism."


Armiena was indeed correct, for on Slaiv's capital ship, a disturbance is proceeding in the bridge.


A lone gunman, armed with nothing but a wicked looking knife is being restrained by Slaiv's. "CURSE YOU!!! SCUM! THIEF! HONORLESS COWARD!" The rant goes on and on. He spits in Slaiv's face, who is standing in front of him, relishing his "helpless" state.


As one of the guards prepares to butt him with his rifle, he twists under the blow, manages to break the guard's grips for half a second, and punches his own chest. It hits a small amount of anti-snow in his vest, detonating it.


The hydrogen bomb-sized explosion is seen from Emour's surface.

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BCG Avenger, Prague Orbit:


With the rebels gone, garrison duty was so boring, the Avenger's captain thought as he sat on the bridge dreaming of the women waiting in his quarters. And Peregrine's orders didn't authorize him to destroy cities unless they resisted. Any more of that and he'd have to invent some resistance just to show off his firepower!


The sensor alert finally dragged him out of his boredom. On the screen, eight battlecruisers had just dropped out of hyperspace. Finally, something to do! Maybe his replacements, if he was lucky.... He began scrolling through the fleet's shiplists, praying that he would have seniority over the new commanders.




The officer's excited shout snapped his head up and back to the main screen. A solid wall of missiles was on its way to the planet. And about time Peregrine got around to giving justice to the heretics below! Maybe now he'd get reassigned somewhere more important....




The cold grip of fear overwhelmed him as he watched the wave focus its path directly at his ships. And his shields and point defense were completely down! "Why? Why me? I was your loyal servant!" But he quickly banished those thoughts. If Peregrine felt the need to kill him, it was his sacred duty to accept death. As the missiles began their final attack runs, he looked up at the main display and embraced death. And then he knew nothing more.


Both ships disappeared in brilliant fireballs visible from the surface. Down below, the few survivors of the occupation began to celebrate the return of their freedom.

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ooc> and btw peregrine is dead, you can kill a god, see shin's post. -in order to be in the mortal realm, you must be "half-dead", which means that the only godlike ability you keep is extreme toughness and communication with spirits. Your not invincible, otherwise I and all my soldiers would be.... and besides, the scenario is about to end anyway....


and how would a "small amount" of anti-snow create a hydrogen bomb size explosion?

but anyway...




The blast propels Slaiv through several layers of the ship. Slaiv hears screams of his comrades as the explosion sweeps through the ship... Luckily [except the later mercenaries], none died, because they were half-dead.......


"What the H*LL was that?!?!?!?"


"Suicide bomber from Armiena, Sir. We have no f*cking clue how they got onboard our ship, and into the hands of our guards, considering that they were to kill all nonfriendly units, but that doesn't matter..... What matters is repairing what is left of the ship."


"Yes, land the ship on Emour....."


12 hours later, onboard the temporary command ship....


Slaiv messages Shinjioh:


"Shin, I have been attacked by Armiena. Permission to hunt her down requested....."

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