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*Ancalagon sits upon his throne, lost in long thought


Peregrine is dead, though how this came to pass I know not. Thank the Powers that be greater than I that this Realm can remain unscathed from the wreak and destruction of the Universe...


*He stands and walks towards the summit of the tower, where his Dais rests. As he reaches the summit, he still cannot fathom how Peregrine fell. Though Peregrine's intentions were evil and unsound, he was not always evil (as are most things in the begining). Ancalagon awaits Peregrine's soul, for if in his final moments he truly atoned for his deeds, then his soul should have survived. If not...well not even the soul of Peregrine deserves the fate of those who were thrust into the void. Physical non-existance is one thing, but spiritual non-existence...


*He shudders

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The cloning machine sped up the development of the fetus. By now it was a full, grown human. The still, floating body twitched as the fluid was drained from the cylinder. A conveyor belt moved the corpse gently into the opening of some other machine. Robotic arms worked tirelessly, impact absorbers were implanted between joints as a far advanced substitute for cartilage, strength enhancers were fused to the muscles of his arms, a scalpol was lowered to Rudys head, it began cutting through his skull, later it would be replaced by something stronger. as the replacement was rteadied and lowered to his head an advanced microchip, made of unmmelting ice was wired to the brain. It would increase thought speed, reflex time, every aspect of thought and control, even memory.


The finished product was implanted with the proper memorys and then revived.


The new Rudy stood and walked out of the room. He walked into the ship bay of the temporary command base on Emour. A ship was docked there that would serve as a permenant moving home for its captain. It was small, only as big as a house. Only meant for a crew of one.


Many people on Emour saw the ship rocket into space at super speed.


Rudy was creating a new life for himself.

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Surrounded by black holes, Armiena finally finds the time to look through the technologies that Peregrine loaned to her.


Engines, weapons, shields, no.... We're already using that stuff... Armiena scrolls through pages of links to files.

Now this is more like it.. civilian technologies.

One in particular catches her eye, as she has no idea what kind of use it could have. She decides to have her techs analyze it.


A few days later, the techs come back with their report.

"Sir, we're not sure about this, but... it looks like this is a kind of field-emitter that creates an almost-omnipotent being!"

"CREATE a god??"

"Well, we think so. But it seems far more likely to kill its user, or to explode. It generates an extraordinary amount of energy, radiation..."

"Thank you." Armiena cuts off the tech's speech.


Was he a mortal, and used this?? Or was he really a true god, and wanted to leave a successor in the event that he died?


She decides to meditate and pray in her chambers over the night, in hopes of clearing her mind.

What should I do? If you really are a god, Peregrine, give me some guidance, she pleads.

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Contemplating Peregrines fate, Mojlnir holds few of the same concerns as Ancalagon.


"Let him rot in the void" grumbles Mojlnir as he wanders the forests around Ancalagon's tower, kicking at rocks and trees. Feeling suddenly childish and glad that noone is watching Mojlnir stares into space.


"I didn't really mean that, the Void is an awful place...no feelings, no emotions, just neverending emptiness..."


Suppressing a shudder, Mojlnir heads for the training room in the basement of Ancalagon's tower to put his body through its daily conditioning.

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Ancalagon's Realm, Pillars of Guard:


The sentry finally let his eyes leave the distant horizon. He turned to the other sentry still watching for Peregrine's arrival. "He's not coming. He'd have been here by now..."

His voice faded away, and a chill beyond the coldness of the air flowed through him as he contemplated the nonexistence Peregrine must be lost to. The other sentry finally forced his attention away from the gateway to the mortal realm, as if expecting Peregrine to appear the moment he turned his back on the gate.

"You're right," he finally said, a bit of sadness in his voice as well. "Let's get back home."

The two began the long walk back to Ancalagon's tower, the crunch of snow under their boots suddenly loud in the emptiness. Behind them, the gate remained as undisturbed as before.




Armiena's Flagship:


Armiena's meditation was interrupted by a knock on her door. The tech from earlier in the day walked into the room, a stack of papers in his hand, and a bit of fear slipping through his control and into his expression.


"Sir, you might want to see this. It's Peregrine's journal, must've been left onboard when we switched bases."


He handed the papers to Armiena. She flipped through them, quicky noticing a highlighted section on the second page.


May 14th, 2961


The engineering crew has finally finished their initial study of the artifact we found in the Rift. Suprisingly, its million year wait in that drifting wreck didn't harm it much, and it seems to be fully functional. But what exactly it does is the real question. All we know is that it generates an intense radiation field when activated. Speculation occupies much of the engineers' free time. Some say it could give divine power to a mortal, others say it is a weapon beyond any firepower we could produce, and some even say its a form of art. Perhaps we will never know the truth.

I have ordered a full study of the artifact. If there is any chance of it granting divine power, it would be a priceless treasure. With its power, I could finally ascend to the level of a true god. I dream of it every night.


The tech notices that she has finished the entry and speaks again. "They never unlocked its secrets. And knowledge of the artifact's location died with Peregrine. Do you want us to begin work on a copy?"

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Intersteller Space...


Through the windows of Truth, Rudy's ship home he could clearly see a large planet. At first glance the size of the planet made Rudy think that it was a gas planet, but through further anylisis it became certain that it was not.


The Truth soared down through the dense atmoshere and swooped up. After an ariel scan of the terrain, Rudy set down where he thought a lakebed may have existed.


A large drill was mounted on the ice by Rudy. It drilled with precision and force, soon Rudy's prediction was proved correct as the drill broke through ice and hit water. It spattered up through the hole made by the drill. Rudy borded the ship once again and steared it upward, he aimed his only weapon on the drill's hole and fired. The ice shattered as a solid stream of super-frozen icicles punctured it violently.


The reason for this was a strange energy trace under the surface. Soon it would be discovered what the source of the energy was.

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<ooc> Peregrine, please for all that is sacred never post like that again. It gave ME the chills, lol. I must correct you the Pillars of Guard are not guarded by mere Mortals or Spirits, I had already stated earlier (like waaay back) that the Upon the Pillars was set an unsleeping Guard (massive Dragons the two greatest, below myself) at the summits, and all around the Pillars were the eyries of Great Eagles keeping watch as well. Not to mention the massive living Forest that stretches behind the Pillars. Or, the two sentrys were just the welcoming committee...no matter


In any case, if you DID enter the blessed realm, it means you atoned for your crimes and are a peace with yourself. Or if you are lost to the void, then...so be it.>


'The Pillars!'

*Ancalagon starts up, gasping and clawing at his naked sword on the table beside him. He has awoken from a strange dream he just had. While contemplating the Lillies of the Field, he had entered into a God-trance state. In it he was standing atop his Citadel gazing towards the Pillars of Guard, when suddenly the light of the stars went out, a shadow fell upon the realm, the air grew chill and a bitter wind howled across the Land. And upon that wind a voice, crying out in warning:


'Look to the Pillars ye God of Mortals; raise up your Gates, sheer as mountains and tenfold times taller than the mighty trees of your Realm. Once raised, close them upon the Mortal Realms. Doom has been uncovered, when it should have stayed lost. Suffer not any souls and wanderers into your Realm, Doom is approaching nigh and all shall suffer. Yet hope remains if your Realm still stands, therefore raise up your Gates and shut Doom out. The void take you all, if this warning go unheeded. Look to the Pillars, ye God Dragon!'


*Then, in the dream, the lands grew dark as well, and with the sound of a million engines his Forge belched forth fire and ash. Its summit was rended and the ground cracked and reeled. He looked to his other towers, but all he could see was ruin, and the reek of flame and smoke. Another voice cried out"


'The Pillars! The Pillars!'


*And he turned his sight to the Pillars, and he saw the Forest that was unburnable burning. The Pillars, with a crack of thunder, split and collapsed into ruin, falling as a wave might break upon the lands. Bringing down mountains and wreck and death upon all as they smashed down into the realm. And then he had woken up...


*He hastens to the Scrying bowl, where he commands that all must begin building the Gates. He transmits his dream to all in the Realm, and this quickens their pace.

He sends messages to Shin, Mojlnir, and the rest of his Allies stating his dream, and saying: 'Get here as fast as possible, Doom is near at hand.' He then turns to the Pillars and whispers:


'Peregrine, what have you done?'

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<ooc: oops, I guess I should've looked farther back... so call it a welcoming committee then! And no, Peregrine never did any of that... the Mad Bird God is gone from this universe. And good to hear that post did its job!>


BCG Stormwind, Emour Outer System


Captain Jonathan Parke stared out the bridge window at the remains of the most devastating battle the universe had ever seen. The broken shells of starships drifted randomly through space, ice armor catching bright reflections of Emour's sun. In the background, the debris from the former second planet was finally beginning to settle into a ring around Emour. It was almost pretty, he thought to himself. The universe's most expensive piece of art, bought at the price of over a billion lives. He turned to the cloaked figure sitting next to him.


"Was it all worth it? Was there no other way?"


Lost in thought, he didn't reply for a few seconds. When he finally looked up, his expression of pain was clear.

"No, there was nothing more we could have done. Not even a true god could have done better, old friend. But now just as you have secured our present, I must secure our future...."

He dropped off the chair and walked out of the room, leaving Captain Parke alone with his thoughts.


Outside, the engine flare of a departing shuttle disappeared into the distance.

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