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The Snow Arena


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...."Nothing has happened.., maybe it is over, perhaps"



Yes, sir?


"Take Command, i do hate battle, and I want you to fight, if there are any more suprises..."

Where are you going sir?


"I need a holiday.... One where no-one knows my name, where i will sell these cavewiches, and i will call the company...Starbucks..."

uuuhhh... sir, that company already exists, it makes billions of dollars a year and has thousands of stores everywhere"


"Really, this is the first i've heard of it? must have sprung up overnight..."


*As Shin begins to leave, "Hey, how about "Subway" cavewiches being created in a cave and all"

Ahh... yes sir,


"Oh, and one more thing Admiral, i'm spending the next three days at the Gates of Purgatory because Ancalagon's having nightmares again... i can only stay at the gates because Ancalagon has this cruddy rule that you have to be dead to enter... hey maybe i can borrow that "i'm not really dead" shirt from Malchik..."


Where are you going after that?

"Where, i do not know"

"Why i cannot say"

"How i will get there... eh i havent decided yet"

"But if Slaiv answers my question relay it to my intergalactic Mobile"


OOC> i'm still around but as the Admiral i dont want shin to die just yet, cause im gonna do something funny with him

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ohGr's Undead form still awaits Azgorth from the snowy hazards of a blizzard, standing there, not thinking, just waiting for movement, it finally realises, Azgorth isnt coming back, he died from a comet, the ice smashed his ship to peices, and finally, the last ship of ohGr's Command post was no more, ohGr could finally rest, and await a new life, before ohGr fades out into the abyss, he looks at the old base, the remains of it before it was mysteriously destroyed, as he walks through, the debris he notices a ring, it was the ring sarah used to wear before they all got captured, ohGr still had his doubt on the tribals doing this, it was just conveinient, upon looking at the ring, a smirk appears on his rotting face, showing his skeleton already, ohGr knew his time was almost up, he was going to fade away, gone into a deep abyss to suffer untill his next life, now more relaxed than ever, he walks over to his old quarters, and sees a spark, ohGr looks closer, ignoring the distance between his scythe and his head and says to himself before collapsing

s**t...i left the VCR on record, no wonder the base blew up...bloody sony


then ohGr collapses into the harsh snow, and remains of him before disintergrating get blown away into the blizzard, the only evidence of him being back there, was the fact that he left the gun he killed himself with, behind, the reason for all his anger upon reviving for a time, was the fact that he had a gun as his heart, causing his demon speed power, and not caring about gutting someone for no reason, the gun layed there still upon his old desk, with no bullets left, it seemed that ohGr had only loaded one bullet in before choosing to die, ohGr wakes up, in the abyss, still his decayingself, only not in tiny peices anymore, and faces a large god, it seems this fool named lucifer, was true, lucifer stared long into ohGr and says

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster, and when you look long into the abyss, the abyss also looks long into you


then ohGr died again, realising he died 3 times before completely dying, he was quite pissed, although, since all he could do is lay there, and sit in blackness for all eternity before his next life begind, he was glad he died.


<occ, untill the next scenario, i aint comin back...well...to check i will>

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OOC> w00t 44 pages yeay!\0/ we made it people, OhGr i swear you are the 5th person to use that quote from Balder's Gate and truely i dont get it.


*After reaching Ancalagon's place when he was still alive, Shin screams so Ancalagon might hear him, with no response Shin curses and then notices this little button on the gate... oh.


*after a few rings Ancalagon answers and Shin says before i go what do you want, i cant come in im still alive... you come here

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*Ancalagon walks down to the Gate, and looks at Shin for a moment. He sighs and tosses Shin an ' I'm trying to be very sneaky be pretending to be dead, and I'm doing a helluva job at it!' shirt and says,


'Get your a** in here, Doom's a comin. Won't be long now, yessir yessir. In a few...whenever's...the poo is about to hit the proverbial fan, and it ain't gonna be pretty. In fact, it will be fugly, really REALLY fugly. So start your 'cavewhich' chain in here, so when everything has died down, and you return to the outside, you can say 'Cavewhich's, they're Divine...' because they are. They were in my Realm, and that means they will be the most divine food ever eaten.'


*Ancalagon looks nervously about, and his massive Gates are nearing completion. Over on a wide field, three thousand Ice Elves whistleing a lovely tune and being merry, are constructing a giant sign to hang on the outside, which reads 'No Solicitors, as trespassers and loiterers will be shot. Have a nice day.


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OOC> uhhh Ancalagon, you better change what you said a bit, before a mod gets here.


*Shin steps into the Gates of the Blessed Realm for the 2nd time, but stops and sends a message to his Admiral... "Has Slaiv answered yet?" not yet sir,

"Call me when he does"


*Past the forest now, Shin buys a small property on the corner of a main and busy street... "now for the new flavours"

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Armiena continues to meditate.

Was that a sign?

Enough of this

She gets up, and catches up to the leaving tech.


"Build the device. I have a feeling Peregrine used this and survived."


The shipyard clears itself of all ships needing maintenance, leaving it to build the copy of Peregrine's artifact. By the end of the week, it is completed. She meets with the Chief Engineer to discuss its use.


"So, how do we use it?"


"Well, there is a portal at the side of the device. It only needs an adequate charge; it will function by itself."


Armiena strides away from the Chief Engineer, contemplating whether she should use it.

Well, no point in not using it. She suppresses a grin. I wonder what it's like to be a god?

"I'll use it tomorrow."


She leaves the room, and spends the night trying to choose who would be successor if the worst happens.

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<ooc: too late, the mod has arrived! And found exactly nothing to complain about.... oh well, I'll find something to ban you for later....>



BCG Stormwind, Emour Orbit:



"Are you sure we have to do it this way?" Captain Parke asked, frustration clear in his voice. He waved a hand in the direction of the transport being loaded behind him. "That's a one way ticket back to hell if this doesn't work...." The bird sitting on the crate of AK-47s next to him let him finish, then replied with almost as much annoyance.


"Yes, I've checked the laws a hundred times, and there's no way around it. It's about the only thing clear in that mess: bringing advanced technology to a primitive world means instant exile and a death mark on our entire nation. Can't go around producing threats to the stability of the universe and all that." At that last part, he couldn't hold back a laugh of contempt.


"When we get back from this, remind me to have a little "discussion" with a few important government officials..." He picked up a rifle case and began walking towards the transport that would take him to this new battle. Who knows, maybe everything would go as planned and he'd be back for that "discussion," he thought as he studied the equipment crates waiting to be loaded. But last time he'd been there, hell hadn't frozen over yet....



Transport S481, New Earth Orbit:


New Earth:

Colonized 2216 by survivors of the destruction of Earth. Almost immediately collapsed into civil war, losing much of its advanced technology. When war destroyed the teraforming project, the resulting chaos set the civlization back over 250 years, and the planet became an icy wasteland. It is believed they have even forgotten their own origins, along with the existence of anything beyond their own planet.


Strong nationalist factions maintain one of the few worlds without a unified government, and a state of near-constant war. As a result, what little advanced research exists is devoted entirely to finding more powerful weapons. Oddly, nuclear reactions have escaped discovery, but in all other areas their military technology is approximately equal to 1980s Earth. But civilian advancement is near nonexistant, and the majority of the population lives a hash life in the ruins of the "cities".


The planet is valued only by historians eager to observe a form of culture found nowhere else in the known universe. The technology ban combined with distance from useful trade routes has maintained New Earth's isolation as well as could be hoped for.


Captain Parke tossed report aside in disgust. "Now there's a wonderful place to die..." he said to himself. But with the transport beginning its descent towards the planet, he had no time to feel sorry for himself. He pulled out his stack of notes and began reviewind his plans for what must be the thousandth time since he'd heard of this insane job.




<ooc: you asked for it, there it is. Consider the other war on pause for a while...>

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OOC> w00t 44 pages yeay!\0/ we made it people, OhGr i swear you are the 5th person to use that quote from Balder's Gate and truely i dont get it.


*After reaching Ancalagon's place when he was still alive, Shin screams so Ancalagon might hear him, with no response Shin curses and then notices this little button on the gate... oh.


*after a few rings Ancalagon answers and Shin says before i go what do you want, i cant come in im still alive... you come here

<occ, dude, its not from Baldurs gate, its from a man named Frederick Wilhelm Neitzche, and i used to have that quote in my signature months ago, @peregine, hang on, so, the normal war is on pause, and the new nuclear winter post apocalyptic fallout tactics style theme is kicking in?>

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