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The Snow Arena


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*Shin walks out rambo-style with a chain gun in each hand and 30calibre bullets wrapped around his shoulders a rocket launcher attached to his shoulder a scanner over one eye, 3 hunting knives, a flame thrower behind his back, 2 nitrogen charges and a titan bomb


"So who wants fried chicken?" Jokes shin as he see the 3 men he'd seen earlier and a demolitions man, and opens fire with his chainguns, after 3 mins of continuous fire shin stops to let the barrels cool down, the 4 men are nowhere to be seen as their pices have been flung everywhere. As Ancalagon is seen running from a distance shin takes off all his stuff and throws it downstairs...


*Ancalagon arrives, and is speechless. So shin says, "Mojlnir, whad'dyou and your men do?"

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A microphone shrieks in the "god-creator."

"Sorry." The chief engineer clears his throat.

"Right, this whole process should take only a few minutes, and you should be fairly comfortable through all this. However, if anything does go wrong, Chris Iglesias will take over for you...."


"Right, right.... let's do this."

"Yessir. We'll start the device in ....5.... 4... 3.... 2..." Armiena begins to hear massive generators charging up the device. "1..... mark."


Armiena immediately loses consciousness.

"ARMIENA!!!" The chief engineer looks towards the medical officer.

"We still have strong lifesigns, sir, just unconscious."

"Send a medical team to the device. We'll get her out immediately after we finish." Iglesias paces anxiously in the bridge, wishing he could see whats happening.


The device exhausts its charge, and Armiena is evacuated immediately. She awakes from a coma a few days later.

"There's a new world built, on the ruins of Earth. I'm going there right away. Pack Rat will be there."

".... how do you know this?" Iglesias cocks his head, puzzled.

Armiena grins. "I saw it."


Barely an hour later, a disc-like shuttle, carrying a few of Armiena's closest guards, Iglesias, and herself, takes off from the ship's hangar.


It is intercepted by a local government, and it crashes in a desert in an area called "Nevada". Although the nation-state's government claims that it was only a weather balloon, the wreckage is hauled off to a secret laboratory.


Most of Armiena's followers survive the crash with only minor injuries, and they reach a city called Las Vegas. They go undercover as the owners of a new nightclub.

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Chapter 1: Political Engineering


New Washington, Republic of America:


As he lay on a rooftop just outside the local government buildings, Captain Jonathan Parke was getting impatient. His target still hadn't appeared, and the cold wind was finally starting to get through his jacket. A few more hours, and dawn would come, and the night would be a total waste.


A light appeared in one of the top floor windows, and Parke's attention instantly focused on it. He shifted position a bit, bringing his rifle to his shoulder. The ancient bolt action Mosin Nagant was far from the newest technology even here, but it had served him well so far.... He positioned his crosshairs on the window, and waited, hoping his luck would hold. Which it did, as the man inside came to the window, his dark outline an easy target against the bright background. He held his breath for a moment, and slowly lowered the crosshairs onto his target's head. He pulled the trigger.


David Miller, "President" of the Republic of Ameirca dropped to the ground, fragments of his head splattered all over the wall behind him. His killer stayed just long enough to be sure of his success, then disappeared into the back alleys behind the Presidential Mansion. Though every police unit in 100 miles would be after him, the incompetent fools had no chance. Now if only the rest of his plan worked just as well....

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ooc> Please note that these people are not former members of the Red Nation. They did not participate in the Snowclone war after Earth II was destroyed.


New Earth; exact location unkown


Alexei watches the news-flash together with Sergei, his righthand-lietenant.

Sergei watches Alexei.

"They killed the president of the US? Someone is clearly looking for trouble..."

Alexei puts his feet onto his desk.

"Like we care... I find this quiete interesting, this creates new customers for us everyday."

Sergei knods.


Alexei stands up and gets himself a drink.

"Yes, Sergei.... I'm quiete interested in what the future will bring. You want some?"

Sergei accepts the drink with pleasure.

"So any work for us?"

Alexei sits down behind his desk and looks trough the demands of their service.

"Nothing very hard... No need to send the experts..."

Sergei smiles. He leans back in his chair.

"Easy money..."

Both men stare at the ceiling. Sergei looks down and looks towards Alexei.

"How are you birds doing? Did the eggs hatch yet?

Alexei smiles...

"Not yet... I guess it'll still take a week or two, maybe three. The others are doing fine."

"Where do you keep them anyway?"

"In a cave below, I used a lot of my share to create a huge bird-cage. It just looks like their true habitat. From time to time I let them hunt in the fields too."

"Dont they fly away?"

"Course not... These are trained birds, took me some time but everyone of them knows where their nest is..."

Sergei smiles.

"You and your birds.."

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Having had their fun with the resturaunt in the Blessed Realms, the four retire to their tents to survey the situation that was developing on New Earth. Seeing that a bird had returned, Parkes was active, and Armenia was establishing a hold out in the Southwest of America, Mojlnir decided that it was time to effect his return.


"Gentlemen, it is time for us to return to the mortal plane and establish ourselves once again. Our appearances will have to change though, there are no Frost Giants and furs have long since gone from this new world."


Rothgar spoke "And names? Shall we change those as well?"


"Yes," replied Mojlnir "But that will be accomplished once we have established ourselves on New Earth."


"Ahhh..." mused Loki, "a new castle and plenty of wenches will suit me fine. How shall we terrorize the peasants in the area?"


"No castles Loki, and no raiding either G.K." answered Mojlnir "This is a new world for all of you, though I have spent much time in its equivalent. We will dress in 'suits' and our domination will be of the economic nature."


Smiling, Rothgar replied "With 'corporations' right? What will be our areas of enterprise? Weapons, mining, chemicals?"


"All of those, and more. Our corporation will be called Ragnarok Ltd. and you three will be my right hand men. Rothgar, you are in charge of corporate finances and acquisitions. Loki, you will head of the research and development, and G.K. will head up all corporate security."


Silent until now G.K. looks up, his eyes alight with gleeful anticipation, "Extremely strict I assume?"


"Extremely." replied Mojlnir.


"Excellent! I shall begin at once." answered G.K.


"Gentlemen, go to your tents and affect your changes, we must blend as much as possible. Meet back here in two hours time."

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I-40, Outside New Washington:


"Target 5 minuites out and closing"


Before the scout could finish his report, Ryan Tabanne turned to adress the other men standing nearby. "Alright, you heard him! Get into position, but don't fire until my order!" In the distance, a string of lights could be seen driving down the freeway, their speed slowed by the icy conditions. They would make an easy target....


"Ready.... 3... 2... 1... FIRE!"

An anti-tank rocket streaked out of the trees behind Ryan and slammed into the lead escort car, reducing it to burning wreckage. As the cars behind it stopped to avoid a collision, his two .50cal machine guns opened fire. A hail of ice bullets tore into the lightly armored cars, killing or wounding most of the guards inside. But his real target wouldn't be so easy....

"Come on, give into fear..." he whispered as the machine guns finally stopped firing. All four escort cars had been destroyed, but the heavy armor on the Vice President's in the center was too thick for his weapons to penetrate. He'd have to break in... and that could go badly for his men...


But then a door on the far side opened. The vice president stumbled out and over the edge of the road. Panic had consumed him, and he ran desperately away from the disaster. As he came into sight again, distance and snow nearly concealing him, Ryan brought his rifle to his shoulder. He fired once, kicking up a cloud of snow next to his running target. But unlike Parke's weapon, his semi-automatic PSG1 gave him a second shot. He fired three more times across the Vice President's path. The second and third shots hit, and the Vice President fell dead just short of the trees he had been running towards.


15 minuites later, the attackers had disappeared completely. When they finally arrived, the security forces found nothing but empty bullet cases.

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The large four engine corporate jet called the tower unannounced and indicated that it was preparing to land and needed clearance.


"Were did they come from?" yelled the shift leader in the control tower.


"This is Ragnarok Flight 999 requesting clearance to land. Go ahead." can a metallic voice.


"Who are you guys and where did you come from?! You're right in the middle of our flight coridor and you're requesting to land?" asked the astounded controller.


"We'll be landing whether you want us to or not. Your call...or you head." came the icy reply.


Unable to supress a shiver, the controller cleared the strange aircraft to land on the central runway, somehow certain that the voice from the plane was not kidding.


"Ragnarok 999, this is Seattle Tower control, you are clear to land on runway 5."




The plane taxied to the far end of the airport, an area which though it had been out of service for decades, had seen an astonishing amount of construction in the previous 6 months. Security had also been tight to the point that noone without clearance could come anywhere near the complex.


After entering a large hanger, the plane taxied to a stop and several black Suburbans rolled to a stop next to the plane and four men dressed in conservative black suits deplaned and walked toward the security detail that had formed a perimenter around the area.


"Nicely done Ghengis, this is very impressive" remarked Mojlnir as he climbed into the back of the heavily armored SUV. The guard inside handed him twin .45 Colt 1911 pistols, which he slipped into dual shoulder holsters. Looking around him, Mojlnir nodded with approval as Rothgar, now standing 6' 5" tall and weighing around 265, slipped two .50 Desert Eagles into cross-draw holsters. Loki looked at his friends and he checked the magazine on an HK MP-5 that was slung to hang under his right arm. Ghengis shoved 10 gauge shells into his Remington Marine Defender.


"Stop at the control tower on your way out of the airport. I have something to take care of..." Mojlnir told the driver as they pulled out of the hanger.


"Don't Mojlnir" said Loki, placing a hand on Mojlnir's shoulder "we have a schedule to keep."


"I do not tolerate failure among my employees" said Mojlnir through clenched teeth.


"This is not where we need to focus our attention right now" said Rothgar in a matter of fact tone, "the situation in Washington is critical and we need to deal with a production issue at our New Zealand mines."


"Alright...alright...get me the mine chief on the phone and get us to headquarters" fumed Mojlnir.

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Rudy's ship plunged into the water without a problem. It even went as well as it did in space. It came to an opening in the rock at about 3000 feet, wich surprised Rudy. The ship could fit through it so it silently glided through.


The tunnel went deep into the planet, and eventually there was no water. The tunnel left the deep and became dry. Ahead the tunnel was smaller so Rudy landed the ship and set out in a land rover. It rolled quickly on the ice, sliding slightly.


Suddenly the small tunnel opened up into a humongus cavern it was a buried city, left in ruins.

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Slaiv enters the mortal realm....


Slaiv now appears as a 6'4" German Man, weighing 281, with semi-long black hair, with a Dark crimson streak running down the front. He is wearing a black suit, with a black shirt underneath. He has a white necktie on....


He enters, driving in a black sportscar with tinted windows. [Looks something like this, only black.]


Slaiv travels to Washington, having heard that the President and Vice have been assassinated.


He overhears a few guards talking:


"Hey, did you hear about the situation in Seattle?"




"Apparently, a plane there threatened the tower....."


Slaiv, realising that this could be someone from the other realm entering, he travels to Seattle...


Upon his arrival, Slaiv sees a group of black suburbans driving down the street....


Not knowing whether it is friend or foe, but recognising from the feeling he has that it is some creature not of this realm, Slaiv loads two 454 Cassuls [the pistols are 454 Cassuls]and places them into suspender/chest holsters, as well as several clips of ammunition. He then straps a few N.P. grenades to his waist. He locks a clip into an M4A1 with a Heckler and Koch AC-G Grenade launcher installed on the MIL-STD-1913 rail and slides the gun around his shoulder [on a shoulder strap.]


He walks up to the now parked suburbans, and knocks on one of the windows....




Slaiv instantly recognises the voice as one of Shin's [and therefore his] allies, Mojlnir.


"Let me speak to Mojlnir."


The driver realises that it must be someone important, if they know Mojlnir's name.


"Mojlnir- it is Slaiv, one of Shinjioh's allies. I wish to travel and work with you on this planet and in this realm. We have started over, but I still wish to remain true to the alliances of old...."



EDIT: The MODs changed the pic of the 454 Cassul to a pic of Barney :blink:

i changed it, hopefully this one is acceptable by the forum standards :huh:

Edited by Slaiv
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