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The Snow Arena


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Once in the car, the girl seems to be friendlier. The black Mercedes 'uber sexy' glides away driven by a silent grunt in a grey uniform with red trim. The windows are black glass through which Malchik can barely make out where they are going.


"We will be crossing into Idaho at any moment. I do not think they are manning the border checkpoints at present. The assassination has caused certain consternation even among the separatists. However it is as well to be careful."


She pulls down the back seat of the car where there is a veritable armoury of lethal weapons.


"For show, you understand. We do not condone violence." There is a long pause before she adds gently, "usually."


Nothing stops the car. A change in the light suggests they have entered a tunnel.


"This used to be a bolt hole for Government in the event of nuclear war. It is just a little old fashioned for the needs of today. It is quite empty. There were a few guards but my father did not feel the need to keep them on when he took over. You will find most of what you need I am sure. Now did you mean to rent or to buy?"


Malchik who had been anticipating something a little - well realistically a great deal - smaller isn't quite sure what to say.


"Oh, the price bothers you? Well, my father has certain business requirements. If you help him, as I'm sure you will, he would no doubt waive the fee. You see no one remembers this site any more. He has made sure of that. Who bothers with Idaho these days? All it is famous for is potatoes!"


The car has been travelling a considerable distance underground. A change in the lighting indicates that it is once more in daylight.


"There is a small homestead. This is of course the cover. It is accessible by private plane or other similar transport. It has been a hotel in its time but currently it stands empty awaiting a buyer. You! The underground facility can be made available when you agree to help my father. You will of course tell no one."


The car glides to a halt.


Malchik gulps again!

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Suddenly a beam of light decending from the sjy shines apon a dark and grim Sydney road in a rather Rowan Actkinson like manner, he gest up and shows a certain finger to the sky... "Oh yeah and you can shove this up ur chicken @r53 you motherf**ing.... hey, where am i this looks like.... the hole i grew up in.. no wait i live 2 hours from here."


"Wtf is going on here, i mean really..."

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Suddenly a beam of light decending from the sjy shines apon a dark and grim Sydney road in a rather Rowan Actkinson like manner, he gest up and shows a certain finger to the sky... "Oh yeah and you can shove this up ur chicken @r53 you motherf**ing.... hey, where am i this looks like.... the hole i grew up in.. no wait i live 2 hours from here."


"Wtf is going on here, i mean really..."

ooc> That doesn't make any sense........ :huh:


Slaiv travels to the airport and boards the plane.


6 hours later, Slaiv arrives at BWI.


He leaves the airport with his things, and travels to downtown DC in his Audi LeMans.


Slaiv calls Mojlnir:


"I'm in DC, haven't found anything."

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ooc> please note that I dont control anything... Except for Sarajevo-base. I'm banished, remember ^^.


New Earth; Prague; The Red Star


The Red Star was a very known club in Prague. If you were rich and wanted to spend some money on drugs, gambling, weapons or women, the Red Star was the place to be. Everybody knew what went on in the Red Star, only no-one dared to do something about it. It was one of the places that the Russian maffia had all over the planet. Another reason why everybody feared to mess with the Red Star was because the owner, Boris Selenikov, was a very good friend and "sponsor" of the "Sovjets", Alexei Nickolai's mercenary organisation.


Alexei kept friends like Boris all over the world. These were good places where he surely could get rid of weapons, drugs and whatever else they found on their little "jobs". A blue BMW stopped in front of the Red Star. 4 men got out of the car. They were well dressed and like it was the Sovjets trademark, they were also very good armed.

At the moment the men entered, Boris stood behind the bar talking to one of the bartenders. He smiled as he saw the face of the man leading the others.

"I'll talk to you later, get back to work for now..."

He stepped towards the 4 men and gave a typical russian salutation to Alexei.

"How are you ding! It is good to see you!"

Alexei smiled...

"Hello Boris."

"So what are you doing here? Business? Pleasure?"

The last thing he said by winking at one of the waitresses.

"No Boris, Business..."

"Ah, that's my friend Alexei! Always working! Come come, I'll get you a table in the back where you can talk."


Boris led the men to a low table with some couches. Boris kept places like this always open for important customers like Alexei, only few people could obtain one of those seats. As the men sat down one of the waitresses came with some bottles champagne.

"These are on the house", she said:" with the compliments of the patron!"

Alexei smiled and raised his glass to Boris who was watching from behind the bar.


30 minutes later another 4 men entered. Boris looked up and couldnt recognise anyone. He looked at Alexei who knoded back. Boris had become familiar with incidents like this. Alexei arranged all his "jobs" in the Red Star. He pointed the men to Alexei. As Alexei noticed the men coming he knoded to his two compagnions.

"Dimitri and Andrej, take positions."

The men stood up and each one of them moved to a place from where they could cover Alexei and Sergei. Soon the other 4 men sat down in the couches.

"Colonel Alexei, I presume?"

Alexei knoded.

"I have heard of your service and was wondering if you might make a little service for me too..."

"For the right price..."

"You see, I'm member of a russian organisation that is involved with import and export of heroine... We've never had any problems till now... You see, some Americans think they can come and take over our business. You understand that we cannot let this happen... We want you to remove this infestation. We will pay you well, say something around 10 million dollar, just to remove these roaches... I have all the information you need right here."

"We'll consider it..."

Alexei took up the folder with info and gave it to Sergei.

"If you would excuse us now... We'll contact you."


With those words Alexei and his men took off. Alexei didnt like this job, something wast right and the man was defenitly not russian as he said he was..

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Armiena discusses the recent events with her two bodyguards.


"Allright, there's a major assassin here. I've hacked into the White House files, and the assassin used a TANK to kill the Vice President. My gut tells me that it's not Pack Rat's people. He was a bit too subtle for that. Instead, it's probably Peregrine."


"So, we're going to lay low here for a while, until we get our bearings. We'll hang out at some of the.... seedier nightclubs, familiarize ourselves with the underworld here. Our sidearms never leave our bodies, unless there's a gun check. You've got watch tonight, Sam."

"Right." The heavily muscled, 6' 8" man nods (FREAKIN HUGE!).


An hour later, Armiena leaves the apartment with her bodyguard, and hit the streets in a "souped-up" sports car.

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My gut tells me that it's not Alexei's people, Alexei's people!
Please note that Pack Rat is dead! My body is buried on Emour.


New Earth; Mediteranean Sea.


Things were very quiet on the Sea. Jonathan Smith stood in front of the bridge of his ship, the "Liberty". Smith was a very well known person in the underground. A weapon-smuggler and a man no-one could stand, except for the ones he paid.

"Any sight on the radar yet?"

"No C'ptain..."

"Goddammit, if the coastguard spots us..."


The "Liberty" was a cargoship so she wouldnt be able to outrun a coastguard ship. Smith was waiting for his customers. He was waiting to get his hands of a whole cargo of PSG-1's. The "Liberty" contained a crane that could load crates from one ship into another. That's why Smith used her...

He was waiting for a certain Knefler. He didnt knew the man and normally he doesnt deal with unfamiliars but his offer was so great that Smith greedly accepted the deal.

"There they are, Captain!"

Smith looked trough his binoculars and saw the approaching ship."

The "Freistadt" was a like the "liberty" a cargo ship. Same capacity and so on...


After several minutes the cargo-ships layed side by side.

Knefler himself stood on the "Freistadt".

"I hope you werent waiting too long.."

Knefler spoke with a german accent.

Smith laughed..

"Come on board, let's have a drink untill the men switched the crates"

Knefler accepted and gave his men the order to help load the crates with the weapons.


Smith led Kenfler to his cabine where he opened a bottle of scotch.

"Fine stuff, mate!"

One hour later one of Kneflers men entered the cabine.

"Everything is done..."

Knefler knoded and spoke, losing his german accent and now clearly spoke with a russian accent.

"You should be more carefull who you do business with..."

Smith realised everything too late. Kneflers man strangled Smith to death as Alexei's men had done with the rest of the crew.


Alexei knoded to Sergei.

"You took care of everything?"

Sergei smiled and knoded.

"What do we do with the corpses?"

"No blood?"

Sergei smiled...

"Not a drop..."

"Good, load them on the "Freistadt", and fill the liberty's cargo hold with some water, erase any possible tracks of the cargo..."


It was obvious that Alexei and his men clearly knew what they were doing. They were paid to get rid of Captain Jonathan Smith and they could keep the weapons. They would find a possible buyer in the "Red Star" and the bodys of Smith and his crew would never been seen again.


16 hours later Alexei sat down in his chair back at Sarajevo. Sergei sat in front of him.

"When are we going to Prague?"

Alexei knoded he didnt knew yet. They still had time, there was no rush. It was just another perfectly executed job. As it had become their trademark, there were no witnesses, no evidence at all, no nothing...

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Suddenly a beam of light decending from the sjy shines apon a dark and grim Sydney road in a rather Rowan Actkinson like manner, he gest up and shows a certain finger to the sky... "Oh yeah and you can shove this up ur chicken @r53 you motherf**ing.... hey, where am i this looks like.... the hole i grew up in.. no wait i live 2 hours from here."


"Wtf is going on here, i mean really..."

ooc> That doesn't make any sense........ :huh:


^Trials of the KFC conglomerate... i obviously lost.. if you didnt care to read the senseless posts i made bofore this point, i don't blame you.


*So, im in Sydney eh? hmmm...


"I wonder if a cavewich..., no impossible it doesnt snow in Sydney, hey what the they have a KFC here? must have sprung up over night."


*After an hour of walking Shin finds a familiar looking building.. I know this place, this is the Imax theatre the largest movie scrrens on earth.. "ooh a dinosaur movie in 3-d..."*Shin grabs some popcorn when someone sits next to him,

Wanna buy some death sticks?

*Shin waves his hand " you dont want to sell me death sticks"

I don't wanna sell you death sticks

"You want to go home and re-think your life"

I wanna go home and re-think my life.


OOC> heh heh another copyright

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ooc>KOTOR, Nice! Better watch out for Bioware. :shifty:


Slaiv sets someone to watch out for activity in Washington, and travels to Germany to start his business......


Upon his arrival, he travels to Berlin....


Once their, he gets the required licenses and permits to begin a large Medical Firm.


Several months later.....


Business is booming, and Slaiv enters the world of Politics......


NOTE: The following has been translated using an online translator, because I do not know enough German to write this much. Therefore, parts of it are bound to be inaccurate and I exempt myself from any offense taken by accidental causes.


Slaiv's introductory speech:


"Meine Gefährtedeutschen: Ich habe entschieden, die Welt der Politik zu betreten. Lang hat meine Firma zur Verfügung stellte die Nutzen für die Gesundheit und sich interessiert Sie Notwendigkeit. Ich habe entschieden, daß ich ein Nutzen zu diesem Land werden kann, indem ich Politik eintrage. Wer folgt mir, und ist zu unserer Ursache loyal?"


Translated Version:


"My fellow Germans: I have decided to enter the world of Politics. Long has my company provided the health benefits and care you need. I have decided that I can become a benefit to this country by entering Politics. Who will follow me, and be loyal to our cause?"


Slaiv recognises that he has influenced nearly all of Germany with his actions, and has developed a special, close ring of friends and followers...

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ooc> finally someone posts around here :lol: , some advice next time you start a political party make sure you explain what you stand for ^_^ .


New Earth, Sarajevo-base.


...lte die Nutzen für die Gesundheit und sich interessiert Sie Notwendigkeit. Ich habe entschieden, daß ich ein Nutzen zu diesem Land werden kann, indem ich Politik eintrage. Wer folgt mir, und ist zu unserer Ursache loyal?"


After the speech Sergei turns of the TV.

"What do you think?"

Alexei acts like he doesnt care.

Sergei stands up and gets himself some wodka.

"With all the recent assassinations I wouldnt become a politician."

Alexei leans back in his chair. The assassinations... He is still intreged with that matter. Everyday he hopes that something will be reveiled.

"Alexei... Alexei!"

Alexei acts like he was woken from sleep.


"We still got that load of PSG-1's, you know we cant have them around much longer..."

"Yes, you're right. Send word to Boris and ask if he'd be willing to look around for any potential customer. Tell him we will come to Prague. Same day, same hour. Tell him he must have his customer ready by then."

"Should I set a price?"

"No. Let them make the offer."


After Alexei gave the order, Sergei went to execute the order. Alexei himself went to his bird-cage. As he entered the cage, the Peregrine male landed on his arm. Alexei smiled.


"Tell me friend, do you know what's going on?"

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Defense Command Fortress, outside New Washington:


The highest ranking military officer in, and new President of, the Republic of America wore a nervous expression out of place for someone of his status. While the new power was very welcome, and he was glad to finally be able to work on his political goals without interference. Miller had been an idiot, a useful one perhaps, but his time had come. Few senior officials had given even a single tear for him (except for the reporters of course). But that target painted on his back was costing him far too much sleep. A President should not have to hide in his fortress! It was beneath his dignity, and if it continued much longer....


"Incoming bombers! They're ours, but they're way off course. Looks like just a nav malfunction, but they're not responding to any attempts at contact. Suggest you go down to the deep shelters for now, sir."


He gave the officer a look of disbelief. "I've had enough running for one lifetime! I'll stay, and don't ever suggest otherwise again."


Meanwhile, the bomber squadron's pilots continued on completely ignorant of events below. The stealth attack training mission was their final exercise before graduation, and they intended to do it well. A few more minuites and they would drop their bombs on the practice range and head home....


A hail of explosives slammed into the building, blasting away entire sections. The President of the Republic of America was killed instantly, along with most of the top military officers. The anti-aircraft guns surrounding the building opened fire, quickly destroying the bombers, but it was far too late. The entire Command Fortress collapsed into a pile of burning rubble, and the Republic suddenly had no idea who their leader was. Even the most pessimistic predictions had not imagined this, and no rules existed to choose the next President.

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