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The Snow Arena


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OOC: Oh, sorry. You're Alexei from now on.



Armiena's bodyguard forces her to the ground as a crashing bomber flies into a public housing unit a block behind them. The explosion destroys most of the building, and Armiena's bodyguard is covered with dust and a few shards of glass.

"Ungh..." ARmiena gets back on her feet, and shakes the dust from her hair, clouds of it shaking loose.

"You're injured, Chavez." A thin trickle of blood oozes through her bodyguard's pant leg.


"It's nothing, just let me get a bandage on it."

They stop at a pharmacy for the bandages, then find themselves a seedy nightclub.

A shady drug dealer offers them some deathsticks. Both of them shift their outfits to reveal their sidearms, and he backs off.


"Well, I think we're at the right place."

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New Earth; Sarajevo-base


Sun shines over the white plains. The scream of the Peregrine fills the sky. Alexei followed his bird trough some binoculars. Sergei and two others stand behind him.

They've informed him of the assassination. Alexei's respect for whoever was responsible grow by the minute. Alexei knew it wasnt a malfunction, it was a set up... From the beginning. He's been in the business for years now, he recognises an assassination when he sees one. Alexei knew these guys werent amateurs.


Mercenary's and assassins respect each others work. So did Alexei... Alexei had a totally different style of acting. He was subtile and avoided as much attention as he could. This guy on the other hand was arrogant and drew a lot of attention.

Alexei had become intreged by this man. He knew the authority's wouldnt suspect the "Sovjets" because it wasnt their territory and not their style but he still wanted to know who did all this and why...


He keeps tracking the bird. He smiled as he noticed how the Peregrine dived away and came up soon after. His prey hung dead into his claws as he flew the prey to the female.

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<ooc: I like your bird = my story symbolism... intentional?>


"I, Jonathan Parke, accept the duties and responsibility of the office of President of the Republic of America. I swear to defend my nation by any means necessary"


New President Jonathan Parke took the ceremonial sword from the rack in front of him. He brought the weapon to a ready position, then continued his carefully memorized oath.


"I accept this sword and symbol of my duties. I swear to use this power for the honor and glory of my nation. So long as I have strength to hold it, I will fight to the end agianst enemies both internal and external. Before the witnesses here, both divine and human, I swear this oath."


The crowd exploded with applause as he said the last words. He waved for the crowd to be silent, then walked to the edge of the balcony to address his nation.


"The old era of corruption and lies is over. Even as internal revolution shattered it, your government continued to lie. Comforting stories were told, the president was merely wounded, there was no threat. But over a million dead citizens say differently. This treason against our nation will continue no longer.


But make no mistake, I did not want to see it come this way. The men who murdered the government are not heroes. Their treason is of a different form, but it is just as evil. The men responsible for this disaster will pay for their crimes. They have betrayed their country, and for that they shall die. Even now, we hunt them down. I swear this second oath to you, one month from now, their heads will be displayed on pikes!"


Again, cheering overwhelmed his words. When it finally ended, he continued in an absolutely serious tone.


"As much as I disagreed with President Miller's policies, I value order and national strength above mere politics. I call all of you, regardless of party, to join me in restoring our nation's glory!"


As he turned and walked back inside, the crowd went berserk with cheering.


President Jonathan Parke switched off the tv, then tossed the remote aside. He turned to the men standing behind him. "Impressive show, you think? I have to admit, I wasn't sure we'd get the election right.... you will be well rewarded for your success. But now, we have more internal enemies to deal with..."

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(I have been reading these posts all day and have found them quite entertaining. I hope I am accepted among you as I am now joining your ranks.)


New Earth, Unknown Location North of New Waashington


Pull. The small, silver BMW Z4 Roadster enters a sharp curve and downshifts into fourth gear. Inside the car, Keith Beckam listens to some rock band and begins to accelerate the car. Push. The car's revs are relieved as it shifts back into fifth. The curvy road makes a slight left turn ahead. With ease Beckam cuts through the curve on this cold, dark night. Then suddenly he begins to stop, because a few hundred yards in front of him are flashing lights and many armed men walking about. He slowly approaches the group of men dressed in a green military pattern and wearing red berets. He turns the radio off as one of the soldiers walks over to his car.


"What seems to be the problem, sir?" Beckman shakes as the cold air bursts into his car when he lowers the window.


"We're looking for this man." The soldier holds out a picture of Beckam.


"Thats me." Beckman begins to get alittle nervous.


"Yes I know. Have you ever been to Prague?"


"I don't believe I'm at liberty to say."


The soldier raises a large firearm to Beckam's face. "I believe you are."


"I visited my cousin there once. It was a very long time ago though."


"Get out." With that command, Beckam is led out of his car and into a Suburban. Just as he gets inside, he looks out to see that his beautiful had been set aflame by the rest of the group.


"Where are you taking me?" He asks but gets no response. Instead he is stuck in the back of the neck with a tranquilizer needle.



Beckam's eyes open to find himself in a large, leather chair sitting among a large room feeled with many, magnificent antiquities. He looks over to the window where he sees a dark silouette. By the outline of the man, Beckam reckons that he is an older gentleman and quite muscular. The silouette turns and faces him.


"Welcome. I hope my men didn't bruise you up too bad. I know who you are and who I am is none of your concern. I also know that you did some recon work during the old war. I also hear you were quite good. And its for that reason that I have you here now. I want you to find out all you can about this . . . Alexei. Find out who and where he is. I'll know when you get information so don't worry about contacting me. I am depending on you and it is to your best interest that you do as I say."


"And if I don't?"


"You don't want that trust me. Besides they'll be a handsome reward in it for you. Now go out that door and my men will take you to your new car and all the equipment you'll need. Good luck and don't fail me."



Just as he is told Beckam is led to his new Dodge Viper GTR and given an assortment of weapons and equipment. He is also dorned with a gorgeous, white tailored suit. He gets into the car and departs. He decides that it is in his best interest to perform this . . . strange task. The car exits the garage and vanishes into the night.

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Through eavesdropping in the shady nightclub, Armiena learned of a few lowlifes who were planning to break into a local millionaire's mansion, and kill the owner. Being an opportunist, she decided to ambush the ambushers after they killed the owner, forge new land deeds, and claim the mansion as her own.

She takes a break from the underworld, and watches Parke's inauguration.


"I don't believe it.... he was one of Peregrine's people, wasn't he?"

"mmm-hmmm." Sam replies.


Things are indeed going well. I've got myself a new home. It's all legit, unless the cops want to get themselves killed. And one of Peregrine's finest has elevated himself to the status of President of the Republic of America... I wonder if there's a small country I can take over. Italy, perhaps?

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The temperature in the Idaho Rockies is cool but the air is crisp and clean. The small homestead looks surprisingly normal, almost attractive, with red gingham curtains fluttering at the window and pots of geraniums on either side of the door.



Malchik is not sure why he has been brought here.


"You are joking, of course", the girl says. "The master of disguise himself. Your reputation is well known."


"Master of disguise?" Malchik does not know where the name has come from.


The flame-haired girl pulls out a sheaf of papers from a briefcase. "We have a list of your aliases." She reads from one of the pages. In Greece and the former Yugoslavia you were known as Malchik the cretin. In New York you were Malchik the chump. In London..."


Malchik grabs the list. "Damned typos! That's Cretan and champ. And in London it was definitely banker with a b! What does this have with disguises? Aliases don't change the way you look!"


"Ah but you are known to have masqueraded as Maragaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton and Keanu Reeves and not been spotted!"


Malchik grunts. "I used to make a nice line in rubber face masks. I was never Keanu Reeves. I once attempted Leonardo DiCaprio but the result was highly embarrassing and painful. I have never been able to look at his films since."


"But you can be anybody if you choose."


"I might trip up with Rene Zellweger."


The girl laughs. "We will need you to be more mature and male for our purposes. But you must learn of this from my father. Let us go in."


She turns to the house. Malchik, glancing again at the curtained windows sees for the first time that through each window the muzzle of an automatic weapon pokes coyly. Clearly he is not being given an option to refuse.

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ooc> Nailo, welcome! Good to see some fresh meat around here :lol:


New Earth; Prague; The Red Star.


The night had fallen over Prague. The streetlights made this romantic city look even more beautifull than she already was. It was just another busy night in the "Red Star". Fridaynight was always busy, for some reason this night drew more visitors to the "Red Star" than usual. And everyone knew they were safe there. Cops stayed away as far as possible from the "Red Star" and nobody dared to touch one another in the presence of the "Red Star". The Russian maffia was very serious about this establishment. One of the reasons was off-course Colonel Nickolai...


Everybody knew that the "Red Star was the favorite place to visit when the colonel was in Prague. He had many important friends there. Besides no-one dared to get in the way of the "Sovjets", they werent world famous cause of their name, but for their actions. Nobody would dare to arrest Alexei... Too many nation-leaders were his customers and to many maffia loved him for his weapon deals. He always sold his weapons to the maffia at a very reasonable price.

He was the best friend a man could wish but only very few could become friendly with Alexei.


Same day, same hour... As always the fridaynight at 23.00 PM Alexei enters the "Red Star" with 3 compagnions. One of them was like always his 1st lieutenant, Sergei. Boris smiled as he saw Alexei enter.

"Hahaha! Alexei! How are you doing?"

Alexei gave Bois the typical Russian salutation.

"Hello Boris... I hope you kept a place open for me?"

"Alexei please... Who do you think I am? Come come, I've reserved your seats like always."

Boris led Alexei and his compagnions to the table with the couches in the back. When they installed themselves comfortably Boris turned around and prepared to leave but then he turned himself around again.



Boris knoded friendly and left to the bar, sending one of the waitresses over with the bottles and glasses.


While enjoying their drinks, Sergei looked at Alexei.

"Have you heard? They've elected a new president..."

"I know..."

Alexei smiles, he knew darn well who had become president of the US. The same guy who got rid of the former president... Alexei knew it from the first time he saw the mans face. He respected Parke. He respected for his way of acting. Alexei himself would have worked more subtile and more silent but still... He had become very intreged with Parke's intentions, what would this guy possibly be up to? He knew that he would like this guy from the start if he ever met him.

He raised his glass and smiled.

"To the new president, may he be smarter than the fool Miller was!"


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Soon after Slaiv's initial speech, he reveals his beliefs in hope to be elected President of the newly formed German Democracy:


"Noch einmal komme ich vor Ihnen, im Geschäft der Politik. Dieses Mal, zur umreiß, was ich plane, zu tun, wenn gewählter Präsident:


1. Ich plane, unseren Auslandsmarkt drastisch zu erhöhen, erhöhe unsere nationale Geldversorgung und stelle Jobs für Millionen zur Verfügung.


2. Ich plane, Militär unserer Nation zu erhöhen konnte, denn das Kommen des Krieges ist immer... zur Hand Besonders in dieser Zeit der Gefahr. Wir haben den Präsidenten der ermordeten Vereinigten Staaten, sowie seinen Nachfolger gesehen......"




"Once again I come in front of you, in the business of politics. This time, to outline what I plan to do if elected President:


1. I plan to increase our foreign market dramatically, increasing our national money supply and providing jobs for millions.


2. I plan to increase our nation's military might, for the coming of war is always at hand... Especially in this time of peril. We have seen the President of the United States assassinated, as well as his successor....."


Slaiv has impressed the people of the Neu Bundesrepublikdeutschland [New Federal Republic of Germany.] Unsuspecting, they continue to support Slaiv.....


Little do they know, Slaiv has different plans for his Presidential Reign.....

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Armiena sells her nightclub to a billionaire named Trump.


Two days later, Armiena and the rest of her followers arrive in Rome, just in time for the bishops of the Catholic church to vote for the next pope. She uses her "influence" to swing their votes to her, a prestigious bishop in America (or so her forged papers say). The voting process is tense, but she manages to pull through, and becomes the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.


Predictably, she gives the usual speech about establishing friendly relations with other religions, but she has much more ambitious plans for Italy.


Translation of Armiena's speech:

My goals for Christianity are simple, yet imperative.  I wish to lead our faith into an alliance with Islam, Judaism, and all other religions of the world.  In order to accomplish this, we must have faith in the Lord, have faith in others, and remain true to ourselves.


Several conspiracy theorists claim to have heard her mouthing "And remain true to Peregrinism," while she was not in front of the cameras.


OOC: Please take no offense. This all has to do with my character becoming a god... er... goddess.

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