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Golems in Loc Muinne

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So I'm trying to find the sewer entrance to get into Loc Muinne, and I've found two different places where there are stairs leading downward, but they go into rooms where there are golems (one in each room), strange glowing symbols, and chests. I've been working on one golem for about 10 minutes and my patience is getting thin. Are these rooms where you access the sewers or am I barking up the wrong tree?


And if they aren't the sewer accesses, do they belong to some quest? I did notice as Geralt rolled and dodged to avoid being obliterated by the golem, that you can "deactivate" the symbols. I'm wondering if you turn them off, if the golem turns off? :blink:

Edited by FastBlackCat
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This is part of a side quest. Part of the 'Golem' contract and there is a bit more to it. The Golem contract can be a real brain teaser and there are some added goodies when you complete it. There are two ways to get to the sewers, one by a door and stairs and the other by walking down a umm..hole in the ground? both in the market place area. I don't want to say to much and spoil it. It also depends on witch...I mean..which path you take. You will have access to one and maybe not the other, but not entirely sure on that.
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I resolved the golem problem . . . somehow. I decided to call it quits and leave the golem alone, wandered the city a bit, picked up the contracts on the notice board, then decided to have another whack at Mr. Golem . . . and it wasn't there anymore. :blink: Went and checked the other room and that golem was gone, too. Disappeared, vamoosed, GONE. All I can think of is that they were there to prevent you from getting into the rooms before you picked up the Gargoyle Contract.
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Hmmm. Never had THAT happen. I think it's because you left the room, rather than because you got the contract first (I usually get the contract first).


So you don't feel guilty about letting the golem escape and terrorise the residents of Loc Muinne?


But yours seems a bit different anyway - I only ever found a golem on one room (consistent, always the same one, to the north of the main entrance to Loc Muinne).

Edited by dragonbird
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Oh-oh, now that you mention it, I think I did leave the gate open . . . :ohmy:


Towncrier headline the next day: Escaped golems wreck havoc in Loc Muinne! Council is considering a ban on golem ownership!

Edited by FastBlackCat
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