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A notepad instead of a Pip-Boy


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I thought it would be cool as hell to have a replacement for this Pip-Boy, as I don't know why Doc Mitchell would give this amazing piece of technology to a random courrier.

Of course it would be an issue with dialogues where NPC are talking about your PipBoy. Maybe it would be nice to make a quest to obtain it; a really hard quest, involving exploration in a Vault...?

Please someone, do it, it would be an insta-download and endorsement!



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it doesn't say anywhere in your post about wanting a notepad, you haven't even asked if its possible to make one!


Besides why would you want a notepad instead of a wrist computer?


I can hardly see the Courier flipping through five pages of miscellanous to get to the weapon pages as a Deathclaw bears down on him.

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it doesn't say anywhere in your post about wanting a notepad, you haven't even asked if its possible to make one!


Err, the title, maybe?



Besides why would you want a notepad instead of a wrist computer?


I can hardly see the Courier flipping through five pages of miscellanous to get to the weapon pages as a Deathclaw bears down on him.


The PipBoy is just an interface, in real life you would not take your PipBoy to choose a weapon, would you? :facepalm:

A notepad would have a more survivor feeling, know what I'm saying? I'm tired of having a computer on my wrist, my character is not a Vault Dweller, he's a courrier saved by a doctor, and this doc gave him a PipBoy for no reason; why?

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I can hardly see the Courier flipping through five pages of miscellanous to get to the weapon pages as a Deathclaw bears down on him.


Where the hell is that damn bookmark?!?!?! :D


Anyway, you could just install Readius you know. No more pipboys if you dont want it.

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I know how you feel, and I am tired of having it on my arm. However not having it is too un-lore friendly for me and I just deal with it. By the way, the Doc gives it to you because he doesn't have any use for it anymore, and sympathizes with you ("I know what it's like to have something taken from you"). I hope they go the route of doing an older Pipboy version (2000 or the as of yet unseen 1000) in the next game with separate Stat and Inventory screens, because that doesn't force you to have a bulky machine on your arm.


I don't know how to do it, but I'm sure it's possible. Oblivion, for example, is almost the same idea. You could use the readius as a base, a bunch of retexturing and modeling, and you'd get something that's functionally the same as the pipboy, but it's not. However, I don't think this project would end up very appealing as it seems hard to do.


im sorry but a more survivor feeling? first of all the way a notepad is would never fit in with fallouts tech and if i was a survivor of a nuclear war i wouldn't carry a notepad around


What? As you've seen from . . . well, playing the games, not every person in the game is endowed with a super high tech computer and may keep a journal instead. Fallout has high tech stuff, yes, but that doesn't mean anything low tech doesn't fit.

Edited by looloolooigotsomeapples
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I would think it is certainly possible because there is this (readius) and this (pda)

I think a notepad wouldn't be able to last with you out in the wasteland. Think of how easy it could get torn up, and how much dirt would get on it. But then again, this a video game.

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I always thought it was weird that the Doc would give out his pipboy just like that! and how could you connect with someone who just woke up? could have used more quests there.


and yes Ive thought of requesting something more low tech. A journal sounds good. Just switch between the Data, Items and Stat through bookmarks! A sketch of the world map and icons. and you dont have to switch different pages for numerous items, LA Noire just put in scroll bars!

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Guys, it's just a request. Some people want an anime semi-naked girl, I just ask for a notepad instead of a PipBoy

love the idea, really. would start doing it right away if i could. can't model though, and even if i had a model, i'd have no clue how to get it into the game in a functional way

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