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Posting Spoilers in Forum Chat


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Not when I'm in there.


I will put you out for posting spoilers, and everybody who knows me knows I have made this statement many times. I don't like Spoilers either. This has long been my policy.

Old chat logs will prove this.


Don't let me catch you.

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Here's clarity. If you post a spoiler, while I'm in the chat room of if I hear of it when I'm not in the chat room, expect a strike or a ban. I will probably give you a warning.


This is not a new rule, this is an informal rule we have enforced on the site by editing spoiler posts. I have been moderating the chat since its inception, and I've been consistent on this throughout.


Clear enough for you?

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Here's clarity. If you post a spoiler, while I'm in the chat room of if I hear of it when I'm not in the chat room, expect a strike or a ban. I will probably give you a warning.


This is not a new rule, this is an informal rule we have enforced on the site by editing spoiler posts. I have been moderating the chat since its inception, and I've been consistent on this throughout.


Clear enough for you?


No, it is not. How about a posting the informal rules so that they are actual rules? That would be clear.

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We have forums that are dedicated to posting spoilers for a reason.








If it's not posted in one of those forums, we generally will wrap it in spoilers for you if you have forgotten and when a kind soul reports it.


Spoiler tags do not work in the Chat Room.

The rules for the chat room are on the 'door' and you can't even enter until you agree:


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Here's clarity. If you post a spoiler, while I'm in the chat room of if I hear of it when I'm not in the chat room, expect a strike or a ban. I will probably give you a warning.


This is not a new rule, this is an informal rule we have enforced on the site by editing spoiler posts. I have been moderating the chat since its inception, and I've been consistent on this throughout.


Clear enough for you?


No, it is not. How about a posting the informal rules so that they are actual rules? That would be clear.




A slightly less simple solution would be to make spoiler tags work in the chat. And flay people alive for not using them.


And as Thandal said, if you come to a gaming forum you have to expect some spoilers to escape the moderator's editing powers. Even more so in the chat, as it is the untamed wilds of the Nexus

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This was not a situation with a random stray spoiler. This was a game of posting spoilers.


Let me make it super simple, this is the only rule you need to worry about:


If a member of staff (noticeable by the colour of their names; blue, green or red) tells you to stop doing something then stop doing it. Don't argue about it as you'll probably get banned.

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