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Bethesda sues Notch over the use of the word "Scrolls"


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The real irony is that most people would have not ever heard about Notch's game should Bethesda have never sued the poor buggers.

All in all, pretty pathetic behaviour from Bethesda. Always been a fanboy of their company, so I kinda a lot of lost respect for them.


PersonallyI study computer science and gaming technology so one day i'll probably distribute some silly games to start with. Hopefully there'll still be be alphabet letters left we can use to name our games without getting sued by some fat cats in an expensive office...


Disgusting behaviour bethesda, shame on you.

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This is beyond ridiculous, do they expect to win this lawsuit? How can any company own a name wich has been around for a millenia? I mean no disrespect, but these are the actions of a bunch of greedy and paranoid bigots. And then big companies wonder why some people hates them...
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Is 'SkyRim' being developed by Rupert Murdoch? If so, I'm not buying it....(sarcasm)


Strange and vindictive act. Its not as if gamers are so brainless as to mistake 2 seperate games from 2 different developers.. eg. Call of Duty, Call of Juarez etc.


Imagine copyrighting the word 'Space' in PC gaming:


Space Ace, Space Ark, Space Bunnies Must Die!, Space Channel 5, Space Chimps, Space Clash The Last Frontier, Space Colony, Space Cowboy, Space Empires IV Deluxe, Space Empires V, Space Empires: IV, Space Empires: IV Gold, Space Empires: Starfury, Space Exploration: Serpens Sector, Space Giraffe, Space Hack, Space Harrier II, Space Haste 2,Space HoRSE, Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels, Space Interceptor: Project Freedom, Space Invaders, Space Pirates and Zombies, Space Quest Collection, Space Quest: Collection Series, Space Rangers, Space Rangers 2: Reboot, Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators, Space Siege, Space Station Manager, Space Taxi 2, Space Trader - Merchant Marine, SpaceChem, SpaceChem: 63 Corvi, Spaceforce: Captains, Spaceforce: Rogue Universe, SpaceStationSim.


ad infinitum.


ps. and Dead Space.


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. . . Space Ace, Space Ark, Space Bunnies Must Die!, Space Channel 5, Space Chimps, Space Clash The Last Frontier, Space Colony, Space Cowboy, Space Empires IV Deluxe, Space Empires V, Space Empires: IV, Space Empires: IV Gold, Space Empires: Starfury, Space Exploration: Serpens Sector, Space Giraffe, Space Hack, Space Harrier II, Space Haste 2,Space HoRSE, Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels, Space Interceptor: Project Freedom, Space Invaders, Space Pirates and Zombies, Space Quest Collection, Space Quest: Collection Series, Space Rangers, Space Rangers 2: Reboot, Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators, Space Siege, Space Station Manager, Space Taxi 2, Space Trader - Merchant Marine, SpaceChem, SpaceChem: 63 Corvi, Spaceforce: Captains, Spaceforce: Rogue Universe, SpaceStationSim.

ps. and Dead Space.


I feel like . . . a total nerd!

I've easily played at least half of the games you just mentioned.

Maybe i find im obsessed with space?


damn... hungry for a space burger now and a side of space fries.... gonna wash that down with space cola too.

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haha I feel a bit spaced-out now!


I think the main argument is whether the small company is trying to ride on the coat-tails of the larger companies success, or the game Notch are making will bring Zenimax/The Elder Scrolls games into disrepute by association (if it is poor/ offensive etc.)...


...but the association all hinges on the consumer confusing the two games/ developers. Are we that stupid?

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Hmmmmm well lets see. Over the weekend I read a book written by Terry Brooks called the Elf Queen of Shannara, which is part of his Sword of Shannara series(which is really good btw). Most of the story in the book takes place on an island called, get this, Morrowindl!. Im not joking. And before you say that Terry Brooks cant have an original idea(for those of you who believed he copied The Lord of the Rings but failed) the book was written in 1992, long before even the first Elder Scrolls game. I love Bethesda, but I dont think we should blame them for what their PARENT COMPANY decides to do. Thats just my two cents. I dont think they have any moral grounds to stand on, but if Zenimax has good lawyers then they probably get away with this low blow. The last thing we need is game companies fighting each other when so many people outside the industry would love to tear the boat apart and leave us to sink. Even if Zenimax wins in court(or out) this is some bad PR no matter what the outcome is. Let the Minecraft developers make SCROLLS and keep the title. If its any good, we might have characters, costumes, equipment, and weapons from it in Oblivion or Skyrim eventually^^.
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you know what we ought to do? as -players- of bethesda's games...we ought to send a letter saying basically "we don't think we'd confuse the two, back off bethesda!"


how many of us explicitly associate "scrolls" with TES?

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I am not going to write anything on the topic, because if I do I might accidentally quote someone who has already posted here.


Oh! The worry! The legal seriousness of being the rightful owner of what I think I thought first. I will have to read the entire content of every library. Every bookstore, every napkin in a restaurant, every match book cover, every wall in the bathroom, graffiti every where, and "EGAD" the library of Congress will take a couple of centuries of my time. Oh My! :-0 Well, at least I will never have the excuse, "I can't find nothing to do!" ;- }


(If anything I typed here is nearly identical to what someone else wrote, please inform me, and I will have it removed immediately.)

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This is completely absurd. People do not call any of Bethesda's games "The Scrolls" or "Scrolls"... they know them as "The Elder Scrolls" or "TES", explicitly. The very idea that they are suing someone for using the world "Scrolls" is honestly very disheartening.


I believed in you, Bethesda. But you keep betraying my trust. You buy the intellectual property of Fallout from Interplay, then turn around and sue them for making Fallout: Online. Now you're suing a company for daring to use the same word in a title as some of your games.


For shame.

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