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Q: Nexus and Download Managers?


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Would any of the administrators be against the idea of me creating my own list and sharing it here?

That is really a question for Dark0ne. I don't see why there would be a problem with sharing a list 'o links though.


But only premium users could actually get any use out of it, standard users could just use it as a quick reference.

The direct DL links would only be good for Premium users so I'd recommend adding an additional column that links directly to the mod page itself. This would be handy for anyone as well as premium users in the event that the mod author deletes that file and uploads another...thus breaking the direct link.



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Some functionality similar to this is going to be available through the site some time in the not too distant but still distant future, but in the mean-time I don't see why not. Premium Members will be particularly grateful for it; think of a feature that allowed you to mark "essential" mods so if you ever reformat or uninstall and come back to the game you can instantly download and install all your essential mods without going through 50 mod pages...


..Yeah, I know ;)

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Wonderful then. I'll put some serious time into this.


The direct DL links would only be good for Premium users so I'd recommend adding an additional column that links directly to the mod page itself.


Agreed, I'm also writing out a number of super small descriptions as well, so users can get the gist of what a mod actually does before clicking on anything.


think of a feature that allowed you to mark "essential" mods so if you ever reformat or uninstall and come back to the game you can instantly download and install all your essential mods without going through 50 mod pages


That's a good idea. I'm going to categorize the list into sections anyway but being able to save your previous choices would be extremely helpful.

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Start small, a couple of dozen popular mods at first as a test just to see how well it goes over and how it can be used. No sense in transcribing thousands of mods onto this if it doesn't fly. :thumbsup:
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Cannot use DTA; I'm a Chrome person. I'm not downloading a whole new browser just for downloading files.


I found something called "Internet Download Manager". It can capture links, so you can do all the usual Nexus browsing and 'downloading' but save the actual downloading for later.

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