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What's better MacBook Pro or Alienware?

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both are too expensive. Macs are freaking 2k+ easy, and for what? a good sturdy frame and the Apple logo


Alienware also damn expensive, though can prolly handle most games (i looked into their M17 or whatever it was for a friend once, cheap and good) but also your paying for the logo....too bad you cant really custom build laptops, however you could custom build a Small LAN PC

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Do NOT buy either for gaming. Alienware is a ripoff, everyone knows that. If you want a gaming computer BUILD IT YOURSELF Or get someone at a store to build it or someone on these forums to give you a recommended list of componenets.


Just please, don't buy Alienware just for its flashy lights. Please. :ohdear:


Macs are for "professional work" :rolleyes:

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  On 8/9/2011 at 3:12 PM, xXlakratoXx said:

Alright people guess I buy the alienware cuz it looks better and has better performance.

buying a boat would be cheaper


definition - a boat is a hole in the water that some people try to fill with money.

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