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A Mirror of Vietnam?


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I'm a very patriotic kind of guy, I liked the Bush era(s), and I was for the war in both Afghanistan, and Iraq. During those times it felt like we were doing the right thing and actually making a difference in the world. Even though events progressed slow over the last 10 years it seemed like the mission was getting done.


During the first push into Afghanistan, and Iraq I can remember watching live on FOX News, and CNN when our troops enter Iraq for the second time. It was nothing short of the most deadly and powerful force the world has seen to date. Cobra gunships, and A-10's over head followed up with M1's and Bradley's on the ground. Anything that moved, died. Our forces (and Allys) were moving quickly with focus, and determination... Now lets fast forward to 2011 (today)...


30 Navy Seals Dead, 8 more troops yesterday, day after day its the same old bull... Has this just become a "Mirror of Vietnam"? What the hell happened from 2001 mentality to this nonsense? If you ever do any research on how the Vietnam was was fought you probably wouldn't know weather to laugh or cry. It was nothing short of an absolute joke, and it almost seems like were reliving those days over again.


How do you fight an enemy that has sanctions with a county that suppose to be OUR ally? (Pakistan) I mean these "insurgents" come flowing in from neighboring countries that claim friendly to us, then float right across the boarder and we cant do a damn thing about it. How do you win a war when the leadership of the country your in is so corrupt their almost as bad as the enemy in the field? What the hell are we doing?


I'm in it for the long haul, but dammit we'd better have a mission plan. If we don't have a viable plan then its time to get one or just leave, because this is getting old. You cant win a war with one hand tied behind your back, and your leg chained to the flag-pole.

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I reckon the two wars so similar that it couldn't ever be passed off as a coincidence (almost too similar), right down to the reason for the enemy's successes, the support of the citizens and guerrilla warfare.
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The justification for going into Iraq was all lies, and manipulation. There were NO WMD's, and there are more terrorists in Iraq NOW, than there were shortly before we invaded. That war was counter productive in more ways than one.


Afghanistan was supposed to be all about getting Osama. Well, we have him, now why are we still there? To continue to support the corrupt, puppet government we installed?


I did not agree with either war. Iraq was flat out stupid, (and that's why bush sr. DID NOT go to Baghdad when he was already there, with enough force to removed good ol' Saddam.) We have spent north of trillion dollars on the country, that we will never see a dime of back, and for what? So we can install a government friendly to IRAN?????? Brilliant!


The US needs to figure out that you cannot install a democratic government at gunpoint, in a country that has never had one. (and doesn't even really want one....) The only way the government in Afghanistan is going to stay in power, is to keep american troops there. Bad Idea. I would also point out, that when the taliban was in charge, opium production there was basically non-existent, today? 80% of the worlds opium comes from Afghanistan.


Then we have Libya.... and Yemen.....


Our economy is in the toilet, jobs are fleeing the country wholesale, unemployment is at an all time high, the government borrows 43 cents of every dollar it spends, yet, we have money to burn in useless wars, for people that don't want us there in the first place, in countries that will go right back to exactly what they were when we arrived, once we are gone. I do not support ANY of the current wars. I do, however, support our troops, they weren't the ones that decided to wage these useless wars.

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The justification for going into Iraq was all lies, and manipulation. There were NO WMD's, and there are more terrorists in Iraq NOW, than there were shortly before we invaded. That war was counter productive in more ways than one.


Afghanistan was supposed to be all about getting Osama. Well, we have him, now why are we still there? To continue to support the corrupt, puppet government we installed?


I did not agree with either war. Iraq was flat out stupid, (and that's why bush sr. DID NOT go to Baghdad when he was already there, with enough force to removed good ol' Saddam.) We have spent north of trillion dollars on the country, that we will never see a dime of back, and for what? So we can install a government friendly to IRAN?????? Brilliant!


The US needs to figure out that you cannot install a democratic government at gunpoint, in a country that has never had one. (and doesn't even really want one....) The only way the government in Afghanistan is going to stay in power, is to keep american troops there. Bad Idea. I would also point out, that when the taliban was in charge, opium production there was basically non-existent, today? 80% of the worlds opium comes from Afghanistan.


Then we have Libya.... and Yemen.....


Our economy is in the toilet, jobs are fleeing the country wholesale, unemployment is at an all time high, the government borrows 43 cents of every dollar it spends, yet, we have money to burn in useless wars, for people that don't want us there in the first place, in countries that will go right back to exactly what they were when we arrived, once we are gone. I do not support ANY of the current wars. I do, however, support our troops, they weren't the ones that decided to wage these useless wars.


That is just about the most sane statement I have heard for a long time. I wish your gouvernment would think the same way. Less wars = less terrorism, so besides the economic benefit, it will also have other side effects :thumbsup:

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I don't affiliate myself with Republicans, or Christianity, but this man ran for president in 2008 on the platform of a solid fiscal policy, on bringing the troops home immediately, and a modest foreign policy... all of which I think would have saved our bacon over the last few years...



He is running next year though. :thumbsup:

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Excuse me, Angilla. If I am reading you correctly you are attempting to say that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan were going along just swimmingly while the Bush Administration was in office, and only went south when he left and the Obama Administration took over. If that is what you are saying, I am just flabbergasted, and do not even know where to begin...


What mission is it that you think was getting done? You were able to watch some troops entering Iraq on live TV, so you felt empowered somehow. This is not a video game. You are no longer watching it on TV, so you make an assumption that nothing is taking place. You hear that these poor Navy Seals have died and 8 more troops yesterday. Have you any idea how many died in the past 10 years???


It has been a mirror of Viet Nam from day one; the only exception being we may have had even less reason for being there.


I don't really care about your obvious (and spoken) political affiliations, but can't you see that you are attempting to lay the blame for this misguided, badly planned war "game" at the feet of the administration that was left holding the bag?. You say we'd better have a mission plan. Well shouldn't there have been one from the start. I seem to remember hearing way back when that the Mission had been Accomplished, from someone who apparently did not know what the mission was.


I cannot honestly say that I am particulary happy with the way things are going either. But it just sounds like you are blatently disregarding any responsiblity that the prior administration has for the mess in which we currently find ourselves.



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Maybe the reason that Vietnam is so similar to Afghanistan/Iraq is because that's how modern warfare goes now. Guerrillas on one side, and a superpower on the other. I don't think we have much of the old days when people just got in lines and shot each other.
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