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I beg to differ. It was the same point: Don't like something? Move on.


Our rules do prohibit debating the merits of armor (or debating anything) on a release thread.


We have no such rule in the main forums, if a thread is open, it's fine to comment.


By the way, I personally will not summarily lock a thread no matter how many times the same horse has been beaten to death, I'm an optimist that believes maybe, just maybe, all the horse dung may be evidence of a pony we haven't seen before.

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Please be a little considerate of our modders. They freely give their time and talent to make these mods. Usually asking nothing in return besides you at least take the time to tell them you appreciate their work IF you like it. And NOT deprecating their effort when you don't like the subject of their art. Most modders will accept constructive criticism. :rolleyes: But saying they should make something else because you don't like what they do make, or that you don't approve of their mod because it isn't what you want is not constructive. :thumbsup:



I assume that this was directed at me...I am in no way trying to be inconsiderate or put a gun to someone's head. Personally I don't really care. I use Slof's male armors and a few others but I don't typically play male characters. I was just curious as to the WHY of many posters saying they wished there were more male armors and many said they made some but did not release them.


I always appreciate variety though, but my basic question is that this lack of male armor or too much skimpy female armor comes up time and time again. I am curious as to why it seems to stay the same. Do modders (as it seems a few or you make it but don't release it) decide this for a reason?


Anyway I just wanted to clarify. If you were not talking directly to me BBen then just enjoy my confused diatribe anyway....and have a cookie. *wink*



Sorry about the red...turned out a bit more..erm..demonic than I intended! LOL

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I don't think it was directed at you. I thought it was directed at all the people who are constantly complaining that there are no good male armors.


(I really don't like the red text.)




@Hickory, you don't recognize the tease in "I used to like you"? <- That was a fairly obvious joke.

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myrmaad, for what it's worth, I want a copy of that armour :D It looks cool.



Anyway, if you want more support for males, there's a request forum, and there's also lots and lots of Blender tutorials for conversions as well as everything else. :) I've been considering making some male stuff too.

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How do you go about defining "too many female armors" or "too few male armors?" It seems to me that the supply for each meets the demand. If more people expressed their demand for male armors through downloads and endorsements, then maybe we'd have more of them.


Personally I think it would be nice to seem more male armors, but at the same time, I don't use any armor mods besides retextures and remeshes of the vanilla armors. So yeah, I'll admit that I haven't done anything to encourage people to make male armors.

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@Hickory - no offense taken. :thumbsup:


@Lisnpuppy - That was not directed at you at all but was generic about topics like this one and people who want something, but instead of asking for what they want, they complain because someone else is getting something instead. Kind of like my 6 year old grandkid. :tongue:

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@Hickory - no offense taken. :thumbsup:


@Lisnpuppy - That was not directed at you at all but was generic about topics like this one and people who want something, but instead of asking for what they want, they complain because someone else is getting something instead. Kind of like my 6 year old grandkid. :tongue:


My bad! I guess I am a bit sensitive today. Probably shouldn't post. DON'T BE MAD AT YOUR PEEPS ROBIN WE LUFFS THEM!!!

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Ok fine... I'm going to make a new body mesh, and armor set to help balance things out. I'm thinking something on the lines of a 350-450 +++ lb female, and Moo-Moo armor set. Would anyone like to join in on this colossal (no pun intended) project? :D


Heres some concept art.






Here can be the male version.



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