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Why are some people cruel to animals?


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Wait what?


I am pretty sure that Apes are herbivores.


Also since when do mega corporations treat animals with care? Evidence shows the exact opposite.




Marharth, please read Aurelius' and my posts again carefully. We have both made the point that the mega corporations are the exception to the norm that the farming/ranching community treats their livestock with care. I also mentioned that in my own area, me and thousands of others, including the entire local farming community and a couple of the area's more famous sons (both well known actors)are conducting a campaign to stop a mega corporation mega farm being established.



"with the exception of the mega corporate farms they tend to treat their animals with extreme care being that it's very valuable property and most livestock need constant care to flourish. "


That sounded to me like he was saying that mega corporate farms tend their animals with care since its valuable property. If I am misunderstanding that somehow then okay.


I have never heard of any ape eating meat outside of types of bugs. That is pretty interesting to me though, so if someone could post more on that I would appreciate it.

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Wait what?


I am pretty sure that Apes are herbivores.

Nope. Even gorillas have been observed eating animal matter. Though them and the orangutans are generally considered herbs.. We are closer to the chimps both in behaviour and genetics, being the closest living ancestor to modern humans.. They hunt other monkeys on occasion. We'd probably have basically the same diet as them if we evolved in the forest. Many think we evolved on the Savannah. Which don't have the same density of high calorie foods like fruit, so it is believed we ranged further to find the food, which is why we walk upright because it is more energy efficient apparently, and also regularly ate meat because it would be hard to explain high quality diet on a savannah where fruits aren't going to be possible to find in significant amounts.

Edited by Ghogiel
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Wait what?


I am pretty sure that Apes are herbivores.

Nope. Even gorillas have been observed eating animal matter. Though them and the orangutans are generally considered herbs.. We are closer to the chimps both in behaviour and genetics, being the closest ancestor to modern humans.. They hunt other monkeys on occasion. We'd probably have basically the same diet as them if we evolved in the forest. Many think we evolved on the Savannah. Which don't have the same density of high calorie foods like fruit, so it is believed we ranged further to find the food, which is why we walk upright because it is more energy efficient apparently, and also regularly ate meat because it would be hard to explain high quality diet on a savannah where fruits aren't going to be possible to find in significant amounts.

Never knew that. Guess I just assumed they were herbivores.

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Wait what?


I am pretty sure that Apes are herbivores.

Nope. Even gorillas have been observed eating animal matter. Though them and the orangutans are generally considered herbs.. We are closer to the chimps both in behaviour and genetics, being the closest ancestor to modern humans.. They hunt other monkeys on occasion. We'd probably have basically the same diet as them if we evolved in the forest. Many think we evolved on the Savannah. Which don't have the same density of high calorie foods like fruit, so it is believed we ranged further to find the food, which is why we walk upright because it is more energy efficient apparently, and also regularly ate meat because it would be hard to explain high quality diet on a savannah where fruits aren't going to be possible to find in significant amounts.

Never knew that. Guess I just assumed they were herbivores.

They predominately are. Don't think even chimps do it that often, because they don't. Chimps eat mostly fruit.


It's more our direct ancestors are the ones who are thought to eat more meat in the hominid tree.


For the record I was a vegetarian for a couple years while I was experimenting with nutrition. I still mostly eat a plant based diet.

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I really do not understand why someone would do it deliberately. Of course, I am a big meat fan, I absolutely love steak. But torturing animals with no particular gain is just like the mentality of a serial killer to me. And it has been shown that people that are charged with animal torture are more violent than normal.


I would not say it is a choice to be a violent person either. Yes, they can get help, but I do think it is a trait given from birth.


Personally I'd place the same restrictions on anyone found guilty of animal cruelty as those placed on people who have abused children, as far as I'm concerned if anyone shows a complete lack of empathy towards animals there is no reason to think they wouldn't be the same around children and other vulnerable people. Inflicting pain and suffering on an animal are not the actions of a stable individual, this should be recognised and people protected.

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As much as it sucks, ran over a squirrel in the van this morning. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. Now if it was a small child.... You see where I am going with this?


While venerating all life is noble practise, placing a categorisation of life based on its postition in the evolutionary hierarchy ,, in our eyes, is something that ALL humans do. Meat is murder crowd wouldn't kill an animal. But they do not hold the same reverence of the life of a plant.. Swatting a fly isn't perceived the same as killing a cow. And so on up the evolutionary chain.


Not saying as a supposedly evolving society in the 21st century we shouldn't extend protection and rights to animals, I'm just saying it is hardly child molestation imo.

Edited by Ghogiel
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As much as it sucks, ran over a squirrel in the van this morning. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. Now if it was a small child.... You see where I am going with this?


While venerating all life is noble practise, placing a categorisation of life based on its postition in the evolutionary hierarchy ,, in our eyes, is something that ALL humans do. Meat is murder crowd wouldn't kill an animal. But they do not hold the same reverence of the life of a plant.. Swatting a fly isn't perceived the same as killing a cow. And so on up the evolutionary chain.


Not saying as a supposedly evolving society in the 21st century we shouldn't extend protection and rights to animals, I'm just saying it is hardly child molestation imo.


Did you run the squirrel over for fun? if not then it's not abuse, it's an accident. Anyway I'm not equating animal abuse with child abuse, I'm saying that anyone capable of inflicting abuse on an animal for their own amusement shouldn't be trusted around anything or anyone who is vulnerable. Links between animal and child abuse.....





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hey man there is a link between animal abuse and serial killers.


imo just because they are linked doesn't mean I would equate their acts as equal crimes or carry the same severity of punishment.


There are a fair few people that I wouldn't shed a tear for, if they turned up dead somewhere, but, I always hate seeing dead pets on the side of the road. (dogs, cats.) I think I have more sympathy for them, than I do for some humans.......


I don't think that it is necessarily prioritized by food-chain, or, place on the evolutionary scale, I think it has more to do with how humans view the animal in question. Dogs, cats, and a very few other animals are kept as pets. People love their pets. People get annoyed when other people abuse their pets, they extend that to ANYONE's pet. You don't see pet cows very often...... or goats..... sure, people keep them, but, not in the same manner as a dog or cat. We assign higher values to our pets, than just an animal. (a lotta pholks anthropomorphize their pets.....)

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