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New redesign implemented


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I wasn't exactly keen on the design when it was first announced, but now that it's in effect, I really don't like it. The old version was simple, clear and concise. The new version is squinty and fiddly.


On the bright side, it will probably scare off the sort of users who ask questions such as, "are this mod compatible with fook and PN?".


EDIT: That was a genuine comment on one of the files I'm tracking.

Edited by Lurker101
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I really like this new design. Much easier to get to the files when they're right up top instead of midway down the page and to the right! :3
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The new site looks good, though there is a lot of things i just cant stand.

first off, really who uses a 4:3 screen anymore??

The lists of mods are stupidly hard to go through to find one that you want, i liked when there were more per page with picture icons not like forum posts

and the icons for file,picture,comments and such are just dumb and if you are not used to it it could get confusing...really what happened to style?

for fallout being a darker game, wouldnt you expect a darker theme? not this fruity colored theme with smooth curves.


i personaly would love to have an option to go back to the original site theme, or edit the site to fit the screen better, and go back to the original mod lists


other than that the site isnt all bad, i just wish that they would have made the mod lists better, because i hate having to search for mods like im searching through forum posts...

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Just like to report a major bug involving the Comments - cant see them, I have to navigate to the Forums to view comments on anything.


I have IE8 and refuse to update to IE9 with all its bugs or what ever and my screensize is 800 x 600 or something.


I have done windows compatability but I never use it as the page has always shown everything

Edited by DrakenGuard
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@ 1st) the new design looks modern and good, but its requiring getting use to it

@ 2nd) i use firefox and tabbed downloading, so i middle click or right click (menu) the files i want to download to open up new tabs for downloading files - but now its impossible to do this, if there are many files to download its the best way to get them fast - so please change the way of downloading, if possible


thanks in advance

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i have a problem in google chrome (only) Firefox is good i cant click the go button in search i cant sort the files cant find the go button again in Firefox good in google chrome not and yes there are up to date scene 2 minutes ago

ps. i posted the comment on the wrong subject

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I'm sure a similar comment has been thrown around quite a few times, but why fix something that wasn't broken to begin with? The older style was much more precise and less spread out, and in my opinion, felt much more organized than this new style tries to present.


It seems a bit harder to navigate now that several features that were clearly represented in a concise way in the old site are now spread out. For new members and old members alike, it makes it much more difficult to find simple features that were spread out in a clear and easy to access format on the old website.


To clarify, the new style just seems too cluttered, and may scare off new users who find it difficult to navigate. I hope that in the future, there is a way to toggle between website layouts so that fans of both styles may have their desired format whenever they visit it. But I won't hold my breath.

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This new design will take some getting used to. I did like how the old design used my entire screen, instead of just part of the middle of it, but that is something that I will get used to. However, the image share section is really bothering me. Anything that is not standard-ish resolution ends up looking terrible in the thumbnail, which could discourage people from clicking on what may be an amazing image. Also, any image that is done as a multi-panel, comic-style piece, featuring many screenshots lined up vertically or horizontally with text, possibly with speech-bubbles, is not readable, even when clicked on to expand it on the image page. The only solution that I have been able to find is to right-click the image, and then click view image, which is probably a lot more effort than many people are willing to go through just to read something that may or may not be funny.
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EDIT: This is all I get, and it's the same for all my mods.


That browser looks suspiciously like IE7, Emma :(


What version of IE is it?



It is IE8. As I said, I am running Windows XP :wub: and unfortunately IE9 doesn't support it:


The system requirements for Internet Explorer 9 are Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2 with the Platform Update.[9] Windows XP and earlier are not supported.


So, what you are saying is that I either have to abandone XP, which I love, or Internet Explorer, which I find is working soooo much better for me than other browsers (yes, I do have work-related real-life reasons for this), or Nexus, which is my favorite TES-site? :(


Is there any chance that Nexus will find workarounds (i.e. not finished the design yet) or is this how things will remain?

Edited by Emma
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