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Day 2 - Nexus redesign


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Still something going on with logon status. I am logged in the forums, but not the main page.

I can log in or out of the forums, but it will not carry thru to the main page,


The main page needs the login button that goes to menu like the forum page so my browser can fill in the fields with 1 click like the forums.

I have to type everything in on the main page every time.





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Everything works fine with Firefox 6.0, but with the latest update you messed something up with IE9, since the names of the latest, hottest files are not lining up under the images, instead there is a vertical list below the first thumbnail, looks strange.
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I finally got back to a system that would play the game after my old Video card died in march. I came back a few days ago and the site was much the way I remembered it. Then the next day, bang the whole complexion of NeXuS had changed. At first I was lost and pissed because I definitely did not see the things I used most without having to scroll to the bottom and all that.


Today I took the time to look around and found myself presently surprised. The nice combo boxes or Drop-down lists along the top of the frame that let the mods description spread out and breath are great. Its like having a navigation toolbar in my browser just for the NeXuS...


I might play with my own http://www.newvegasnexus.com/images/imagemap.png a bit for my own viewing preferences in Stylish. I like smaller title bars. the official color is great in small doses but on large real estate it feels cheep to me. Maybe if it was used more as trim or highlight?

This will really piss of the original artiest Sorry


altered style suggestion.7z



Any way, the change is good in my less than humble opinion. Thanks for building a better home for all of us.

Edited by Apprentice Harper
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ran across an obvious issue....




Nuff said I guess.

I hope this gets fixed soon. with the fixed-width site, we -need- the images to be adjusted to fit the width available.

Edited by Ruadhan2300
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@ Dark0ne

I know how to post thumbnails, I'm just illustrating the point. it'd be nice to have something in place to cope with images that are wider than the fixed-width.

there's a heck of a lot of people out there who either don't know, or are too lazy to use thumbnails. it'd be good to set things up so its dealt with and looks decent anyway.


since making improvements to the site is the name of the game anyway...I'd like to request a fix to a problem that's been plaguing me for as long as I've been on the nexus...

when you search for something, access a file from the search results. then go back to the search results. it tells me the page has expired.

except when I go to another page in the search results, it works fine. I can solve the issue by going forward a page, then back to the first. then it'll reliably come up.


if there's any way this can be fixed, I'd really appreciate it, its nothing critical, but its irritating.

Edited by Ruadhan2300
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