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I've been looking every couple days or so for my one mod to show up. So far it's not there and I hope it never will be. Has anyone had success in having theirs taken down? It does not seem Kreisher is checking back in on this thread.


Well, I haven't done much searching -- I'd rather stay away from that place as much as possible -- but I know that Maigrets has stated categorically that her mods should not be there, yet a search brings up 10 (ten) listed. I doubt that it stops there...

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What is it with this Kreisher person? Just because I was the first modder to answer here (I assume) since he asked for modder's opinions he thinks he can send me a friend request (which I immediately rejected.)


Now I find out my mods are linked there. I could have found that out myself if I had bothered to try and navigate the site. I am so incensed I don't know where to start. :mad: From other site pages I've read it's nearly impossible to get a reply to an email let alone have files removed.


I had this crap with Softpedia earlier in the year after getting a ton of emails (one for each mod) to say they had uploaded my mods....after the fact...and when I checked they had altered my Readmes which all have "No re-uploading allowed without asking first." Fortunately I was able to have them removed within 24hrs, but I know of other modders, like Korana, who have had no luck at all in having their work removed. That was a few months ago so I don't know if that's changed since.


I've posted info about Gmods in various places as other people have so I hope it has some effect. There's not much we can do about other sites that do similar things, but I still can't get over how they come here, and to other sites, to announce their theft.


Looks like I have some frustrating times ahead trying to communicate with Gmods staff. I'm just in the mood for it since my hard drive died too. And thanks Hey You...yes, I have everything well and truly backed up...this time. :) I learned my lesson when the same drive died last year and Seagate "repaired" it because of faulty firmware. Not done by me, but factory original.


EDIT: I found my mod entries. The first thing I'm doing is commenting in every entry that they are to be removed immediately and they were uploaded without permission as stated in my Readme's.. That's assuming it goes through without having to make an account.


I expect the comments will be removed so I will keep a record and take a screen shot.


Then they can expect a caustic email.


Second Edit: Well that didn't work. Adding a comment gets an error page. I am not surprised.


This is hopeless. Every thing I do ends in an error page. I can't even "claim" my account or register and account with my user name as it says there's already someone with that name. ME! If I try to register with another user name how do I prove who I am? I can't imagine that going well.


I'm just going in circles and getting nowhere. There's no Admin contact info that I can see.


It was suggested to me that I remove my mods form here to mess up Gmods links, but I would prefer to have them removed from Gmods. However that seems unlikely.


Any other suggestions?

Edited by Maigrets
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Any other suggestions?


I know it's not going to solve your problem, but in the interim you could put an amended readme inside all of your mods stating that if people have downloaded 'this' from gmod.com links, they have done so against your will, and that gmod.com are stealing Nexus bandwidth, and ask people to boycott gmod.com from now on... and to spread the word!

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Thanks. Yes, I will do that. I have found an email address at Olympus which is at the bottom of the Gmods page. The comment section doesn't appear to work though.


This is what i said but I don't expect a reply. I almost made the mistake of allowing it from my private home email as that's what came up when i selected to email them, but changed it to my Yahoo address.




I want all of my mods removed from Gmods immediately. You do NOT have my permission as indicated categorically in my Readme texts.


If you had continued to respond in the latest thread at Tesnexus you will have seen the large list of modders who do NOT want their work there or anything to do with your site and these are only the ones who know about this.


(Linked this topic)


Failure to rectify this situation will result in even more backlash from the wider modding community than you have already earned.


Don't bother trying to justify your methods any further. Just remove my mods and any others you do not have explicit permission to host.


I will be checking to see if you comply and if not I will be taking further action.


Thank you,


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As long as we can lay down too :P


Hopefully I've made it clear I don't want any of my mods (while some of them are bad, yes, but still) hosted by GMOD or any other site. I did try with PES, but I soon learned that the staff there just ignore you so I just removed all the mods myself replacing the name with REMOVED## and the description with Removed. That was a month or two ago, and the mod entries STILL aren't removed like I had asked, even though it's clear they should be.


In any case, just don't host my mods there and we'll be fine.

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I've posted about this as a Global Announcement here. The forum requires registration but this screen shot thread is open if anyone's interested in what I had to say.



Good for you. I hope other modders will sit up, take notice and follow suit.


I'm going to let the world know about it wherever I can - at least where I know it will be allowed. It's not the same as sites that upload mods without permission and that's all they do, even though that's also heavily frowned upon and little to nothing can be done about it.


I'm probably wasting my time anyway because something else will come up and people will forget about it. Until next time that is.

Edited by Maigrets
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Well, I found one (make that five) of my mods on gmod, and I filled in the form to claim my account. It is not automatic, this is what you get after completing the form:



We will see if I am able to actually claim it and remove my file.

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