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Gmod Content Policy & Content Index System


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I don't like this either. I have taken over a couple of old mods with the author's permission or according to the licensing terms of the original author. I'm finding the original versions of the mods up there but not my updates. I want the original versions removed and do not want my updates hosted there either.
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12 pages, and still no one likes the idea. I also note that the OP hasn't been back for a few days. I suspect he isn't coming back...... (oh, gee. Ya think? I wonder why......) Best efforts at this point are prolly going to be bombarding him with email, or, slightly changing the name of your mod, and re-uploading it, so as to break his links. If you don't have too many mods, that may be workable, but, if you have a long list...... not so much so.
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12 pages, and still no one likes the idea. I also note that the OP hasn't been back for a few days. I suspect he isn't coming back...... (oh, gee. Ya think? I wonder why......) Best efforts at this point are prolly going to be bombarding him with email, or, slightly changing the name of your mod, and re-uploading it, so as to break his links. If you don't have too many mods, that may be workable, but, if you have a long list...... not so much so.

I am calling them up today to talk about this bulls*** as their phone appears on the site. >.>

I suggest everyone who can, please do this.

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I found three of my files on their site. So, I took all of my files down from here and other sites. I'm not putting them back up until Gmod is dissolved. I don't want to have to constantly fight them to keep my mods where I want them - whether by trying to comment on their page or by re-uploading new main files to break the link.


As for calling them and e-mailing them, they probably won't respond. Just like they ignored our redistribution and permission statements.

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I found three of my files on their site. So, I took all of my files down from here and other sites. I'm not putting them back up until Gmod is dissolved. I don't want to have to constantly fight them to keep my mods where I want them - whether by trying to comment on their page or by re-uploading new main files to break the link.


As for calling them and e-mailing them, they probably won't respond. Just like they ignored our redistribution and permission statements.

Calling them is a bit more direct as they don't know if I am an angry modder or a business man trying to buy their user's information

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Hehehe, what's their phone number?


Now its "The following number is not in service"

I begin to wonder why...

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Don't forget Olympus Entertainment, the parent company.



Decided to look them up on Google earth... Interesting part... The building at that address looks nothing like that picture, and they are apparently across the street from a church. And their legal offices... I kid you not, looks like it's someone's house.


If you weren't convinced that this was a shady operation before, it clearly is now. Their site tries to look all professional, but most of it seems to be lies.

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Don't forget Olympus Entertainment, the parent company.



Decided to look them up on Google earth... Interesting part... The building at that address looks nothing like that picture, and they are apparently across the street from a church. And their legal offices... I kid you not, looks like it's someone's house.


If you weren't convinced that this was a shady operation before, it clearly is now. Their site tries to look all professional, but most of it seems to be lies.

Its an apartment building xD

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