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Skrim mostly DX9?


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I'd like to point out to everyone that you can turn off DX11 in all the games I know which have(which to be fair isn't many) However it can be done and therefore bethesda should have done it that way. It isn't a requirement so much as a feature. Also jhardingame if you bought anything less that a GTX450 recently. You made the wrong choice. Bang for your buck anything less than a 450 is nothing but a paper weight. even the 8800 is a waste of money.


Edit: Here's a cynical thought. What if bethesda know that modder will make the displacement maps for tesselation and maybe even add in the shaders given time. And as such are just getting a bit lazy.


DA 2 you needed DX11 to run above medium textures. Plus XP doesn't support DX11 as it is officially outdated by Microsoft. Vista can be upgraded to handle it though. I have a GTX 460 so I'm good. Somewhy DA2 flickers textures when I use DX11 wish I could sell that game back I pre-ordered it and beat it and was disappointed.


As for requirements. To run better textures on the games I have it is required. DA2 had this as I explained and so did many others.


That 460 is easily the best card for the money "power vs price" so long as you have the PSU to handle it .. I had to go with the 550 ti cause I didn't have the money to buy a good enough PSU at the time .. its a good card though .. pulls its own.

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as far as this being because consoles still use dx9 and no one can afford a computer.... I bought a computer for 700 dollars. My roommate buys a xbox 360 for what? 400 or so dollars at the same time? (3 years ago, xbox elite)

in this time, he had some many problems with the xbox that his total cost ran into the thousands... this is true of many xbox users and a issue they tend to ignore due to that surprisingly low number that don't run into the same issues.


fact is,... xbox isn't a safe console to be basing your games off of.


EDIT: just spent 500 dollars for new parts, and soon another 400 to finish a completely new computer,.. but I have had no real need to do this and the old parts work just fine. So this is a bit besides the point

Edited by El`derina
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I'd like to point out to everyone that you can turn off DX11 in all the games I know which have(which to be fair isn't many) However it can be done and therefore bethesda should have done it that way. It isn't a requirement so much as a feature. Also jhardingame if you bought anything less that a GTX450 recently. You made the wrong choice. Bang for your buck anything less than a 450 is nothing but a paper weight. even the 8800 is a waste of money.


Edit: Here's a cynical thought. What if bethesda know that modder will make the displacement maps for tesselation and maybe even add in the shaders given time. And as such are just getting a bit lazy.


DA 2 you needed DX11 to run above medium textures. Plus XP doesn't support DX11 as it is officially outdated by Microsoft. Vista can be upgraded to handle it though. I have a GTX 460 so I'm good. Somewhy DA2 flickers textures when I use DX11 wish I could sell that game back I pre-ordered it and beat it and was disappointed.


As for requirements. To run better textures on the games I have it is required. DA2 had this as I explained and so did many others.


That 460 is easily the best card for the money "power vs price" so long as you have the PSU to handle it .. I had to go with the 550 ti cause I didn't have the money to buy a good enough PSU at the time .. its a good card though .. pulls its own.


I have 850 Watts If I remember right. My computer I got a few years ago for $1 ,500. So yeah for me if you can afford it get it because later you might get something that isn'y supportable. (Talking about company built custom computers.) I have a Cyberpower PC.

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as far as this being because consoles still use dx9 and no one can afford a computer.... I bought a computer for 700 dollars. My roommate buys a xbox 360 for what? 400 or so dollars at the same time? (3 years ago, xbox elite)

in this time, he had some many problems with the xbox that his total cost ran into the thousands... this is true of many xbox users and a issue they tend to ignore due to that surprisingly low number that don't run into the same issues.


fact is,... xbox isn't a safe console to be basing your games off of.

Add in the price of the TV to play the xbox on. Factor in the saving per game you make on Xbox vs PC games. Realise most people need a PC anyway. for the extra money you do get a hell of a lot more. TBH no need to spend more than 600$ all in anyway. Xbox + Tv might run 300-400$. after 10 games it's about the same anyway. :shrug:


the kicker is I need a PC for other s***, so I have to have one anyway, an xbox just does xbox games.

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Add in the price of the TV to play the xbox on. Factor in the saving per game you make on Xbox vs PC games. Realise most people need a PC anyway. for the extra money you do get a hell of a lot more. TBH no need to spend more than 600$ all in anyway. Xbox + Tv might run 300-400$. after 10 games it's about the same anyway. :shrug:


the kicker is I need a PC for other s***, so I have to have one anyway, an xbox just does xbox games.


I just can't understand why any console user would still argue this... and company's need to wake up, they are supporting a money sink and inconvience.

if it is just because you like the feel of a gamepad.. well, I just got a ps3 controller that plugs into the PC, best of both worlds now >.>


DX11 is 2 or 3 years old? this is kinda stupid... theres no reason there can't be an on/off switch DX11 like any other new game if compatibility is the issue.

maybe Bethesda just wasn't impressed by DX11 or was able to determine the difference was too small to bother.

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Edit: Here's a cynical thought. What if bethesda know that modder will make the displacement maps for tesselation and maybe even add in the shaders given time. And as such are just getting a bit lazy.



DX11 is 2 or 3 years old? this is kinda stupid... theres no reason there can't be an on/off switch DX11 like any other new game if compatibility is the issue.

maybe Bethesda just wasn't impressed by DX11 or was able to determine the difference was too small to bother.


Two good reasons for Beth not to worry about D11 right now.


1 - They will have no choice when the next gen releases so why jump the gun considering that...


2 - Bethesda makes it a point for each new game to be considerably better looking than the next. If they go all the way to the top now there will be no where else to go on the next game and their 20 year streak of topping each game by a large margin will be ruined. Also they like to have continuity across all platforms and since Xbox can't utilize DX11 AND they don't even need DX11 to beat FO3 they will save it for future games.


It's not being lazy. Far from it, it's long term development planning.

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DX11 is 2 or 3 years old? this is kinda stupid... theres no reason there can't be an on/off switch DX11 like any other new game if compatibility is the issue.

maybe Bethesda just wasn't impressed by DX11 or was able to determine the difference was too small to bother.

Well to really make the best use of some features, you'd want to design the entire pipeline around it, so in that regard you couldn't make an on off switch for it. Because it would break a bunch of things. What we do get is some extra eye candy that runs less resource intensive. But really, on a multi platform game, and lets face it, it is silly not to support consoles simply for the pay check, there is a max limit on the available resources that game can make use of at a fundamental level of it's design. So tacking on extra large textures and perhaps small implementations of DX11 features on the PC version, as long as it wouldn't interfere with the original design (which is set to target console hardware), is all that usually happens or can be expected.


I'm not hating on consoles BTW. I'd have one if I could afford it. But they are too expensive.

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Edit: Here's a cynical thought. What if bethesda know that modder will make the displacement maps for tesselation and maybe even add in the shaders given time. And as such are just getting a bit lazy.



DX11 is 2 or 3 years old? this is kinda stupid... theres no reason there can't be an on/off switch DX11 like any other new game if compatibility is the issue.

maybe Bethesda just wasn't impressed by DX11 or was able to determine the difference was too small to bother.


Two good reasons for Beth not to worry about D11 right now.


1 - They will have no choice when the next gen releases so why jump the gun considering that...


2 - Bethesda makes it a point for each new game to be considerably better looking than the next. If they go all the way to the top now there will be no where else to go on the next game and their 20 year streak of topping each game by a large margin will be ruined. Also they like to have continuity across all platforms and since Xbox can't utilize DX11 AND they don't even need DX11 to beat FO3 they will save it for future games.


It's not being lazy. Far from it, it's long term development planning.


Sorry if I misunderstand this but: they're holding off on their abilities because they want to make more money? I'm now even more cynical.

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Sorry if I misunderstand this but: they're holding off on their abilities because they want to make more money? I'm now even more cynical.


LMFAO.... they did make some good points tho. Beth also mentioned at one point how they like working with technology they have already used, to optimise it and work faster because they've used it before... instead of using something they don't have much experience with.....

all in all, they'd wieghed many reasons against the alternative... I guess theres some credit to be given for that.

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It's not entirely the case, They aren't holding off on DX11 because they don't want to do right now for fear that they will hit their eye candy max limit too early, every developer is trying to make the best looking game possible right now. They are catering to the existent market to make maximum profits, And the rest is self evident.
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