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Skrim mostly DX9?


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Elder Scrolls has this ball and chain around it's ankle known as the console market. Too many games have had their potential suffer because of what I like to call the Cowadooty Generation. Millions of brain dead teenagers that swallow short linear campaigns, copy pasted run and gun quick scope fest multiplayer modes, and yearly titles that offer nothing new but a roster updates and weapon loadouts, piss poor visuals, day one DLC that could have been in the game, and garbage story telling by the truck load. Witcher 2 was the last good PC RPG that held true to it's roots but games like this are becoming more and more rare because of the lucrative consumer that is the spoiled 13 year old brat.


I already preordered Skyrim for the PC and will enjoy it immensely and the modding community will fix most of the problems it will have. I just wish the game could really flex its potential but Bethesda knows the market share isn't with the PC so we get shafted.







But it will be interesting to see if they're leaving any possibilities for modders to mess around with DX11 in Skyrim. I'm sure we'll see some impressive new effects in Skyrim over the years anyway, as OBGE did to Oblivion with godrays, SSAO and all that pure awesomenss you didnt think was possible, DX11(/10) or not.


But I cant drop the dream of seeing a game like Skyrim built for tessellation from start. That would just make things sooo much smoother and...BETTER! :ohmy:

Edited by Mr. Bravo
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DX11 only requires a GPU upgrade

If your running Windows XP you'll need an OS upgrade as well.


And the amount of XP computer players is rather large, which furthers my point above. If you design around Dx11, you're practically cutting them out of the loop.

We dun want no loop cutting D:

Yup nearly 20% still are on XP. You can just take the steam statistics now as the bench mark for actual PC game playing customers when in context to BGS target audience. Their games require it so any global stats are irrelevant to sales of their games.


You only need a DX11 card and Vista/7 to play in DX11 mode. Some games won't support DX9 hardware and OS at all, but it is entirely reasonable to do both. Many, if not most do. It is not totally an either/or case.

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Yep. And I know eventually there will be a day and time where you'll need Dx11 no matter what. Cause I'm pretty sure the next generation of consoles(whenever they do come out) will bring around that "must have Dx11" notion. If not, well then that's just not smart xD Personally (though I'd highly doubt they would do this), I'd like to see Bethesda release the source code for the creation engine, that way modders could go in and just make mods that tailors to and takes full advantage of Dx11. While some people might consider that "lazy", I just call it being thoughtful to the PC guys :P

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Yeah.. source, not happening. Even if they did, I still think they'd disallow any exe recompiling any way.


But something like decipherable shader files would be nice. Editing those files might lead to something like replacing the skin shader with something better looking. tbh I'm not a big fan of the look of their skin.

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Dirt 2, F1 2010, Dirt 3, BFBC2, DX:HR, Medal of Honor and Dragon Age2 are some that spring to mind, I'm sure there are more. I know BF3, F1 2011 and Batman: Arkham City will also support it, every one of them console ports.

BF3 is a PC game first.


Let's wait and see, I've heard "developed for PC" from other developers who were talking rubbish.


Considering EVERY single piece of footage or screenshot we've seen of BF3 has only been from PC's, DICE has already proven that.


On the topic: You do realize that mostly all games are designed around DX9? Sure, you get some that have the Dx11 features added in, but guess what? Even in the PC industry, most consumers still use cards that don't support Dx11. I just recently got a new card myself, which was a signifigant upgrade from what I had before, but still no Dx11. But do I care? No, because I can still pump out amazing looking games without any problems. Sure, might be nice to have a game that's "mostly Dx11", But then you end up having a game tailored to a small number of PC players, and even smaller number of overall consumers. And if that makes you lose interest in what is already coming out to be a freaking amazing game, then that's your loss.


It proves there is a PC version, nothing else.

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I'd like to point out to everyone that you can turn off DX11 in all the games I know which have(which to be fair isn't many) However it can be done and therefore bethesda should have done it that way. It isn't a requirement so much as a feature. Also jhardingame if you bought anything less that a GTX450 recently. You made the wrong choice. Bang for your buck anything less than a 450 is nothing but a paper weight. even the 8800 is a waste of money.


Edit: Here's a cynical thought. What if bethesda know that modder will make the displacement maps for tesselation and maybe even add in the shaders given time. And as such are just getting a bit lazy.

Edited by arcane20
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The only game I can think of that wouldn't run on DX9 was Just Cause 2, if I remember rightly that required DX10 which upset those still clinging on to an aging OS and out of date hardware. (Halo 2 doesn't count, that was nobbled to sell Vista)
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I'd like to point out to everyone that you can turn off DX11 in all the games I know which have(which to be fair isn't many) However it can be done and therefore bethesda should have done it that way. It isn't a requirement so much as a feature. Also jhardingame if you bought anything less that a GTX450 recently. You made the wrong choice. Bang for your buck anything less than a 450 is nothing but a paper weight. even the 8800 is a waste of money.


Edit: Here's a cynical thought. What if bethesda know that modder will make the displacement maps for tesselation and maybe even add in the shaders given time. And as such are just getting a bit lazy.


DA 2 you needed DX11 to run above medium textures. Plus XP doesn't support DX11 as it is officially outdated by Microsoft. Vista can be upgraded to handle it though. I have a GTX 460 so I'm good. Somewhy DA2 flickers textures when I use DX11 wish I could sell that game back I pre-ordered it and beat it and was disappointed.


As for requirements. To run better textures on the games I have it is required. DA2 had this as I explained and so did many others.

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