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and that is different than what we have now....? :unsure:


Same as everything else, it has only been a ruse to trick people into following others with the promise of equality. I'm a really bad cynic when it comes to market politics. :mellow:


Firstly I can post something like this and not worry about being disappeared in the middle of the night....




Secondly we can get rid of the lot of them if enough people cared, sadly they don't but the option is still there.


Thirdly I can work to better myself, under communism you work to serve the state and only the state.


Our system is far from perfect but it could be a lot worse. Time for a Churchill quote me thinks....


“Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time..”
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Thirdly I can work to better myself, under communism you work to serve the state and only the state.


Ultimate goal is no state. The point is that by taking control of manufacturing and business, workers would no longer be exploited for profit. The idea values work and productivity, and gives no value to something like a land owner, saying they are not actually contributing to the economy, they rent out and gain profit, and don't really do anything. Think of it like trimming the fat. Actually democratically deciding how to run the economy is all in there.

Edited by Ghogiel
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Thirdly I can work to better myself, under communism you work to serve the state and only the state.


Ultimate goal is no state. The point is that by taking control of manufacturing and business, workers would no longer be exploited for profit. The idea values work and productivity, and gives no value to something like a land owner, saying they are not actually contributing to the economy, they rent out and gain profit, and don't really do anything. Think of it like trimming the fat. Actually democratically deciding how to run the economy is all in there.

we tried that. and now we have union thugs. Today in Washington they brought bats disguised as protesting signs, and crowbars to work at a port because the port-house decided not o hire union workers. union=thugs. I'm sorry, but it does. Not to mention the group of about 300 armed thugs, dismantled a cargo train the was stopped there, and began tearing down the buildings. The guards of the port who were taken by surprise were locked in a small room (because they locked themselves inside) while the union thugs tored down the walls. The swat team had to come in and break them up.


And this isn't the only case, of the union beings thugs.


I get unions aren't communism, but unions were conceived out of the idea of communism in the mid 18th century. Could be wrong though.

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I would say entirely different things.


Though on the opposite end, at a previous place of work, any form of union that was attempted, the ring leader was always fired, and so the cycle went on. This is a 100million a year turn over company which was in fact hiring illegals and committing tax fraud. It basically was the thugs in this instance. A union might provide protection and in fact legal protection from the illegal exploitation. A classic 2 sides to every coin me thinks.

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Communism is the only ism that tries to do away with the 'elite'.

Yes by firing squads, gulags, transportation for life, all delightfully combined with suppression of free speech.....how could the Russian people be so foolish to have wanted to rid themselves of that utopia?

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People still seem to think communism is a state control by the government under a single leader... Communism has never existed, and it will never exist. Just because someone calls themselves a communist or a socialist, it does not mean that they are.




To get this right, you think Communism could work? Can you explain how exactly?

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To get this right, you think Communism could work? Can you explain how exactly?

Well no. If I could explain how any system would work exactly, I'd have one of the big answers. I'm just pointing out that communism is not Stalinism, a dictatorship, and that anti communist proganda has done a great job of misleading people.


It's a little old and dusty, needs a little updating, but in the future perhaps something along those lines can work. I'd like to think people would get over corruption and recognise exploitation of others on the large scale now, but that is the name of the game atm. we are still in the age of capitalism, so imo that has to run it's course. Probably the only people in the west that are down with the idea of no land ownership are Native Americans who are traditionalists, and well they got evicted.


To sum up my opinion: Too early to bother. On the whole we can't live as equals.

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To get this right, you think Communism could work? Can you explain how exactly?

Well no. If I could explain how any system would work exactly, I'd have one of the big answers. I'm just pointing out that communism is not Stalinism, a dictatorship, and that anti communist proganda has done a great job of misleading people.


It's a little old and dusty, needs a little updating, but in the future perhaps something along those lines can work. I'd like to think people would get over corruption and recognise exploitation of others on the large scale now, but that is the name of the game atm. we are still in the age of capitalism, so imo that has to run it's course. Probably the only people in the west that are down with the idea of no land ownership are Native Americans who are traditionalists, and well they got evicted.


To sum up my opinion: Too early to bother. On the whole we can't live as equals.

I agree with that then.

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