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Space Marine


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A??? What competition would that be from, lucky. A Video card and now Space Marine :rolleyes:



I want in :teehee: :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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I liked it a lot, campaign wasn't great, but I really liked the multiplayer.


Despite some lag, and a few totaly repulsive people(cod players all) it's a very good game if you like 40K, everything it should have done, it has.


I will say, for some balance however, this is very much a console port-massive gamepad support from the word go,(and I would say that if you don't have a high end gamepad you shouldn't even buy it) and limited GFX settings make it obvious that it's been ported over from Xbox360.


This will no doubt vastly offend some pc gamers, but my point stands, if you like 40K, you will like Space Marine. If you're new to 40K, or not a fan, I'd say give it a miss, it's a fans game, and fans will love it, but I don't know if it'd be half average for a non-fanboy.

Edited by Vindekarr
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i played the demo on PS3, i have to say i enjoyed it, but i dont think i would buy it. games are just too expensive to buy a game if your only slightly interested in it. i would deff borrow from a friend though! but none of my friends have PS3s lol
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A??? What competition would that be from, lucky. A Video card and now Space Marine :rolleyes:



I want in :teehee: :teehee:


Ironically, it is from the same place I won the card from. :D Linky. It's locked for South Africans, though.


I'm hearing good things about the multiplayer. Apparently it's giving Gears of War a run for its money.

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If you know of any good sites like that, give me a pm. Especially in the .ca region :thumbsup: Lucky.:biggrin:

So if Dark0ne has a copy of Space marine does that mean there is going ot be a nexus space marine forum in the near future.:whistling: :biggrin:

Edited by Thor.
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A??? What competition would that be from, lucky. A Video card and now Space Marine :rolleyes:



I want in :teehee: :teehee:


Ironically, it is from the same place I won the card from. :D Linky. It's locked for South Africans, though.


I'm hearing good things about the multiplayer. Apparently it's giving Gears of War a run for its money.


Not really, there's a lot of lag, and the ranged combat's a tad funky.


Frankly, I'd say only get it if you're already a 40K fan, if you are, you'll probably love it, but it's not for non-fans, I doubt you'd like it at all if you weren't, there's just too much lag. The gameplay withotu lag is excellent, but the p-2-p systenm means thbat whenever some git with dial-up enters the room, everyone's got dial-up speed even with my 2.1 MBPS internet speed.

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The storyline is just plain terrible. It's cliched to crap with terrible plot holes and I can't for the life of me work out why they decided to go with the Ultramines rather than the Blood Ravens. I honestly have no clue who is running the show at Games Workshop, but the storylines they consistently pump out for the video medium (Ultramarines, the film, was absolutely god AWFUL) are pathetic. Thank god the Black Library, their book division, is absolutely brilliant else they'd have been in the gutter long ago.


The further I get in to the game the more I want to rage at the badness of the plot which, to be fair, is the only reason I'm playing the game because everything this game does, Gears of War does better. The plot to Dawn of War was bad to begin with but they really started to make something of it with DoW 2 and the subsequent expansions, which in my eyes were the best expansions for a video game I've ever played. Brilliant games backed up with good plots that made me replay them several times. They also released a 3-part book to cover the events before, during and after the first games which were average, but interesting for Warhammer fans.


A part of me is glad they chose the Ultramarines because if they'd done this plot with the Blood Ravens I'd have been even more ticked off, and, lets face it, the Ultramarines are the most boring Legion of the lot in the Warhammer universe.


I guess I'm just angry because the Warhammer universe has so much potential but Games Workshop always seem to find a way to screw it up. It's ripe for a live-action movie, and the Americans, a demographic they continuously fail to breach. would love the big guns and big bangs fighting for big stakes nature of the universe. So much potential ruined by terrible decisions.

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The storyline is just plain terrible. It's cliched to crap with terrible plot holes and I can't for the life of me work out why they decided to go with the Ultramines rather than the Blood Ravens. I honestly have no clue who is running the show at Games Workshop, but the storylines they consistently pump out for the video medium (Ultramarines, the film, was absolutely god AWFUL) are pathetic. Thank god the Black Library, their book division, is absolutely brilliant else they'd have been in the gutter long ago.


The further I get in to the game the more I want to rage at the badness of the plot which, to be fair, is the only reason I'm playing the game because everything this game does, Gears of War does better. The plot to Dawn of War was bad to begin with but they really started to make something of it with DoW 2 and the subsequent expansions, which in my eyes were the best expansions for a video game I've ever played. Brilliant games backed up with good plots that made me replay them several times. They also released a 3-part book to cover the events before, during and after the first games which were average, but interesting for Warhammer fans.


A part of me is glad they chose the Ultramarines because if they'd done this plot with the Blood Ravens I'd have been even more ticked off, and, lets face it, the Ultramarines are the most boring Legion of the lot in the Warhammer universe.


I guess I'm just angry because the Warhammer universe has so much potential but Games Workshop always seem to find a way to screw it up. It's ripe for a live-action movie, and the Americans, a demographic they continuously fail to breach. would love the big guns and big bangs fighting for big stakes nature of the universe. So much potential ruined by terrible decisions.


What about the multiplayer? Speaking for myself I havent made my mind up yet, the one in ten lag-free game is pretty darn good, but the other nine just make me wonder why Im even playing. I was initialy very impressed, but it's starting to wear off as I get near to level 41. Very quickly to level 41...


I will say that Im glad it was the Ultramarines, I was truly sick of the Blood Ravens, I didn't like them to begin with, and I just got more sick of them, their colours, and everything they hold dear with every successive sequal. Ultramarines, though even more monotone, were atleast monotone blue, which was a nice change from monotone mud-red. I want to see some Space Wolves games, or Blood Angels games, just someone, anyone, with a little less persona non grata.

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