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Space Marine


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The background to the Blood Ravens was great, because it was a legion that had no clue of its origins along with a very worryingly high amount of mutation and psykers that led to a compelling story. You wanted to know how it was going to end and the hints to their founding, that all point to them originating from the heretical Thousand Sons, are very interesting.


Similarly I am a big fan of the Eldar as almost all the plot lines involving the Eldar contain a Shakespearean disastrous irony akin to "if we'd told them sooner, this would have been prevented, and if they'd listened when we finally told them, this would have been prevented". Gabriel's link with the Eldar is very well done in the Dawn of War books and it provides a good light in to the Blood Ravens thinking, and the conflict within their own ranks that eventually leads to either their fall to Chaos, or their fight against their corrupted brethren, all the while trying to keep the amount of corruption in their ranks as far away from the ears of the Inquisition as possible.


Orks, Tyranids and Necrons are the dullest enemies in the Warhammer 40k universe as they only fight for the sake of fighting, it's in their nature, there's no motive. Chaos can be interesting but the sheer insult Chaos Marines are to Space Marines are never portrayed properly in films or video games, and the Chaos plans are never very interesting. Games Workshop really need to conclude the 13th Black Crusade. Have Abaddon get of Cadia and really cause some crap.


Have you read any of the Horus Heresy books?

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The storyline is just plain terrible. It's cliched to crap with terrible plot holes and I can't for the life of me work out why they decided to go with the Ultramines rather than the Blood Ravens. I honestly have no clue who is running the show at Games Workshop, but the storylines they consistently pump out for the video medium (Ultramarines, the film, was absolutely god AWFUL) are pathetic. Thank god the Black Library, their book division, is absolutely brilliant else they'd have been in the gutter long ago.



That's a shame :armscrossed: I was quite excited for this when I saw the trailer. Ah well, I guess it'll save me money so that's a plus.


As for future 40k games, I think I'd really like to see a game set on a space marine cruiser. The game design would be based around a strong narrative rather than combat. Your ship would become damaged and you suspect sabotage. The game would then be more of a who dunnit scenario, with a company of marines stranded aboard a vessel in deep space and not sure who to trust. I think it could make for a really atmospheric game, as well as allow tons of lore to come through via dialouge, notes or computer terminals. There would also be combat but it wouldn't the main focus. Maybe space battles ala StarWars: Battle Front 2, or gears-style corridor fighting.


I just finished playing Deux Ex: human revolution so my standard for video game plots is currently at an all time high. :tongue:

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I think from how the Boardgame plays out and how this game showed what would happen to those THREE marines in a Ork Horde was great! Multiplayer does have its balance issues (Get Lazcannoned in the head yet?). As someone who played Fire Warrior, which was one of the first of the Warhammer 40k Games released, Space Marine seemed like a logical movement for them. Oh, and Dark, the reason they went with Ultramarines is due to how many people actually play them in the minatures. Everywhere I go in my area its Ultramarines or go home, and they also use the Ultramarines as the posterboys for the Space Marine codex.
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I did find the story a little cliched, but the story isn't over yet! I have been hearing on the THQ forums from the big lore boys that that Inquisitor that picked Titus in the end might also be possessed at this time in the timeline. We also haven't seen how Titus became resistant in the first place so my guess this could be considered the opening act. But as for the combat I loved it, it felt beefy escepcially the Bolter.


@Atalish yes I have even got Lascannoned to the head, and have done it many times as well. Though I much preffer my Bolter even at lvl 41 :)

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I did find the story a little cliched, but the story isn't over yet! I have been hearing on the THQ forums from the big lore boys that that Inquisitor that picked Titus in the end might also be possessed at this time in the timeline. We also haven't seen how Titus became resistant in the first place so my guess this could be considered the opening act. But as for the combat I loved it, it felt beefy escepcially the Bolter.


@Atalish yes I have even got Lascannoned to the head, and have done it many times as well. Though I much preffer my Bolter even at lvl 41 :)


Try True Grit then. I love my Bolter/Chainsword dual wield.

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Its a good thing i didn't buy it coming from all the negative feed back from Dark0ne :teehee:


Hmm putting money down on Diablo 3 collectors edition if there is one??

Edited by Thor.
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