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Forgiveness for banned modders


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Being a great modder or a great member of the community would never grant you absolute dowhateverthehellyouwant status. Even moderators and admins don't have this, and Dark0ne is ultimately in charge.
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As it is some modders are given way, way more than the benefit of the doubt on many, many things. And we get attacked on this policy. However we know that some modders have a particularly rough time with certain elements of this community and they are exposed to more griefing and trolling than other mod authors, so we give them more leniency, more chances, and more warnings before the inevitable banning happens.


I cannot tell you how much it pisses me off when I know a mod author like the ones above has received 3 or more warnings to cut-back on their replies to trolls and let us handle them, with a stern word that they'll be banned if they continue, and then sign-on the next morning to find they've been banned because they once again ignored our warnings. We then become the bad-guys because the mod author was liked by many, or had a popular mod or two, and we "didn't give them a chance". It's a :facepalm: moment.


We do have a ban appeal system, at the moment it's down due to the site redesign but if people email me they'll be read. Unfortunately some modders use the appeal system to tell us how evil we are, how they should be allowed back on the site because lots of people liked their mods and how if we don't they'll do x, y or z (where x = post on every forum how badly we treated them, y = make their own site that will beat the Nexus and z = sue us for breach of the American constitution/human rights). At which point I just shake my head and ignore them, because if they can't say sorry or admit they were wrong then...well...not worth my time.


It takes guts to admit you were wrong and apologise, and we respect that. We don't respect the "we're bigger than this community" crap talk we often get, and we feel vindicated in banning the individual when we get these sorts of messages.


Mod authors have been unbanned in the past, there are some active right now who can attest to that, we just want to be sure that they've learned their lesson and won't do it again.

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I have been told by quite a few moderators to not feed the trolls, but truthfully most the time I do not even really realize that I am being trolled.

I like to stand up for my or other modders work, and when someone insults or is just down right rude beyond belief (which I know was the case in one of these modders banning) I can see why a modder would just throw up their hands and snap at the total asshat.


I mean who really goes around talking down to a modder because a mod that was made over a year ago would conflict, so they shouldnt be even releaseing their mod then?






But yeah sadly I do not think that giving popular modders or members more leeway would be a good thing, I have known many "popular" modders and members who are complete jackasses and thieves.

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In the last year or so, I have seen a of my favourite mod authors banned, and their work no longer accessible by the community. These instances have left me feeling, sad, confused and a little angry. Not having all the facts, though, I have managed for the most part to keep my thoughts on the subject to myself. That said, I believe that a "two-tier" justice system would be a bad idea. Like Arthmoor mentioned earlier, "selective justice is bad, and it leads to revolution". It might also create a perceived "class system" here and that is not appropriate. The rules and regulations apply to everyone equally, and that is how it should be.


I understand where djmystro is coming from and I am glad this was brought up for discussion, but I cannot agree with the idea.

Edited by Druuler
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I can agree that no one deserves special treatment based upon their talent. As a noob modder without a lot of talent, i would probably be one of many who would likley be inclined to acheve a bit of fanfare for talented modders, and the thought of them getting banned is potentially cringing at face value simply because we enjoted their work. I believe freud called it a parataxial distortion. I think the big thing that gets people like me is there is no closure, in that i hear this person got banned but dont get that closure to see that they were in fact being not so nice. I mean, earache42 was before my time here but people like ccmechanic2 the other day, i am unable to see what he did, i have a natural feeling of sadness cuz he had helped me and others extensivley. But if i knew what he did, i would be more inclined to shake my head in discust, and go - wow, i never knew?



Dont get me wrong, i laugh with extreme hilarity when i see LHammonds catch a troll and proudly display his troll logo, and when buddah has a pirate walk the plank,, but i sometimes am left permanently wondering what happened to some of those bigger modders cuz it was not publicly displayed...

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Just an old man rambling.


Here is a hint on your appeals.


Don't tell us what someone else did, it won't wash with us. You were banned for your actions, you may have been baited, but there is a report button on every forum post/topic; you will be held accountable for your actions.


Make demands and it will be summarily ignored, if you have been banned you have no standing as you are no longer part of the community.


Threats will get you no where and most we find utterly amusing.


If you have been banned for expressing your opinion, don't reiterate it in the appeal.......telling us you have rights is ridiculous; you have no rights here, you have privileges that are granted to all members, abuse them and lose them.


You do have an absolute right to your opinion, where and how you express them is your choice. I suggest that you choose wisely.


Just saying your are sorry is not going to cut it.


Now the important part:


The appeal process is a one and done procedure, once you submit your appeal there are no do overs....what you write is what will be looked at. It is up to you to tell us what you intend to do if reinstated.


Yes we do reinstate accounts, in fact I just did one !


If you have specific questions, feel free to contact me by pm...I may be able to enlighten you. Do remember our of respect for privacy we may not divulge certain information.


Here is a link to the unban form: this form You must use your user name and password from the banned account to submit your appeal.



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