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Should the government be involved in job creation


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It's the governments job to create an environment where business can flourish, do that and the jobs will take care of themselves.

It is not the government's job to create such an environment; one of the government's job is to protect citizens from harming each other (basically). If it does its job right, the people will automatically create the environment you speak of.

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It's the governments job to create an environment where business can flourish, do that and the jobs will take care of themselves.

It is not the government's job to create such an environment; one of the government's job is to protect citizens from harming each other (basically). If it does its job right, the people will automatically create the environment you speak of.


Governments are responsible for fiscal policy, regulation and taxation, all of these shape the environment which we conduct business in.

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Governments are responsible for fiscal policy, regulation and taxation, all of these shape the environment which we conduct business in.


That's your opinion, regulation is not a power explicitly granted in the Constitution. All powers not expressed in the Constitution are to be handled by the individual states. The federal government could make the environment better for businesses by keeping their hands off the market. Clearly, the government's regulations here have only chased jobs overseas, even before the collapse of the economy, which was caused by artificially inflating our currency. This wouldn't have been possible if our government followed the constitution, which states that only gold and silver may be legal tender.

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It's the governments job to create an environment where business can flourish, do that and the jobs will take care of themselves.

It is not the government's job to create such an environment; one of the government's job is to protect citizens from harming each other (basically). If it does its job right, the people will automatically create the environment you speak of.


Governments are responsible for fiscal policy, regulation and taxation, all of these shape the environment which we conduct business in.

That's true, and they should try to take that into consideration and try not to affect business environments negatively, but it is not their job to create such environments in the first place.

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Governments are responsible for fiscal policy, regulation and taxation, all of these shape the environment which we conduct business in.


That's your opinion, regulation is not a power explicitly granted in the Constitution. All powers not expressed in the Constitution are to be handled by the individual states. The federal government could make the environment better for businesses by keeping their hands off the market. Clearly, the government's regulations here have only chased jobs overseas, even before the collapse of the economy, which was caused by artificially inflating our currency. This wouldn't have been possible if our government followed the constitution, which states that only gold and silver may be legal tender.



The government bypassed the constitution a long time ago, by bribing the states with their own tax money. Block grants here. Highway assistance there. I bet if the framers of the constituion knew what the government would do with the general welfare clause, they would have worded the thing differently

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Governments are responsible for fiscal policy, regulation and taxation, all of these shape the environment which we conduct business in.


That's your opinion, regulation is not a power explicitly granted in the Constitution. All powers not expressed in the Constitution are to be handled by the individual states. The federal government could make the environment better for businesses by keeping their hands off the market. Clearly, the government's regulations here have only chased jobs overseas, even before the collapse of the economy, which was caused by artificially inflating our currency. This wouldn't have been possible if our government followed the constitution, which states that only gold and silver may be legal tender.


What you're describing is governmental incompetence, what we see today on both sides of the pond is a direct result of government interference in the market and politicians pandering to a fiscally illiterate electorate. Taxation should be there for things like defence and law enforcement, not to bribe the electorate or give corporate welfare to those who bankroll you. Regulation needs to ensure that monopolies don't form thus promoting competition, it also should be used to make sure products don't kill the consumer and heavy industry doesn't turn the country into a toxic wasteland. Regulation should not involve telling companies what colour people to employ, how much to pay staff and all the other nonsense western governments have become obsessed with. If common sense wasn't such an alien concept to our political class then things would not be anywhere near as bad as they now, in fact government could play a positive roll.




That's true, and they should try to take that into consideration and try not to affect business environments negatively, but it is not their job to create such environments in the first place.


Ultimately lawmakers do create the environment, keep taxes low and regulation minimal and we get a business friendly environment. Tax the hell of out business to fund an ever increasing state and you get what we see in the U.S and E.U. Government also has a role to play in when it comes to exports, they're the ones who negotiate agreements with those governing overseas markets. There is a lot government can do, sadly these days our political class is full of brain dead baboons with very little knowledge of anything outside of politics.

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That's true, and they should try to take that into consideration and try not to affect business environments negatively, but it is not their job to create such environments in the first place.


Ultimately lawmakers do create the environment, keep taxes low and regulation minimal and we get a business friendly environment. Tax the hell of out business to fund an ever increasing state and you get what we see in the U.S and E.U. Government also has a role to play in when it comes to exports, they're the ones who negotiate agreements with those governing overseas markets. There is a lot government can do, sadly these days our political class is full of brain dead baboons with very little knowledge of anything outside of politics.

Oh, I think I get it now.


I believe that, were government to be omitted entirely, business-friendly environments would create themselves*. However, government exists, and it currently has such a great effect on the business atmosphere, that it does essentially decide what that atmosphere is like. Therefore, while that wasn't originally one of its intended functions, I suppose the government must also maintain a good business atmosphere, and therefore I think that we are in agreement.


*Keep in mind that I'm not saying that government should be done away with, I'm just giving an example situation.

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