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Should the government be involved in job creation


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Your seriously saying anyone could find a job if they want to?


Are you not aware of our economic crisis?


The main reason we are in this economic crisis is because the government got involved in areas it shouldn't be getting involved in. Like telling banks who they should be loaning more money to.

Right, because the government regulating banks is what caused the crisis.



I am sure someone else can reply to that better then I can. HeyYou and others can tell you why that is the complete opposite of what happened. If no one else replies I guess I will, but I am pretty terrible at writing about economic things.

Edited by marharth
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Your seriously saying anyone could find a job if they want to?


Are you not aware of our economic crisis?


The main reason we are in this economic crisis is because the government got involved in areas it shouldn't be getting involved in. Like telling banks who they should be loaning more money to.

Right, because the government regulating banks is what caused the crisis.



I am sure someone else can reply to that better then I can. HeyYou and others can tell you why that is the complete opposite of what happened. If no one else replies I guess I will, but I am pretty terrible at writing about economic things.


If you look at history, I think the Carter Administration started policies which helped low income people get housing they could not otherwise afford. I'm sure the banks were delighted to get government money to subsidize these loans, but just as with any good intention, the government didn't follow through and regulate the use of this policy. They gave guidelines that the banks, in their zeal for profit staked the deck against us all and the deck fell on all of us.







All this began a long time ago, with a very good intending President. The bureaucrats care only for job security, theirs, and the banks care only for their bottom line.

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Your seriously saying anyone could find a job if they want to?


Are you not aware of our economic crisis?


The main reason we are in this economic crisis is because the government got involved in areas it shouldn't be getting involved in. Like telling banks who they should be loaning more money to.

Right, because the government regulating banks is what caused the crisis.



I am sure someone else can reply to that better then I can. HeyYou and others can tell you why that is the complete opposite of what happened. If no one else replies I guess I will, but I am pretty terrible at writing about economic things.


If you look at history, I think the Carter Administration started policies which helped low income people get housing they could not otherwise afford. I'm sure the banks were delighted to get government money to subsidize these loans, but just as with any good intention, the government didn't follow through and regulate the use of this policy. They gave guidelines that the banks, in their zeal for profit staked the deck against us all and the deck fell on all of us.







All this began a long time ago, with a very good intending President. The bureaucrats care only for job security, theirs, and the banks care only for their bottom line.




Giving loans to people that can't afford to pay them back is a recipe for disaster. I blame our government 100% for the current economic situation. I'm not going to single out one administration, its the entire government over many years that is responsible for this. Obama is contributing to the problems instead of solving them, which will in turn make the worse.

Edited by crimsonblade1
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Your seriously saying anyone could find a job if they want to?


Are you not aware of our economic crisis?


The main reason we are in this economic crisis is because the government got involved in areas it shouldn't be getting involved in. Like telling banks who they should be loaning more money to.


I'm not one for conspiracy theories but it's hard to believe that our financial institutions, regulators and politicians could be guilty of incompetence on such a grand scale. It was obvious from the mid 00s that this was all going to end in tears. Governments were borrowing staggering sums of money that would have required ridiculous levels of growth to keep up with, banks were not only throwing money at people who were never going to repay it but they were also lending it to governments whose economies were disasters waiting to happen.


Note how none of those responsible for this mess are picking up the bill for it. The regulators that failed so spectacularly are still in work, politicians are still lining their pockets and the financial institutions are making a killing from debt repayments on debts run up to bail them out. The ordinary tax paying citizen is being robbed, it's a transfer of wealth on an unimaginable scale.

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Your seriously saying anyone could find a job if they want to?


Are you not aware of our economic crisis?


The main reason we are in this economic crisis is because the government got involved in areas it shouldn't be getting involved in. Like telling banks who they should be loaning more money to.


I'm not one for conspiracy theories but it's hard to believe that our financial institutions, regulators and politicians could be guilty of incompetence on such a grand scale. It was obvious from the mid 00s that this was all going to end in tears. Governments were borrowing staggering sums of money that would have required ridiculous levels of growth to keep up with, banks were not only throwing money at people who were never going to repay it but they were also lending it to governments whose economies were disasters waiting to happen.


Note how none of those responsible for this mess are picking up the bill for it. The regulators that failed so spectacularly are still in work, politicians are still lining their pockets and the financial institutions are making a killing from debt repayments on debts run up to bail them out. The ordinary tax paying citizen is being robbed, it's a transfer of wealth on an unimaginable scale.


Its not a conspiracy theory, their policies are pretty well documented. There have been a multitude of very incompetent people elected over the years from both political parties.

Edited by crimsonblade1
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Its all about immediate gratification, vs. Long term security. Most of the folks seem to be rather short-sighted, and only care about what will make me the most money, RIGHT NOW. Doesn't matter that these same policies will turn around and bite you in the keester in a few years, and end up costing you more than you have made... that's in the future, and the future doesn't matter. So long as I get my share of the pie RIGHT NOW. Gotta keep those stockholders happy, even if you are setting them up to be bankrupt next week.
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Its all about immediate gratification, vs. Long term security. Most of the folks seem to be rather short-sighted, and only care about what will make me the most money, RIGHT NOW. Doesn't matter that these same policies will turn around and bite you in the keester in a few years, and end up costing you more than you have made... that's in the future, and the future doesn't matter. So long as I get my share of the pie RIGHT NOW. Gotta keep those stockholders happy, even if you are setting them up to be bankrupt next week.



The government opened the door but banks prospered by it and had an out for less than scrupulous behavior. What got me is the commissions from the bailout money, we gave them, to save their butts, were paid to their executives for them screwing up.


The people at the Fed had a hankering for porno, if I remember right. So they were looking the other way. Our tax dollars in action.


Now, this unholy alliance is trying to get us out of a hole they have left us in, when they were the only ones to benefit by it. To big to fail means they are too big.

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Your seriously saying anyone could find a job if they want to?


Are you not aware of our economic crisis?


i didnt say everyone can find a job, i said everyone can work.


the problem is, ppl dont look anymore, they just go on welfare, cause their big toe prevents them from working.



and the government getting involved in areas it shouldnt have IS what caused the crisis. Where in the Constitution does it say, it is the Governments job to bail out companies that are going bankrupt? it doesnt. you know why? because this is a Capitalist country. businesses go out of business. its how it works, and it is not the responsibility of the government, not matter how big the business was, to bail them out. there is no such thing as "Too Big to Fail." that whole scenario was trillions of dollars, tax dollers, to bail out companies, unions. god damn unions.


also getting loans from China doesnt help either. China practically owns americas balls right now.


Wellfare, Medicade, Medicare, Social Security, all a waste of money at this point. the government has been dipping in the SS for years, even though its bone dry. people go on SS years before they are eligible. i have a multiple cousins (they are a family) that went on SS at like 15. pretty sure ur supposed to be like in your 60s. idr the exact age, like 62 or something, but it was made for retired folks, who worked their whole lives and want to live comfortable in their final years. now its given to those who just are lazy, not that there is anything left in the fund anyways....when it was started there were something like 50 people paying for 1 person, the number is now like 1 person paying for 50 people (again idr the exact statistics)....we should have the option to not pay into this stuff. i shouldnt have to pay taxes from my hard earned paycheck for other people to use. if people want to do that, fine. but there should be an option if i want to keep my SS taxes for myself, since its supposed to go to me anyways. if i want to help other ppl, ill donate money, via my own choice.



in the end, taxes kill everything. but its not taxes, its the government raising taxes to solve everything. then they say they will lower it to get votes, they say ya we will lower it by 1% which really means it will go up 9% instead of 10%. taxes are a necessity, but when i see $600+ on my check gross total, and im taking home around $400 or less, ya wtf. and where does it go? idk....the government wants to tax u, but not themselves. some of the biggest tax evaders are government officials. actually one of the biggest ones was head of the IRS. they want all of us to work our buts off to give out money to others, when those others should just go work their buts off themselves.


something my mom posted on facebook today:


I recently asked my neighbors' little girl what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President some day. 'If you were President what would be the first thing you would do ?'

She replied, 'I'd give food and houses to all the homeless people.'


'Wow...what a worthy goal.' I told her, 'But you don't have to wait until you're President to do that! You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim my hedge, and I'll pay you $50. Then I'll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house.'


She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, 'Why doesn't the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50? '


it was actually a Democrat vs Republican joke (granted my family is independent) but i took those lines out since thats not the issue here. i post this here because this seems to be the mentality of the government and of a lot of america. why should i work when i can just live off the government.


ive rambled on long enough. sorry :P

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Mind explaining how someone got on SS at 15?


You do realize that social security is a separate tax system then other funding right? It is a separate system completely, not mixed in with military funding and such.


The idea that charities and family can take care of everyone is simply false. It does not work like that.


People can't find work, its not easy to get a job now days. Its not because of welfare or any of that, if it was we would have had the same problems under Clinton.

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