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Ashton Silo choices? (SPOILER)


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After reading though this thread, I have to say I agree with those who are calling bullspit on this one. What sane person would take the chance?


I take it there's still no mod out there that allows for an alternate path, like cancelling or disabling the launch sequence before entering?

I would LOVE a MOD to change the story/path of LR!!! It's a pretty cool DLC but, it definitely has it's WTF moments.




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it's linear... but it's a DLC... i mean considering how non-liner NV as a whole is... wouldn't worry too much about the DLCs being linear... Dead Money and Lonesome Road quests, until the very end, are pretty linear but that's okay by me

I didn't like the linear nature of Dead Money either, but at least it had some great characters and humor. Plus the choices I made I could live with, and had no real choice but to go forward. Wheras in Lonesome Road the only reasonable choice is to just leave the Divide and let Ulysses stew in his own self pity. Sorry, but after DLC like Old World Blues, they set the bar pretty high for what you can achieve in DLC. And they failed by a couriers mile and then some. Hell, OWB had a set of armor with more personality than everyone in Lonesome Road put together, and the dome brains had me rolling on the floor in laughter. It is as if they said 'Hey OWB was an incredible success, lets do the exact opposite for the final DLC to try to make up for us forgetting to add a backstory to the Courier in the main game.'


Really disappointed with Obsidian on this to be honest. If FO1 had been like this, I would never have gotten to FO2.




So, not sure what you are talking about.. That nuke doesn't hit anything but another part of that area, which actually opens up another area for you to explore and an achievement. It has nothing to do with playing a good guy or a bad guy. What you do when given a choice at the final showdown with Ulysses is the point where you decide who to wipe off the map, if you even decide to. Theres nothing here about being good or bad, each side considers the other the "bad guys" and themselves as "good guys", and nuking your enemy is never a "bad guy" decision. I believe you are over analyzing the middle of this DLC, to be honest. Just my opinion...

How do I know that? I mean in the middle of the DLC I just opened a silo knowing a nuke would launch. No idea who it is really going to hit. No idea if it will just pop out 10 feet and explode in my face. Its nice that you tell me it does not hit anyone, but honestly, how did I know that when I pulled that lever? I didn't, so there is no way a good and intelligent character would have done what I did. I did it to progress a quest line, and thats it. I am about to do the showdown with Ulysses, but I already feel 'wrong'. This playthrough is just off now. My character is a grade A idiot or a psychopath (or both). I like neither option http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/sad.gif


You have another option, Split Personality Disorder caused by massive head trauma. You can thank "Maria" for that one.

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I guess I don't understand the original question... When I first played through LR, I first came to console in front of a missile silo that I used to open a door. I then come to another console just like it, triggered it thinking it would open a door, and to my surprise, a nuke goes off. Did I miss something that would have informed me that the nuke would be launched?

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I guess I don't understand the original question... When I first played through LR, I first came to console in front of a missile silo that I used to open a door. I then come to another console just like it, triggered it thinking it would open a door, and to my surprise, a nuke goes off. Did I miss something that would have informed me that the nuke would be launched?


It states that the door won't open until the final part of the launch sequence has been finished...

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I thought it would pop out, at no point that it would launch. More importantly, morality is no morality where there is no choice but to walk away. Moreover, even if *I* knew it would launch, the character could not. All they see it a console that might open a sealed door. Big U set this up, Big U holds the responsibility, especially as the only reason MY Courier would come to the divide is because she rightly fears Big U got the launch and configuration codes from Big MT and can launch at will, something that proves to be almost correct. Big U tries to bate you in moral dilemmas HE'S set up so HE bears responsibility for them. That nuke wouldn't launch out with Big U's interference, or he would have launched it when he went through the bunker.

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  • 6 years later...

I know this thread is long dead now, but if anybody happens to look at this and still wanted to work on a mod to help rectify the ashton missile launch issue you could maybe just have Ulysses contact The Courier through ED-E as you're leaving The Divide and say something about how you surprised him or how he misread The Courier or whatever, then award the player with the +1 special.

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