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whos ready for BF3 beta!!!


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first off this game isnt as pretty as E3 footage. doesnt look like it has the high-rez textures on beta.


there's only one map right now and it doesnt have vehicles. it also isnt a 64 player map. doesnt matter you wont have trouble finding people to shoot. lighting effect are awesome, putting a flash light on your gun will blind enemies and reduce their accuracy, someone pointing a laser sight on your head will light up your screen red, sniper scopes will reflex light if you look at them straight on.


the weapons feel great been only using LMG and only the SAW249 after i unlocked it. weapons have 3 accessories. like bi-pads use can use just about anywhere.


this game is also launched from your web browser which is alittle weird.

Edited by hector530
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Sounds like fun :D


As far as the high-res stuff goes, they probably didn't include it to allow better performance on lower systems right off the bat.

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I'm trying to get into the servers on the 360, but nothing has been happening for about half an hour now. I had a controller hitting 'A' on turbo and nada. D:


I'm guessing it is because the servers are so overloaded with people. Maybe tonight things will calm down and I can get some time in.

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DICE continue to go back in PC usability.


  • Server browser/game launching through a browser. Quake live works because that's the whole point of Quake Live, it's Quake 3 in your browser. This is not Quake Live.
  • Cannot access the "Escape" menu when dead, so you cannot change options/key bindings/exit the game when you're dead. Stupid.
  • Cannot exit the game at the end of a round, have to wait for the map to reload which is a forced 40 second wait. Ridiculous.
  • Cannot change your mouse bindings in the game, which is a problem dating all the way back to Battlefield 2. Want to melee with your middle mouse button? Run with your browser-back button? You can't without changing config files. Just plain dumb.
  • Have to wait for my game to "save" before I can redeploy on my squad. Every. Single. Time. What is it saving!?
  • In the spirit of beta testing I reported the bug that meant people can prone in to the ground at the start of the map (in the park).


The game looks and basically plays like a Call of Duty clone and the demo map is very uninspiring.


Utterly unimpressed.

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